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Purchasing Directors’ Meeting July 17, 2008. 2 Agenda Gilmore Services Bureau A Bureau B Training and Certification MFMP Reminder About Next Meeting Date.

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Presentation on theme: "Purchasing Directors’ Meeting July 17, 2008. 2 Agenda Gilmore Services Bureau A Bureau B Training and Certification MFMP Reminder About Next Meeting Date."— Presentation transcript:

1 Purchasing Directors’ Meeting July 17, 2008

2 2 Agenda Gilmore Services Bureau A Bureau B Training and Certification MFMP Reminder About Next Meeting Date Purchasing Directors’ Meeting July 17, 2008

3 3 Agenda Gilmore Services Bureau A Bureau B Training and Certification MFMP Reminder About Next Meeting Date Purchasing Directors’ Meeting July 17, 2008

4 Gilmore Services………. Time is Money

5 COMPANY DATA  53 Year old Pensacola based, privately held, 3 rd generation family owned, diversified business services company  Company offering concentrates on a complimentary core of document/data/ information management services  45 employees serving 1,700 customers committed to a long held company policy which demands that the customer is ALWAYS right.  Custom tailored services and schedules to meet virtually any need.

6 DOCUMENT SHREDDING  Point to point GPS tracking  NAID AAA Certified  314+ tons/day capacity  Detailed billing  Certified Destruction  Video monitoring  Off-Site Service  On-Site Service  Bulk or monthly  Mobile Fleet  100% recycled

7 Gilmore Difference Gilmore Shred-it CSR NAID Certified X On-site XXX Off-site X Plant based operations X X Magnetic media X CD/TapesX Years in business 53 12 3 Vehicle count 257 1 Personnel 45 15 2 Shredding capacity (tons/day) 314 168 36 Shredding speed (lbs/hr) 7K 2K 3K Multiple sized containers XX



10 Why NAID Certification? NAID was founded to stop intentional fraudulent disposal of confidential materials by shredding service operators. NAID was also founded to stop unintentional fraud.

11 Questions to ask your time based fees shred service provider. Why only have one service person working? Why not offer off-site services? Why not have multiple sized containers to choose from? Why do you use trucks one fourth the speed of the industry standard? Are you NAID certified?

12 What Gilmore customers have to say

13 13 Agenda Gilmore Services Bureau A Bureau B Training and Certification MFMP Reminder About Next Meeting Date Purchasing Directors’ Meeting July 17, 2008

14 14 Bureau A Contract Updates New Contracts: –Recycling Services for End of Life Electronics, effective July 22 –Ice Machines, effective July 30 Contract Expirations: –Food Service Operations: June 30 Solicitations in Development: –Ammunition Mark Lovell, 487-2304 –Floor Maintenance Machines Mina Barekat, 488-1985

15 15 Bureau A Activity Updates Energy & Transportation Team: –Aviation fuel project update –Motor vehicles update –Ethanol (E-10) solicitation results Furnishings & Institutional Supplies Team: –Carpet: amending contract to remove RFQ requirement MRO & Law Enforcement Team: –Body armor updates –Finalizing MRO data analysis SPAs & Special Projects Team: –Investigating document storage category –Analyzing sales on paging services (expires 9/12) –Researching standard “green” language –Amended the HIRE contract to add Smith’s Detection

16 16 Agenda Gilmore Services Bureau A Bureau B Training and Certification MFMP Reminder About Next Meeting Date Purchasing Directors’ Meeting July 17, 2008

17 17 Bureau B Contract Updates New Contracts: –None to report Contract Expirations: –Old IT Hardware, July 31st (Printers temporarily to ACS) –Computer Software Training – Extension Solicitations in Development: –Supplements to PCs and laptops (ruggedized and Mac-OS) Mark Foss, 488-1086 –Software Phase 1 (Mainframe) Lori Potts, 487-4196 –Computer Assisted Legal Research Ommet Mbiza, 488-7804 –Gift Card Michael Bailey, 487-0417

