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ECCLESIASTES Searching for Life’s Meaning. ECCLESIASTES: Title Based on 1:1 – “The words of the Preacher” Hebrew = Qoheleth = “One who speaks to an assembly”

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1 ECCLESIASTES Searching for Life’s Meaning

2 ECCLESIASTES: Title Based on 1:1 – “The words of the Preacher” Hebrew = Qoheleth = “One who speaks to an assembly” In Greek, Ecclesiastes = “Preacher”

3 ECCLESIASTES: Author 1:1 – “the son of David, king in Jerusalem” Suggests Solomon (1:16-2:11) in his later years Possibly a later writer reflecting Solomon’s experiences: ▫1:12-16 suggests no longer king ▫Lived in a time of misery, injustice, & violence ▫“Son of David” could = “descendant” (a later king)

4 ECCLESIASTES: Plot The Preacher describes his search for life’s meaning Experiences wealth, pleasure, hard work, religion, wisdom, etc. Concludes that “all is vanity” (emptiness, absurdity, meaninglessness) Only thing that matters is fearing & serving God

5 ECCLESIASTES: Theme The vanity of all of life’s activities: No matter what one does, death still comes after much disappointment. The meaning of life is not to be found “under the sun” (in this world) Only God gives ultimate meaning to life Provides balance to viewpoint of Proverbs

6 ECCLESIASTES: Key Verse “The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.” Ecclesiastes 12:13

7 ECCLESIASTES: Lessons for Today Life without God is _______ & ________. Trusting God is the only thing that makes ______. Enjoying life is a ______ & a __________. We are ___________ to God for the way we use our lives.

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