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Preparing for the Future!. P osture A ctive listening R espect others and yourself T ake notes E xpress your interest in the speaker E ngage in your learning!

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing for the Future!. P osture A ctive listening R espect others and yourself T ake notes E xpress your interest in the speaker E ngage in your learning!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing for the Future!

2 P osture A ctive listening R espect others and yourself T ake notes E xpress your interest in the speaker E ngage in your learning! The faster you do this, the more FUN we get to have!

3 Chico State University Chico State University guarantees you acceptance to the university! Many people apply to get in but only a few get accepted. You are in the accepted few if…….. Passed High School Courses within A-G (CSU Chico Eligibility) Need no remediation in Math and Writing Work hard to achieve the above

4 15 years from now imagine…  How old are you?  What do you do for a living? What is your career?  Where do you live?  How are you dressed?  What kind of car are you driving?  What do you do on the weekends? *********************************************** My name is _______. In 15 years, I’ll be ___ years old and I’ll be working as a _________ (career), living in ______ (city). I will be wearing _________ and driving a _________. On the weekends, I will _________________.

5 Education Continues to be the Ticket to Higher Yearly Earnings $22,250 High school dropout$22,250 $31,400 High school graduate$31,400 $ 38,500 Associate’s degree$ 38,500 $51,300 Bachelors degree$51,300 $60,600 Master’s degree$60,600 $77,800 Doctoral degree$77,800

6 BASIC Yearly Expenses (fairly Simple Lifestyle) TOTAL = $29,100 per year Rent/Mortgage ($15,000/yr) Car ($4,000/yr) Cable TV Satellite ($900/yr) Car Insurance ($700/yr) Gas for Car ($2,400/yr) Telephone/Cell Phone ($700/yr) Groceries ($3,800/yr) Electric/Gas/Water $1,800/yr)

7 OTHER Yearly Expenses GRAND TOTAL = $42,000 per year For a “SIMPLE” life – Ice cream without the topping! Eating out Kids Doctor & Dentist Vacation Shopping -Clothes Hair & Grooming Music concerts Going to the Movies

8 BUT WHAT ABOUT… NEW GRAND TOTAL = $53,000 per year For a “SIMPLE” life – ice cream without the topping! Saving Money for Something you really want Paying your Taxes Emergencies that you don’t see coming

9 WHY GO TO COLLEGE? Opportunities for a better life! Personal fulfillment Personal fulfillment New self confidence New self confidence Increased knowledge Increased knowledge Career flexibility Career flexibility Insight to help others Insight to help others Ability to work with diverse people Ability to work with diverse people Problem solving skills Problem solving skills Capacity to make the world better Capacity to make the world better

10 Career How different could your life be if you had a … Instead of a… JOB!

11 Which would suit your lifestyle considering the type of work you chose… THIS? OR THIS???

12 “ Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently” Henry Ford Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved. William Jennings Bryan Your Future is about the little choices that you make each and every day!

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