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Website Redesign. Introduction Existing Site -- What is working well? 35 or so content editors across campus College brand consistent across entire site.

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Presentation on theme: "Website Redesign. Introduction Existing Site -- What is working well? 35 or so content editors across campus College brand consistent across entire site."— Presentation transcript:

1 Website Redesign

2 Introduction Existing Site -- What is working well? 35 or so content editors across campus College brand consistent across entire site Increased viewing from 3,860 pages/day in 2001 to 14,500 pages/day in 2008. Robust server with Windows 2003 and IIS 6 and over 900GB of free space; direct connection to Jenzabar data, use of mysql/postgresql databases and php and perl for interactivity between users and data

3 Introduction What Problems Do We Need to Solve? Out-dated design Out-dated content Content used across multiple sites Out-dated FrontPage editor Image editing Marketing initiatives hard to measure

4 Overview A Content Management System (CMS) will address all of these issues and provide many more new features to enhance the H-SC website. Ingeniux CMS requested in budget Marketing Research requested in budget Web editor requested in budget

5 Design THEN: Tables layout for 800 x 600 screen resolution NOW: 4% +50% 1280 + 15. 320 x 396 with 312 visits – pdas/cell phones (early Oct. 08)

6 Design Homepage with Sample Screen Resolutions 1920 x 1200 on 24” monitor 1280 x 800 on 15” laptop

7 Design THEN: Audio/video minimal due to dial-up connections in 2001/2004 NOW: YouTube has set the standard as one of top ten most viewed sites on the Internet. Flash is commonplace on College homepages and campus tours. 64% 2.5%

8 Design THEN: 1997 -- web in all text 2001 – homepage all images and links; redesign took 8 months 2004 – redesign of banner images, roll-over nav took two years From 12,000 pages in 2000 to over 50,000 now. To redesign site as it is now would take over two years.

9 CMS Design All content in xml with archives in db All design in CSS and templates Could roll out main site in 6 months to 1 year NEXT redesign would take much less time – only CSS and templates would need to be redone.

10 Content New pages built all the time; old pages rarely deleted; links to old content hidden throughout. CMS allows publication dates and expiration dates CMS has link checker to correct old link problems.

11 Content Use across multiple departments NOW: news article manually reformatted to fit design under academics CMS will allow content to be pulled from News to Admissions newsletter, academic departments, study abroad, College homepage automatically

12 Menus NOW: software generates roll-over menus Homepage, departments, extended homepage set All edited by webmaster Site index generated manually in two formats CMS will automatically generate menus when pages added within each department Automatic for homepage and site index

13 Editing NOW: most content editors use FrontPage Doesn’t support CSS easily – new HTML 5 standards move all formatting out of HTML and into CSS IE 8 is using some HTML 5 Not standards compliant CMS is standards compliant CSS and templates will enforce use of CSS for formatting but will work much like MS-Word for editors

14 Content Standards compliance enhances download speed and interoperability across different browsers. Are you getting your message across in 2 minutes 11 seconds? Includes finding and reading

15 Images Pictures downloaded to web from cameras Sizing in FrontPage does not decrease file size CMS will have built-in image sizing for showing on the website and thumbnails for links to larger images.

16 Marketing Initiatives that drive users to the website need current information Measuring results on the website needs content specific to initiative separate from regular content CMS provides more control over this Set content to begin and expire at certain times Use Google Analytics to measure goals

17 Conclusion CMS will improve the H-SC website by: Managing redesigns easily and efficiently Expiring out-dated content and deleting old links Sharing content across multiple sites Replacing out-dated FrontPage editor and enforcing standards compliance Enabling image editing for everyone Analyzing marketing initiatives more effectively

18 Conclusion Colleges/Universities using Ingeniux Washington and Lee University Lynchburg College Roanoke College Davidson College Franklin and Marshall College Morehouse College Randolph College Bucknell University

19 Next Steps RFP process December 2008 Submitted Ingeniux CMS in budget proposal Jan 2009 Also asking for Market Research and new staff position Begin template design spring 2009 Survey different constituent groups spring 2009 Purchase CMS July 2009 Market research when students return Aug-Sept Finalize templates with Ingeniux fall 2009 Usability testing on templates fall 2009 Move content over to CMS Jan – June 2010 New site July 1, 2010

20 Help! Think as a prospective student Send me your favorite websites for design and navigation (this could be homepage, admissions, campus tour, map, etc.) Be a constituent group for a survey Be part of the usability testing of templates

21 Resources Google Analytics for the data and graphics about H- SC website.Google Analytics Content Management Systems comparison website- CMS Matrix (see Excel files: Enterprise level, Open Source) CMS MatrixEnterprise levelOpen Source Hannon Hill’s Content Management Systems Buyer’s GuideContent Management Systems Buyer’s Guide Internet Archive Wayback Machine*/*/

22 Resources Colleges/Universities using various CMS products: UVA – Ingeniux, Ektron CMS400IngeniuxEktron VT – RhythmyxRhythmyx Roanoke and Lynchburg College – IngeniuxIngeniux UR, William & Mary -- Cascade ServerCascade Server W&M blog on redesignW&M blog Longwood – RedDotRedDot CASE Awards for web design 2008 Judges ReportCASE Awards for web design Schools using Drupal Sites using MODx

23 Resources Ektron CMS400 demo, Ingeniux demo, University of Richmond presentation, visit with Longwood University Dir. Of Web Communications (RedDot), talked with Hollins College webmaster, demos of Enfold Systems, demos of Systems Alliance, demos of OmniUpdate, demos of RedDot, installed test versions of Drupal and Modx RFP issued in Fall 2008 Checked references on RedDot, Ingeniux, and Enfold Systems

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