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Airplane Structure
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
The Fuselage Open Truss Stressed Skin = Semi-Monocoque Monocoque – Skin Carries Load Composition Fabric Aluminum Composite Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Substructure of Semi-Monocoque
Formers Stringers Bulkheads Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
The Wing Monoplanes & Biplanes Wings made up of Ribs and Stringers Wing Spar Skin overlaid on top Flaps Ailerons Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Wing Components Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Aspect Ratio Wingspan / Mean Chord Measure of how long and slender the wing appears from below Aerodynamic Efficiency in the High Aspect Ratio Wing Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. Low Aspect Ratio Moderate Aspect Ratio High Aspect Ratio © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Constant Chord Wing Also known as “Hershey Bar” or Rectangular Wing Found on old Piper Cadets / Cherokees Same distance from leading edge to trailing edge throughout Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Elliptical Wing Almost rounded Imagine an oval Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Tapered Wing Distance tapers from root to tip Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Delta Wing Triangle Think of an Fighter Jets (More of a variable sweep wing) Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Canard “Whiskers” Front wing Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Sweptback Wing Sweeps back throughout shape All high altitude aircraft 737 or 787 Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Wing Dihedral Design for Stability Adds to Lateral Stability (next lesson) Gives a shallow V shape Will explain more when we talk about aerodynamics Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Wing Anhedral Design to Reduce Stability Opposite of Dihedral Will eventually stress as the wing creates lift Will explain more when we talk about aerodynamics Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
POH Section 7.1 & 7.3 Low wing monoplane Constructed of Aluminum Alloy (wingtips fiberglass / thermoplastic) Four-Place Seating Semi-Tapered Wings Continuous Main Spar Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
NACA 652-415 (Highlight and Write)
6 Series: Laminar Flow 5: Minimum Pressure located 5/10ths of chord aft of leading edge 2: Range of low drag is .2 above and below design lift coefficient 4: Design lift coefficient 15: Maximum thickness = 15% of chord length Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Types of Flaps Used to slow the airplane down, but create more lift at the same time 5 types: Plain Flap Split Flap Slotted Flap Fowler Flap Slotted Fowler Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Plain Flap Extension of the wing Trailing edge of wing moves up and down Piper Flaps Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Split Flap Drops from the Wing Underneath the trailing edge Does not extend upward Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Slotted Flap Extension of the wing Opens a slot so air can escape Cessna has a Slotted-Plain Flap Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Fowler Flap Drops from the wing and extends the length of the wing Moves aft and outward at the same time Boeing and Airbus style Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Archer Flap Plain Flap Activated by a Johnson bar between seats 3 positions: 10 degrees 25 degrees 40 degrees Do NOT step when in down position Always call “Flaps coming down” Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Empenage Tail section of the aircraft Consists of: Horizontal Stabilizer (or stabilator) Elevator Vertical Stabilizer Rudder Trim Tabs Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Vertical Stabilizer Acts as a similar to a keel on a sailboat Keeps airplane from constantly rolling Rudder is attached Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Horizontal Stabilizer
Acts as a backwards wing Counteracts the movement of Center of Gravity Without it – nose down Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Elevator Used to control pitch (up and down) Newton’s third law Opposes force of air and pushes the airplane upwards Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Stabilator Combination of horizontal stabilizer and elevator Trims with an anti-servo tab Moves as an entire unit Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Trim Devices Servo Helps the pilot move the control surface Decreases pilot force, destabilizes aircraft Anti-servo – Same Direction Resists the pilots inputs to move the control surface Increases pilot force, stabilizes aircraft Rudder Trim Moving a drum between the rudders Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Rudder Helps coordinate flight through the air Similar to drifting or sliding in a car Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Landing Gear Principle support during park, taxi, takeoff, landing Types: Wheels Conventional (Tailwheel) Tricycle (nosewheel) – Steerable! Floats Skis Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Brakes Most single-engine tricycle aircraft have steerable nose wheels 30 degrees either side of center line (POH 7.7) Also differential braking in the main gear Hydraulically controlled Activate by toe of the pedal Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Powerplant Engine Primary function to turn propeller Generates electrical power Provides vacuum source for some flight instuments May provide heat in cold temp situation Propeller General means of thrust Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Engine Covered by cowling or nacelle Helps to cool the engine by ducting air around cylinders Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Propellers Composition Alluminum Wood Composite Fixed Pitch Only one blade angle Constant Speed Choose blade angle Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Archer Engine 4 cylinder Carbureted Horizontally opposed Air cooled Normally aspirated Direct drive Lycoming O-360 Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Archer Propeller 76 inch Seinsenich Aluminum Alloy 2 bladed Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Aircraft Documents Airworthiness Certificate – Never expires Registration – Every 3 years Radio Station License – Issued by FCC (only international) Operating Limitations – Also known as the POH or AFM Weight and Balance – The official Weight and Balance in the AFM Equipment List – Special Aircraft have: Minimum Equipment List Kinds of Operation Equipment List Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Maintenance Requirements
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
AVIATES Airworthiness Directives VOR Check Inspections to include: 100 hour Annual Altimeter Transponder ELT Static System Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Airworthiness Directives
2 types One-time Recurring Routine and Emergency Mandatory document from FAA that MUST be complied with Similar to a recall notice Keep record of compliance Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
VOR Check Must be completed every 30 calendar days Only required for IFR Private Pilot or greater does this check Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Types of VOR Checks VOT Airborne VOR checkpoint Ground VOR checkpoint Dual We’ll come back to this in XC flying Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Inspections – Annual Completed by an IA Every 12 calendar months One log for each component: Airframe, Powerplant and Propeller 100 hour Required if aircraft is for hire Completed by an A&P Can be overflown by 10 % Exact same inspection as Annual Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Altimeter Test to ensure that it reads correctly IFR purposes only Recommended for VFR Completed by a Certified Repair Station Completed every 24 calendar months Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Transponder When Needed: Mode C Veil Above 10,000 feet (excluding 2,500 AGL) Lateral boundaries of Bravo Lateral boundaries of Charlie Completed every 24 calendar months Completed by a Certified Repair Station Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
ELT Two inspections: General Inspection Battery Inspection Date More than 1 cumulative hour 50% of useful life Inspection normally completed by an IA or A&P Completed every 12 calendar months Can be tested 5 minutes after the hour Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Static System Required Inspection only for IFR purposes 24 calendar months Completed by a Certified Repair Station Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Preventive Maintenance
Completed by a PPL or Greater Must be entered in maintenance records Limited work, provided it does not involve complex assembly operation See FAR 43 Appendix A Subpart (c) Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Return to Service – Maintenance Entry
Must place in the Maintenance Records: Description of work performed Date work was completed Signature, Certificate Number, Type of Cert Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
Return to Service – Flight Test
All aircraft after maintenance must be flown by at least a private pilot before the carriage of passengers Only required after major repair or alteration Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
After Maintenance Always complete a more-thorough pre-flight inspection after any maintenance has been completed A&Ps are people too Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
In Class Exercise Find the Maintenance Entries Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
References FAR part 91 FAR part 43 Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge Jeppesen Private Pilot Manual Since the beginning of time, humans have always been fascinated with birds. We have always wanted to fly, but could never understand the relationship between lift and weight. As early as the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci began making sketches of wings. However, these sketches were flawed due to their birdlike nature. © 2015 Coast Flight Training. All Rights Reserved.
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