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Oceans' Vocabulary Unit 4. GROUND FISH  fish that live on, in, or near the bottom of the body of water they inhabit.  Examples –cod, haddock, red fish,

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Presentation on theme: "Oceans' Vocabulary Unit 4. GROUND FISH  fish that live on, in, or near the bottom of the body of water they inhabit.  Examples –cod, haddock, red fish,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Oceans' Vocabulary Unit 4

2 GROUND FISH  fish that live on, in, or near the bottom of the body of water they inhabit.  Examples –cod, haddock, red fish, flounder

3 PELAGIC  fish that live near the surface or in the water column of coastal or ocean waters (but not on the bottom)  Examples- herring, bluefin tuna, anchovies

4 RECRUITMENT  Means the fish grow to a certain size or reproductive rate  Refers to age a fish can be caught and counted in net

5 YEAR-CLASS  consist of all fish born in the same year.

6 FECUNDITY  The number of eggs which is laid during one spawning period

7 Methods of Fishing  _seafoodwatch/sfw_gear.aspx _seafoodwatch/sfw_gear.aspx _seafoodwatch/sfw_gear.aspx

8 OTTER TRAWLER  Trawling is a method of fishing that involves actively dragging or pulling a trawl through the water behind one or more trawlers  Otter trawlers deploy one or more parallel trawls kept apart horizontally using otter boards. These trawls can be towed in midwater or along the bottom. otter boards otter boards

9 Otter trawler

10 LONGLINING  longliners set a single line of hooks, up to 130 km long, behind the boat. Attached to it are literally thousands of baited hooks

11 GILLNET  A fishing net set vertically in the water so that fish swimming into it are entangled by the gills in its mesh

12 PURSE SEINE  A fishing seine is a net made of a long wall of netting that is drawn into the shape of a bag to enclose the catch  Usually involves two boats

13 BYCATCH  fish caught unintentionally in a fishery while intending to catch other fish.

14 TARGET CATCH  The species which the fishermen intentionally or are licensed to catch and keep

15 STOCK  Fish stocks are the population of a particular species of fish, for which growth, recruitment, mortality and fishing mortality are the only significant factors in determining the population. speciesfishspeciesfish

16 MAXIMUM SUSTAINABLE YEILD  MSY  the largest yield (or catch) that can be taken from a species' stock over an indefinite period  to maintain the population size at the point of maximum growth rate by harvesting the individuals that would normally be added to the population

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