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Students and researchers will live and work on the site in order to limit motorized mobility. Environmentally-friendly transport : tram, cycle lanes and.

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Presentation on theme: "Students and researchers will live and work on the site in order to limit motorized mobility. Environmentally-friendly transport : tram, cycle lanes and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Students and researchers will live and work on the site in order to limit motorized mobility. Environmentally-friendly transport : tram, cycle lanes and large sidewalks) New roads will be built. The rue des Martyrs will be the spine which lead to every street where cafés and terraces will be set. Cars will be forbidden in the scientific part of the area. Only electric cars, cycles and pedestrians will be allowed. In 2014, the creation of the North ring will allow to connect the area to the highway. The Vasconi project : transports Rue des Martyrs Connect the area to the city

2 The Vasconi project : energy Environmentally-friendly buildings (HQE label : high environmental quality) : solar panel, vegetal roofs and good isolation A 2 kilometres-long and 25 meters-high ribbon made of photovoltaic panels will supply 10% of the electricity needed by the area. This ribbon will cover an urban gallery (“La Galeria”) Protect the environment

3 The Vasconi project : identity Housing will be either rental or purchase including social housing Social mix into the housing buidlings (students, researchers, families) will lead to the creation of a real social fabric Every services necessary to the inhabitants (shops, sport, culture, post office, primary schools, child- care center, etc.) The confluence of the two rivers and wide non-used spaces will allow leisure activities 15-storeys towers along the rue des Martyrs to host offices, housing, recreational activities, hotels. Those “human scale” towers will be landmarks. Create a new part of the city

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