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Enhanced Data Sharing Electronic Referrals Danielle Scanlan – Clinical Systems Trainer.

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1 Enhanced Data Sharing Electronic Referrals Danielle Scanlan – Clinical Systems Trainer

2 NHS England Care Record Guarantee Summary Care Record EDSM The NHS Care Record Guarantee for England sets out the rules that govern how patient information is used in the NHS and what control the patient can have over this. It is based on professional guidelines, best practice and the law and applies to both paper and electronic records.

3 NHS England Summary Care Record EDSM Summary Care Record A Summary Care Record is an electronic record which contains information about the medicines you take, allergies you suffer from and any bad reactions to medicines you have had. Having this information stored in one place makes it easier for healthcare staff to treat you in an emergency, or when your GP practice is closed. Your Summary Care Record will also include your name, address, date of birth and your unique NHS Number to help identify you correctly. Children will automatically have a Summary Care Record made for them.

4 NHS England Summary Care Record EDSM NHS England is commissioning a modern data service from the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) on behalf of the entire health and social care system. Known as Under the Health and Social Care Act 2012, NHS England has the power to direct the HSCIC to collect information from all providers of NHS care, including general practices. The specification of the data to be extracted by GP practices were considered by the Joint GP IT Committee of the British Medical Association and the Royal College of General Practitioners, as well as an independent advisory group. It is important for the NHS to share information about the health needs of the population and the quality of the treatments they receive. By sharing information in this way, researchers can identify patterns in disease and the most effective treatments.

5 Enhanced Data Sharing Model TPP is rolling out a new model of sharing patient information between SystmOne users. The Enhanced Data Sharing Model, approved by Connecting for Health for full roll-out, is designed to give patients greater control over who can see their health records. Patients choose to ‘share in’ and ‘share out’ their information with health providers. ‘Sharing out’ controls the information recorded within an organisation that is shared to other organisations. ‘Sharing in’ controls the information that can be viewed within an organisation that has been recorded by another SystmOne user.

6 Sharing

7 Conversion of patients from existing sharing models to EDSM When your care service chooses to become an Enhanced sharing service, a date will be agreed with TPP to convert all your current patients to enhanced sharing patients. On conversion, the patient’s existing share settings will be used to establish the new Share In and Share Out enhanced share settings. The intention of the conversion is to allow your care service to continue to work with minimal disruption, without taking away any clinical data that is currently available to your care service.

8 Impact Patients will have more control over sharing between care services they are currently registered with Gaining consent to share records should be more simple With enhanced sharing, patients can make a decision for each separate care service at the point of registration Gum and Sexual Health services and Prisons will be set up as “Closed Services”. Registration is hidden and data recorded here cannot be accessed by other services Certain parts of the record can be restricted by marking individual entries as “Private” which means they will not be visible to any users outside of your care service even if sharing out is selected. All vaccinations for patients under 21 will be automatically shared to CH, HV and School Nurses regardless of share preference

9 Record Sharing Preferences

10 Sharing Consent Override

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