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MODAL VERBS By Marisa Fidalgo
A special kind of auxiliary verbs
They give an extra meaning or «mood» to the verb She can dance (ability) / he must study ( obligation) Most of them don’t need auxiliaries for negative and questions or aren’t conjugated she couldn’t do it / he can go ( cans / can goes) They do not have infinitives or - ing To can / canning to must / musting Most are followed by infinitive without to (except have to, ought to, be allowed to, be able to) she can to go
Modal verbs do not have all the tenses
Some complete the tenses with other verbs can be able to she will be able to go ( will can) must have to he had to do it ( musted)
Meanings ADVICE * should+ verb should have + participle should + verb
Present Past Future * should+ verb should have + participle should + verb (shouldn’t) * ought to +verb ought to have + participle ought to +verb ( ought not to) * had better+verb would have been better if had better+vb ( had better not) * Shall we…. ?( asking for advice)
Must + verb ( I think so) had to+ verb will have to +verb ( don’t have to+ verb / don’t need to+ verb) Have to +verb ( I’m obliged) had to +verb will have to +verb ( don’t have to+ verb) Am, are, is to +verb ( order) was, were to +verb Ought to / should +verb (it’s the right thing) should have + Particip NECESSITY Must / have to ( see above) had to + verb Need + ing ( passive) / infinitive didn’t need to / needn’t have + particip ( don’t need to, needn’t +verb) PROHIBITION Can’t +verb ( you are not allowed) couldn’t +verb Mustn’t + verb ( it’s forbiddden) Am, are, is not to + verb (order) May not + verb (formal)
Shall + verb shall + verb Could + verb could have + participle could + verb Can + verb can+ verb REQUESTS Might I …? ( very formal) May I ….? (formal) Could I ……? ( polite) Would you mind + ing…? ( polite, formal) --- Would you….? Can I ….? (informal) Will you ……? ( friendly) OFFERS Can I ….? Shall I ……? ( informal) Would you like me + verb ? ( formal)
Can + verb could + verb will be able to +verb Am, is, are able to + verb was , were able to + verb PERMISSION Can / can’t +verb ( informal) couldn’t + verb (informal) Am, is ,are allowed to +vb wasn’t allowed to +vb will be allowed to May + verb ( formal) Could I …….? Polite ,asking for permission Might I ……? Formal, asking for permission
Could + verb Could have + participle
CRITICISM Present Past Could + verb Could have + participle Should + verb should have + participle Ought to + verb ought to have + participle POSSIBILITY / PROBABILITY Will + verb ( 100% certain, prediction) Can + verb ( 90% certain) Should + verb ( 90% probable) should have+ participle May + verb ( 50% certain) may have + participle Could+ verb ( 50% certain) could have + participle Might + verb ( 40% certain) might have+ participle Am,is,are likely to + verb was, were likely to + verb
We should give up smoking
LOGICAL DEDUCTION Present Past Must + verb must have + participle Can’t + verb ( negative assumption) can’t have+ participle We should give up smoking
Modal Perfect These modals refer to the past.
Form: modal+ have+ past participle May/might/could have+ participle ( express uncertainty in the past) Could have+ participle ( suggestions, criticism, impossibility in the past) Would have + participle ( willingness to do something, but it wasn’t done) Can’t have + participle (certainty that something didn’t happen, impossibility) Must have+ participle ( certainty about the past) Should/ ought to have+ participle ( unfulfilled expectations, pieces of advice)
Semi modals In some ways they are formed like modal verbs and in some ways they are like other main verbs. Dare, need, ought to and used to, be able to, have to It used to be so easy. Did you use to play football when you were a child? (uses auxiliaries and to) It ought to be easy now. It ought not to be easy ( uses to) She needn’t worry. She doesn’t need to worry. Does she need to get a camera before she goes away? ( two possibilities) We daren’t tell him. We don’t dare (to) tell him. ( two possibilities) I’ve got to do it / Do I have to do it?
Match the examples to the functions
CAN Can you open the window, please? Can I get you something to drink? Jill can play the piano. Phil can be very clever Officer to soldier: You can leave now She can have got your letter COULD Simon could ride a horse when he was 5 Could you get me a glass of water? Could I come and see you tonight? Prince could win the race tomorrow They could have gone away Making deductions about the present Describing ability Making requests Giving permission Making offers Making deduction about the past Describing possibility in the past Describing ability in the past Describing possibility in the future Making polite request Asking for permission
MAY Describing possibility You may be right Asking for permission
May I take your coats? May I have one of those leaflets? Relatives may visit patients between 5 and 8. MIGHT It may rain later this afternoon You might try getting new batteries He might have told me he wouldn’t be coming She might have got lost Describing possibility Asking for permission Giving permission Making polite offers Expressing annoyance Describing possibility in the future Describing possibility in the past Making suggestions
SHALL SHOULD/ OUGHT TO NEEDN’T Shall we go to a Chinese restaurant?
Shall I get you some drinks? SHOULD/ OUGHT TO You should take it easy Carla ought to pass the exam They should have arrived by now Philip ought to have worked harder NEEDN’T Your needn’t wear a suit You needn’t have read the whole book Making offers Making suggestions Making criticisms Making deductions about present Giving advice Making deductions about past Expressing lack of obligation about the present or the future Expressing lack of obligation about the past
MUST Making deductions about the present
I must be there by nine o’clock You really must see that film They must be very tired He must have gone out WOULD I would often get up before down when I was a child Would you like a drink? Would you close the door, please? I’d like some mustard, please Making deductions about the present Expressing obligation Making deductions about the past Giving advice Expressing wishes Making requests Expressing characteristic behaviour in the past Making offers
Exercises Write a modal for the situation Complete with modals
Rephrasing with modals
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