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Para Empezar Vocabulary. buenos días Good morning.

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Presentation on theme: "Para Empezar Vocabulary. buenos días Good morning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Para Empezar Vocabulary

2 buenos días

3 Good morning

4 buenas noches

5 good night

6 buenas tardes

7 good afternoon

8 Hola

9 Hello

10 Me llamo…..

11 My name is….

12 ¿Cómo te llamas?

13 What is your name?

14 Mucho Gusto

15 Nice to meet you

16 Encantado, -a

17 delighted

18 Igualmente

19 Likewise

20 señor, Sr.

21 sir, Mr.

22 señora, Sra.

23 madam, Mrs.

24 señorita

25 miss, Miss

26 ¿Cómo está Ud.?

27 How are you? (Formal)

28 ¿Cómo estás?

29 How are you? (Informal)

30 ¿Qué Pasa?

31 What’s Happening?

32 ¿Qué tal?

33 How are you?

34 ¿Y tú?

35 and you?

36 ¿Y usted? ¿Y Ud.?

37 and you? (formal)

38 (muy) bien

39 (very) well

40 nada

41 nothing

42 regular

43 okay, so-so

44 gracias

45 thank you

46 adiós

47 good-bye

48 Hasta luego

49 See you later

50 Hasta mañana

51 See you tomorrow

52 ¡Nos vemos!

53 see you!

54 Telling Time in Spanish

55 What time is it?

56 -¿Qué hora es?

57 If the time is near 1:00.. -start with Es la….. If it is at any other time -start with Son las….

58 If it is before 30 minutes past an hour, start with the first hour and use the word “y” to add minutes to the hour. e.g. – 2:20 = Son las dos y veinte

59 If it is after 30 minutes past an hour, start with the next hour and use the word “menos” to subtract minutes from the hour. e.g. – 1:40 = Son las dos menos veinte

