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©2014 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved Designing Documents, Slides, and Screens Module Five Copyright © 2014 by The McGraw-Hill Companies,

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1 ©2014 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved Designing Documents, Slides, and Screens Module Five Copyright © 2014 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. McGraw-Hill/Irwin

2 Learning Objectives LO 5-1 Apply strategies for paper page design. LO 5-2 Apply strategies for presentation slide design. LO 5-3 Apply strategies for web page design. LO 5-4 Apply strategies for design tests. LO 5-5 Apply strategies for computer use in design. LO 5-6 Recognize questions about design while writing. 5-2

3 Good Document Design  Saves time and money.  Reduces legal problems.  Builds goodwill.  Looks inviting, friendly, and easy-to-read.  Enhances your credibility.  Builds an image of you as professional and competent. 5-3

4 How should I design paper pages?  Use white space for separation and emphasis.  Use headings to group points.  Limit the use of words set in all CAPS.  Use no more than two fonts.  Decide whether to justify margins based on the situation and the audience. 5-4

5 Use White Space To create white space:  Use headings  Use a mix of paragraph lengths.  Use lists. 5-5

6 Use Headings  Headings  words or short phrases that group points and divide your letter, memo, or report into sections. 5-6

7 Use Headings  Make headings specific.  Make each heading cover all the material until the next heading.  Keep headings at any one level parallel: all nouns, all complete sentences, or all questions. 5-7

8 Examples of Different Fonts 5-8 Figure 5.4

9 Choice of Margins  Use justified margins when you  Can use proportional typefaces.  Want a more formal look.  Want to use as few pages as possible.  Write to skilled readers. 5-9

10 Choice of Margins  Use ragged margins when you  Do not have proportional typefaces.  Want a less formal look.  Want to revise one page without reprinting all.  Use very short line lengths. 5-10

11 How should I design presentation slides?  Use a big font.  Use bullet-point phrases.  Use clear, concise language and appropriate clip art.  Make only three to five points per slide.  Customize your slides with the company logo, charts, and scanned-in photos and drawings 5-11

12 Effective and Ineffective Colors for Presentation Slides 5-12

13 How should I design Web pages?  Provide an introductory statement on the first screen.  Offer an overview of the content of your page.  Include information that will be most interesting and useful to most readers.  Use small graphics; keep animation to a minimum. 5-13

14 To Design Web Pages continued  Include a Skip Intro button if you have an animated introduction page.  Provide visual variety.  Unify multiple pages.  On each page, provide a link to the home page. 5-14

15 How do I know whether my design works?  To know whether your design is functional, test it with your audience.  Watch someone as he or she uses the document to do a task.  Ask the reader to describe the thought process after completing the document and the task. 5-15

16 How do I know whether my design works?  Test the document with the people who are most likely to have trouble with it  Ask readers to put a plus sign ( + ) in the margins by any part of the document they like or agree with and a minus sign ( - ) by any part that seems confusing or wrong. 5-16

17 Using Computers to Create Good Design  Different versions of word processors handle commands differently.  Choose a businesslike font in 11- or 12-point type.  Times Roman, Palatino, Helvetica, and Arial are the most commonly used business fonts.  Use bold headings.  Avoid having a heading all by itself at the bottom of the page. 5-17

18 Using Computers to Create Good Design  Change your tab settings to create good visual impact.  To save paper, use print preview to see the document’s final appearance. 5-18

19 When should I think about design?  As you plan, think about your audience.  As you write, incorporate lists and headings.  Get feedback from people who will be using your document.  As you revise, check your draft against the guidelines in this module. 5-19

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