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Take One! ™ Jumpstarting Your National Board Teaching Certification Process.

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2 Take One! ™ Jumpstarting Your National Board Teaching Certification Process

3 In This Session  This session will introduce district and school administrators to the Take One! ™ Initiative, a new option in the National Board Certification Process and the State’s Application Process.

4 Agenda  What is Take One! ™ ?  Why Take One! ™  Who Does Take One! ™ Target?  Shared Experiences of a Take One! ™ Pilot  How to Apply for Take One! ™ ?  What Assistance and Support is Offered?  Grant Application Overview  Questions and Answers

5  Take One! ™ is a standards-based professional development offering from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS). What is Take One! ™

6 Why Take One! ™?  Improve teaching practice and students’ learning  Enrich understanding and knowledge of the NBPTS standards for accomplished teaching  Develop knowledge of standards-based practices  Implement standards-based instruction in their classroom  Prepare potential candidate for National Board Certification

7 Districts With Less Than 1% National Board Certified Teachers Say:  Obstacles attribute to:  Distance of support meetings  Location of the schools  Required time commitment  Inadequate funding  Lack of district and school level support  Lack of understanding of the process

8 Shared Experiences From A Principal’s Point of View

9 Shared Experiences of a Take One! ™ Pilot  Goal of teachers:  Prepare for National Board Candidacy: 63%  For Professional development: 48% (answer was multiple choice, so numbers don’t sum to 100%)  Going on to National Board Candidacy: 70%, with an additional 25% planning to depending on funding or their score  96% found the experience ‘Useful’ (28%) or ‘Very Useful’ (68%)  80% reported a change in their teaching practice  70% expected that change to result in improved student achievement

10 Pilot Cohorts  Five groups were piloted between December 2005 and April 15, 2006.  They included 1 state-wide effort, 1 district-wide effort, and 3 school-wide efforts (all in high need schools)

11 Wake County  Scenario  School-wide program, PD and pre-candidacy focus  Cohort  12 teachers, 2 male, ethnicity not reported  School Characteristics:  Title 1, high need elementary school  65% free & reduced lunch  75% minority student population  Facilitation by two NBCTs trained in candidate support  Goals  Professional development geared toward at-risk students  Increased awareness and interest in National Board Certification  Support  6 hours of face-to-face meetings  Access to support resources for National Board candidates

12 Newport News  Scenario  School-wide, PD to support at risk children  Cohort  22 teachers, 3 district administrators, 2 male, 7 African-American teacher participant  School Characteristics:  Title 1, high need elementary school,  Urban  68% free & reduced lunch  79% minority student population  Goals; This was a research project with the two goals  How does exposure to NBPTS standards shape perceptions of teacher practice  How do Equity standards shape perception of race/socio-economic status as factors in student achievement and success  Support  Monthly face-to-face meetings  Facilitation by trained candidate support providers  School-based support groups

13 Louisiana’s Application Process

14 Why Take One! ™ in Louisiana?  The expected outcome of the Louisiana Take One! ™ School Cohort Projects will:  Expand NBC participation in targeted public school systems in the state; and  Build cohorts of NBC teachers in rural areas of the state.

15 Who Does Louisiana’s Take One! ™ Initiative Target?  Rural Areas  High Poverty  Low School Performance  < 0 – 10 NBCTs  School Cohort Teams  A cohort of 5 candidates (1 school administrator and 4 classroom teachers) is required to participate in the Louisiana Take One! ™ process.

16 What Assistance and Support is Offered?  A total of 10 school team cohorts will be selected for participation in the Take One! ™ Initiative.  Each team will receive a district grant of $10,000.  The Department will strive to strategically and competitively award grants to two (2) school cohorts in four of the eight education regions.

17 What Assistance and Support is Offered (cont)?  Each School Team Will Receive Support from each other as well as:  A Lead Mentor – Who will be assigned to support the principal.  A Direct Support Mentor– Who will be assigned to support the team cohort.  A District NBC Coordinator.  A Department Contact Person.

18 Review of the Application  Grant Application Review  Timelines  Roles and Responsibilities  Professional Learning Communities  Allowable Expenses  Application Requirements  Commitments

19 Questions and Answers

20 Contact Information Sheila Talamo, Assistant Superintendent Office of Quality Educators Kathy Mouton, Director Division of Professional Development Kartina Roberts, Section Administrator Staff Development and Assistance Tikera Square Shannon Lasserre-Cortez Rebecca Green Kimberly LeSage


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