60 In the morning

61 -de la mañana

62 In the afternoon

63 -de la tarde

64 In the evening

65 - de la noche

66 y cuarto/ menos cuarto

67 quarter past/ quarter to

68 y media

69 thirty, half past


71 zero

72 zero - cero

73 one -

74 one - uno

75 two-

76 two- dos

77 three-

78 three- tres

79 four-

80 four- cuatro

81 five-

82 five- cinco

83 six –

84 six – seis

85 seven

86 seven-siete

87 eight

88 eight- ocho

89 nine -

90 nine - nueve

91 ten-

92 ten- diez

93 eleven

94 once- eleven

95 twelve

96 Doce- twelve

97 thirteen

98 Trece- thirteen

99 fourteen

100 Catorce - fourteen

101 fifteen

102 Quince- fifteen

103 Sixteen

104 Sixteen - dieciséis

105 Seventeen

106 Seventeen - diecisiete

107 Eighteen

108 Eighteen - dieciocho

109 Nineteen

110 Nineteen - diecinueve

111 twenty

112 Twenty - veinte

113 Twenty-one

114 - veintiuno

115 Twenty-two

116 - veintidos

117 Twenty-three

118 veintitres

119 Twenty-four

120 Twenty-four -veinticuatro

121 Twenty-five

122 Twenty-five -veinticinco

123 Twenty-six

124 Twenty-six -veintiseis

125 Twenty-seven

126 Twenty-seven -veintisiete

127 Twenty-eight

128 Twenty-eight -veintiocho

129 Twenty-nine

130 Twenty-nine -veintinueve

131 thirty

132 Thirty - treinta

133 Thirty-one

134 Thirty-one -treinta y uno

135 Thirty-two

136 Thirty-two -treinta y dos

137 Forty

138 Forty -Cuarenta

139 Fifty

140 Fifty -Cincuenta

141 Sixty

142 Sixty -sesenta

143 Seventy

144 Seventy -Setenta

145 Eighty

146 Eighty -ochenta

147 Ninety

148 Ninety -noventa

149 One-hundred -cien

150 Body Parts

151 La Cabeza

152 Head

153 El Ojo

154 eye

155 La Oreja

156 ear

157 La nariz

158 nose

159 La boca

160 mouth

161 El brazo

162 arm

163 La mano

164 hand

165 El dedo

166 finger

167 El estómago

168 stomach

169 La pierna

170 leg

171 el pie

172 foot

173 Cabeza Brazos Piernas y Pies Ojos Orejas Boca y Nariz

174 año

175 year

176 dia

177 day

178 mes

179 month

180 semana

181 week

182 en

183 in

184 hay

185 there is/ there are

186 por favor

187 please

188 Days, Months, Seasons, and Weather

189 Days

190 Monday

191 -lunes

192 Tuesday

193 -martes

194 Wednesday

195 -miércoles

196 Thursday

197 -jueves

198 Friday

199 -viernes

200 Saturday

201 -sábado

202 Sunday

203 -domingo

204 El lunes y El martes, miércoles y jueves, viernes y sábado, Y domingo Son los dias! Son los dias, Son los dias De la semana!

205 Months

206 January

207 -enero

208 February

209 -febrero

210 March

211 -marzo

212 April

213 -abril

214 May

215 -mayo

216 June

217 -junio

218 July

219 -julio

220 August

221 -agosto

222 September

223 -septiembre

224 October

225 -octubre

226 November

227 -noviembre

228 December

229 -diciembre

230 Enero y febrero marzo abril mayo junio julio agosto septiembre octubre noviembre diciembre Y el año se acabó !

231 Phrases to use when talking about dates 1.1 In the target language, engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.

232 ¿Qué dia es hoy?

233 -What day is it?

234 Mañana

235 -tomorrow

236 ¿Cuántos dias hay en…?

237 -How many days are in?

238 ¿Cuál es la fecha?

239 What is the date?

240 Use primero when it is the first of the month. For all other days, just say “Es el (number) de…”

241 Seasons

242 primavera

243 -Spring

244 verano

245 -Summer

246 otoño

247 -Fall

248 invierno

249 Invierno -winter

250 Let’s do some Geography 3.1 Reinforce and further knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language.

251 Many Spanish speaking countries are in the Southern hemisphere, where seasons are opposite

252 If it is Summer in Tennessee, it is _________________ in Argentina?

253 If it is Summer in Tennessee, it is Winter in Argentina?

254 If it is Spring in Tennessee, it is ________ in Argentina?

255 If it is Spring in Tennessee, it is Fall in Argentina?

256 If it is Spring in Tennessee, it is ___________ in Russia?

257 If it is Spring in Tennessee, it is Spring in Russia?

258 If it is Spring in Tennessee, it is Spring in Russia? This is because Tennessee and England are both in the Northern Hemisphere. On being in the Western Hemisphere and the other being in the Eastern Does not matter

259 Hace Sol

260 It’s Sunny

261 Hace Calor

262 It’s Hot

263 Hace Frio

264 It’s Cold

265 Hace Viento

266 It’s Windy

267 Llueve

268 It’s Raining

269 Nieva

270 It’s Snowing

271 ¿Cómo se dice….?

272 how do you say….?

273 se dice….

274 you say….

275 ¿Cómo se escribe….?

276 How do you write…?

277 se escribe….

278 you write….

279 ¿Qué quiere decir….?

280 What does…..mean?

281 quiere decir….

282 It means….

283 School Words

284 mochila

285 backpack

286 cuaderno

287 notebook

288 carpeta

289 folder

290 libro

291 book

292 papel

293 paper

294 hoja de papel

295 sheet of paper

296 grapadora

297 stapler

298 tijeras

299 scissors

300 bolígrafo

301 pen

302 lápiz

303 pencil

304 profesor

305 male professor

306 profesora

307 female professor

308 el estudiante

309 male student

310 la estudiante

311 female student

312 pupitre

313 student desk

314 sala de clases

315 classroom

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