18 18 Bureau B Activity Updates Technology & Telecommunications Team: –Telephony ITN in final stages of negotiations –IT Hardware Network Infrastructure in final stages of negotiations –Survey for AV contract replacement is out –RFI for mainframe software providers is out Office Supplies & Equipment, Avis, Pharmaceuticals Team: –Office Depot audit has been provided to the DMS IG Office –DHL zip code tool online for service reduction –Meadwestvaco punchout to go live without inside delivery as a catalog item –Travel Services suspended due to airline market conditions Special Services, Property Insurance, PRIDE and RESPECT Team: –Misc. Property to renew Aug. 8 th –RESPECT desk calendars minor price increase –PRIDE is proposing digital imaging services (scanning, microfiche conversion, document destruction). Is there any interest?

19 19 Agenda Gilmore Services Bureau A Bureau B Training and Certification MFMP Reminder About Next Meeting Date Purchasing Directors’ Meeting July 17, 2008

20 20 Training & Certification July 17, 2008 Legislative Funding Budget - $250,000 –Florida Certified Contract Negotiators (FCCN) –Project Management Professionals (PMP) –PMP Professional Development Units (PDU) Training –Project Leadership, Management & Communications –Business Process Analysis, Innovation & Redesign –Project Management for Contracting Professionals

21 21 Agenda Gilmore Services Bureau A Bureau B Training and Certification MFMP Reminder About Next Meeting Date Purchasing Directors’ Meeting July 17, 2008

22 22 Agenda MyFloridaMarketPlace  The SPURS Sunset  Review: Prioritized Change Requests  Reporting and Survey  Agency Training & Request for Facilities

23 23 MyFloridaMarketPlace The SPURS Sunset  Close Out Old Purchase Orders  Reduce SPURS Access  Vendor Add Functionality

24 24 Close Out Old Purchase Orders AgencyApproval to Close (X) POs Closed (date) Highway Safety/ Motor Vehicle (HSMV) Dept. of Revenue (DOR)X6/23/08 Florida Dept. of Law enforcement (FDLE)X6/23/08 Dept. of Corrections (DC)X Dept. of Elder Affairs (DEA)X6/23/08 Dept. of Military Affairs (DMA)X6/23/08 Public Service Commission (PSC)X6/23/08 Dept. of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR) Dept. of Education (DOE)X6/23/08 Florida Retirement System (FRS)X Agriculture and Consumer Services (ACS)X Florida School for Deaf & Blind (FSDB) Dept. of Environmental Protection (DEP)X6/23/08 Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH) Legislature (LEG)

25 25 Reduce SPURS Access  We have identified many with SPURS access that have not accessed SPURS in one or more years, some as many as 15 years.  We intend to reduce access to those that really need it.  We will communicate with agencies about mid- July with a list of SPURS accesses we intend to close out.

26 26 Vendor Add Functionality Department of Financial Services  Department of Financial Services is considering adding the vendor add functionality to the statewide vendor file for agencies.  New edits will be included in the functionality to improve the state’s 1099 reporting process.  MFMP may need to incorporate the new edits into their vendor registration process. JAD session will determine impacts.

27 27 Agenda MyFloridaMarketPlace  The SPURS Sunset  Review: Prioritized Change Requests  Reporting and Survey  Agency Training & Request for Facilities

28 28 Review Prioritized Change Requests Estimate Analysis 496CR 42 Add accounting details to Analysis 376CR 36 Make the Encumbrance number and the DO number the same 200CR 40 IR Remove Accounting Validation on Rejected IRs DoneCR 37 Mass Edit Purchasing Codes Hour Estimate Change Request

29 29 Review: Prioritized CRs  CR 37: Mass Edit Purchasing Codes (Buyer Code) - Completed  CR 46: Method of Procurement Updates – Completed  Please note that the team did modify the initial design which stated that the Method of Procurement (MOP) would not carry over on copied requisitions.  The design was changed to allow the MOP to carry over on copied requisitions.  The addition of the MOPs were implemented with CR 37.  Combining these changes resulted in a cost savings of approximately 24 “change request” hours.  These new codes were available May 29, 2008, in MFMP.  We are taking a fresh look!

