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Problematic and injecting drug use – findings from the Harm Reduction Database (HRD) Presenter: Josie Smith, Health Protection, PHW.

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Presentation on theme: "Problematic and injecting drug use – findings from the Harm Reduction Database (HRD) Presenter: Josie Smith, Health Protection, PHW."— Presentation transcript:

1 Problematic and injecting drug use – findings from the Harm Reduction Database (HRD) Presenter: Josie Smith, Health Protection, PHW

2 Estimates of problematic and injecting drug use EMCDDA Problematic drug use – “injecting drug use or long duration or regular use of opioids, cocaine and/or amphetamines” UK estimates indicate around 1% or 10 per 1000 population aged 15 – 64 years Translates to around 20,000 individuals in Wales Injecting drug use – UK estimates indicate around 0.4% of population aged 15 – 64 years Translates to around 8,000 individuals in Wales

3 Wales HRD data 1/09/10 – 31/03/11 7277 individuals registered with needle exchange Female – 1004 (14%) Male – 6273 (86%) Would expect: 25% female 75% male Pharmacy? What is the extent of secondary / peer distribution?

4 Profile of service provision 2011 AreaSpecialistPharmacy Betsi Cadwaladr APB (North Wales) 12 + 3 mobiles72 Powys Teaching APB49 Hywel Dda APB (West Wales) 031 Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University APB (South West Wales) 5 +1 mobile29 Cardiff & Vale APB4 +1 mobile12 Cwm Taf APB421 Aneurin Bevan APB (Gwent) 318

5 Number of individuals registered

6 Wales data – Age profile by gender Data from all sites: Activity 01/09/10 to 31/03/11

7 Profile of substances used by APB

8 Details available for analysis Age Gender Year of first injecting Area of residence Housing status Substances used Blood borne virus monitoring Injecting equipment reuse and sharing behaviour

9 Uses of data / reporting mechanisms Provider activity data –Planning of opening times, additional services for young people, females, steroid users –Address additional health / other needs –Address specific risk behaviours with service users Local planning (APB/CSP/SMARTs) –Coverage –Quality –Nature of local injecting (and wider problematic drug use) behaviours National planning (WAG, Public Health)

10 Next steps: Improving data quality Some services completing client details Other services completing bare minimum - visits to sites reinforcing need to complete client details/assessment in order to provide quality service

11 Next steps : rolling out to pharmacy Working in conjunction with Pharmacy WAG to implement in existing community pharmacy services across Wales (2011) Addition of take home Naloxone section – stat and voluntary sector

12 Thank you! All service users and staff from voluntary and statutory services Regional co-ordinators WAG Public Health

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