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Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Slide 1 of 10 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Real-World Applications & Connections GLENCOE Section 11.2 Job Design and Planning In.

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2 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Slide 1 of 10 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Real-World Applications & Connections GLENCOE Section 11.2 Job Design and Planning In this section: Operations managers must understand the work their employees do and the how to make their operating systems function every day. This section discusses: Job Design Day-to-Day Operations Planning

3 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Slide 2 of 10 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Real-World Applications & Connections GLENCOE Section 11.2 Job Design and Planning What You’ll Learn How managers design jobs. Factors affecting the physical work environment. The role of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. How managers plan aggregate production.

4 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Slide 3 of 10 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Real-World Applications & Connections GLENCOE Section 11.2 Job Design and Planning Why It’s Important Careful planning of a business’s day-to-day operations is necessary if companies are to use their resources efficiently.

5 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Slide 4 of 10 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Real-World Applications & Connections GLENCOE Section 11.2 Job Design and Planning Key Terms job design aggregate production planning activity scheduling

6 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Slide 5 of 10 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Real-World Applications & Connections GLENCOE Section 11.2 Job Design and Planning Job Design The Physical Work Environment Job Characteristics A job design describes the work an individual or group of individuals is supposed to perform. It has two parts:

7 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Slide 6 of 10 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Real-World Applications & Connections GLENCOE Section 11.2 Job Design and Planning Job Characteristics 1.skill variety 2.task identity 3.task significance 4.autonomy A job design can be described in terms of five key characteristics.

8 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Slide 7 of 10 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Real-World Applications & Connections GLENCOE Section 11.2 Job Design and Planning

9 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Slide 8 of 10 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Real-World Applications & Connections GLENCOE Section 11.2 Job Design and Planning OSHA The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 established specific safety guidelines governing most workplaces. OSHA stands for Occupational Safety and Health Administration. It is a federal government agency that inspects workplaces to ensure that they comply with OSHA regulations.

10 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Slide 9 of 10 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Real-World Applications & Connections GLENCOE Section 11.2 Job Design and Planning Fig 2-1 Day-to-Day Operations Planning Production planning involves three components: Aggregate Production Planning Resource Allocation Activity Scheduling

11 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Slide 10 of 10 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Real-World Applications & Connections GLENCOE Section 11.2 Job Design and Planning Fact and Idea Review 1.List the five job characteristics managers need to consider in designing jobs. 2.Explain the concept of task identity 3.Which federal government agency inspects work places to ensure that they are safe? 4.What is resource allocation? 5.How do production mangers schedule production activity?

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