30 30 Agenda MyFloridaMarketPlace  The SPURS Sunset  Review: Prioritized Change Requests  Reporting and Survey  Agency Training & Request for Facilities

31 31 Reporting and Survey  Reporting tools that exist:  Secure Website Reports  Analysis  Customized Agency Reports (Report Requests)  Online (System) Searches  Focus: to search for a single, optimal reporting solution for all buyer customers (comprised of several tools)  Purchasing  F&A  End Users

32 32 Reporting and Survey Research completed to determine where we are:  Project Charter  Gap Analysis  Reporting Survey  Alternative Analysis

33 33 Reporting and Survey  Project Charter  Purpose: to identify a single, optimal reporting solution for all buyer customers (purchasing, F&A, end users)  Approach: to conduct research on current reporting environment to identify current reporting “gaps” to identify reporting alternatives/solutions

34 34 Reporting and Survey  Gap Analysis  Purpose: to communicate functional and training requirements that are currently not resident in the MFMP reporting environment  Areas must be addressed in the optimal reporting environment  17 gaps identified  Gaps are categorized by severity: High Medium Low

35 35 Reporting and Survey  Gap Analysis, cont.  Identified gaps include: Lack of agency awareness of reporting tools available (recommend: provide reporting training) Reporting job aid out-of-date (recommend: update it! And create any supporting guide cards) Lack of customer proficiency with using CSV files (recommend: create tutorials for obtaining CSV data, manipulating CSV data, etc.) DMS/MFMP lack of true understanding of reporting needs from buyer customers (recommend: reporting survey!)

36 36 Reporting and Survey  Reporting Survey  We intend to conduct a customer survey, focus on reporting, in order to: Measure the degree of customer use of and needs for reporting tools Measure frequency of use of reporting services by MFMP customers Use this information to improve these services (identify what we can and cannot accomplish) Help identify specific needs to be addressed in the reporting training  Intended audience: those employees who should have working knowledge of these reports: Purchasing F&A End users  Intended rollout: August 2008

37 37 Reporting and Survey  Alternative Analysis  Identified some alternative tools to best meet reporting needs, including: SPSS enhancement of current state enhancement of SPURSView FIS  The customer survey will drive our review of what training is needed, what functional improvements are needed and what tools, if any, will be selected.

38 38 Agenda MyFloridaMarketPlace  The SPURS Sunset  Review: Prioritized Change Requests  Reporting and Survey  Agency Training & Request for Facilities

39 39 Agency Training & Request for Facilities  The DMS MFMP Team created training sessions that were conducted in May and June, 2008.  MFMP Training sessions included:  New Requester (2 days) 5 sessions  Invoicing (1 day) 3 sessions  Analysis (1 day) 2 sessions  The classes were filled within the first week of registration and the average attendance was 80%.

40 40 Agency Training & Request for Facilities  The team is now planning next fiscal year’s training activities. We have sent requests to several agencies requesting to use facilities at these statewide locations:  Tampa – 08/08  Ft. Lauderdale – 10/08  Jacksonville – 11/08  Orlando – 01/09  Pensacola – 03/09  Ft. Myers – 04/09  Miami – 05/09  Facilities need to have 10-15 computer stations (one for each participant) in addition to an instructor station with an LCD projector.  Facilities must also allow state employees from various agencies to participate.

41 41 Agency Training & Request for Facilities  Local training will continue monthly in Tallahassee beginning August 2008.  New registrations for all locations will be posted to the toolkit soon and a communication will be sent out.

42 42 Agenda Gilmore Services Bureau A Bureau B Training and Certification MFMP Reminder About Next Meeting Date Purchasing Directors’ Meeting July 17, 2008

43 43 Next Meeting August 21, 2008 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. Purchasing Directors’ Meeting July 17, 2008

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