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E-Rate Overview From TDS. What’s included in this E-Rate overview: Quick summary Key steps in the process Timing Terms Contact information.

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Presentation on theme: "E-Rate Overview From TDS. What’s included in this E-Rate overview: Quick summary Key steps in the process Timing Terms Contact information."— Presentation transcript:

1 E-Rate Overview From TDS

2 What’s included in this E-Rate overview: Quick summary Key steps in the process Timing Terms Contact information

3 Quick Summary E-Rate is a federal government program Provides about $2.25 billion annually to schools and libraries Makes telecommunications and Internet access more affordable Focus is grades K-12 Program provides reimbursements of up to 90% of eligible products/services

4 Who is Eligible? Public schools Private schools Charter schools Religious schools Military schools Headstart (in certain states)

5 Quick Summary - continued A funding year generally matches the school year – running from July 1 of one year through June 30 of the next year Key players –FCC (Federal Communications Commission) provides direction –USAC (Universal Service Administrative Company) administers the Universal Service Fund –SLD (Schools & Libraries Division) administers the E-Rate program

6 Quick Summary - continued Categories of Funding –Telecommunications –Internet Access –Internal Connections –Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections Telecommunications and Internet Access are Priority 1 Services, meaning they’re funded first Internal Connections and Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections are Priority 2 Services, funded after Priority 1

7 Key Steps in the Process Develop a Technology Plan (not required if you’re only applying for Telecommunications/Internet Priority 1 services) Post a Form 470 on the Schools and Libraries website (Services Sought - opens bidding) Go through the bidding process, then sign a contract with a vendor (if contracted service) File Form 471 (Services Ordered)

8 Key Steps… - continued SLD sends a Funding Commitment Decision Letter (FCDL) to you about how much they’ll fund File a Form 486 (Services Have Begun) SLD sends a 486 letter listing the approved amount

9 Key Steps… - continued TDS will send you an email asking if you prefer reimbursement by check or on your bill If you want a check, file a BEAR/Form 472 for service you’ve already received and paid for –SLD will send the reimbursement to TDS, and TDS will send a check to you If you want reimbursement applied to your bill, please provide information as we request it via email

10 Timing Form 470 (services sought) –Post between July and mid-February for the following school year (exact dates vary – refer to SLD website) Form 471 (services ordered) - During filing “Window” – typically from December until mid-March Form 486 (services have begun) - Between July 1 of new funding year and deadline Form 472/BEAR – It’s your choice how often you wish to file the form for reimbursement by check

11 Terms Funding Request Number – FRN –SLD assigns a number to each separate request for service, for each funding year –If you contact TDS to ask an E-Rate question about your service, it’s helpful to provide the FRN so we can quickly access information for you

12 Terms - continued SPIN – Service Provider Identification Number –A unique number assigned by SLD to each vendor participating in the E-Rate program –If you need a SPIN for a form, contact TDS E-Rate Customer Care (see contact info at end of this presentation) SPIN Change – a process an applicant follows to change from one service provider to another during a funding year

13 Terms - continued Billed Entity Number (BEN) – a unique number USAC assigns to each school and library for the E-Rate program Pre-discounted Amount – the estimated total cost of a product/service, before any E-Rate reimbursements are applied Funding Commitment Decision Letter – notification from SLD of approved E-Rate funding

14 Terms - continued Eligible Services –The SLD website includes a list of products and services that are eligible for E-Rate funding –Eligibility may depend on configuration, or how the service is used –FCC rules determine what’s eligible

15 Where to Go For Help – TDS Customer Care Phone 888-846-6586 (toll free) FAX 888-837-0022 (toll free) Email Websites and

16 Where to Go For Help – Schools & Libraries Hotline 888-203-8100 (push “0” for a representative) Website

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