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Review of Paper 2 &3 Questions

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1 Review of Paper 2 &3 Questions

2 Connect the correct term with its significance/definition:
Terms Significance/Definition __ 1. Good Neighbor Policy __ 2. Ogdensburg Conference __ 3. Havana Act __ 4. Act of Chapultepec __ 5. Declaration of Panama __6. Hyde Park Declaration (1945) a resolution from the inter-American (NOT THE US) states calling for a collective effort of defense against hostile neighbors (1939) All 21 countries agree on a Pan-American security zone, regulated by the US (1940) Created a Permanent Joint Board on Defense for the security of North America (US & Canada) SIG: shows Canada shifting out of Britain’s sphere & into US sphere (1940_ America republics will not tolerate an invasion of our hemisphere, an attack against one is an attack against all (1941) US agrees to buy raw materials and manufactured goods from Canada under Lend-Lease Act SIG: allowed US to support British War effort and gave Canada’s economy a big boom. (1930’s) US gave money and investment in Latin Am. Countries in order to develop better relations and sustain hemispheric cooperation

3 Compare and contrast the Cold War policies of two of the following presidents: Truman, Eisenhower or Johnson Truman Eisenhower Johnson NSC-68 Use of A-Bomb  Arms Race Containment Truman Doctrine Marshall Plan Sovietization EE (Inaction) China (inaction) NATO Organization of American States Korean War Loyalty Programs McCarthyism/Red Scare HUAC Cold War Liberalism SEATO Support for French and South Vietnam Coup in Guatemala Coup in Iran Sputnik  Space Race  Focus on Science and math in education Brinkmanship (And Dulles) Massive Retaliation & MAD 1956 – Hungarian Uprising (Inaction) Highway system to get people out of cities U2 Spy Plane incident  break down of nuke talks Khrushchev visits US Vietnam Vietnam…

4 In what ways and with what results was Germany a focus in the early stages of the Cold War?
Issue Result - Fear of them causing a WWIII, (USSR) Potsdam Treaty Divides Germany into 4 zones controlled by ACC, demilitarized Germany  complications with ACC Berlin Blockade/Airlift Tension, possible new war Sovietization of Eastern Europe as a buffer between USSR and Germany “Iron Curtain” Europe is divided West Germany joins NATO in 1955 USSR makes Warsaw Pact for defense Easter Germans flee through West Berlin  a Brain Drain Khrushchev puts pressure on West to leave WB, gives Ultimatums (1958, 1961) Berlin wall constructed in 1961 Eased tensions but was a physical symbol of the Iron Curtain.

5 Why and with what success did the US adopt a policy of Containment in the period of 1947-1962
NSC-68, the Long Telegram and Clifford Memorandum  Discuss Soviets inability to cooperate or negotiate, only know force Truman Doctrine – Greek Civil War (+) Marshall Plan – Economic aid (+) Soviets threaten Iran, Use of UN (+) Organization of American States (-) NORAD - defense (+) Korean war and UN (+) China (-) Support for French in Indochina (+ short term, - long term) NATO - defense (+) Guatemala and Iranian Coups (+) Bay of Pigs (-)

6 The following essay questions can also use the previous slides points in their answers:
In what ways and to what extent did mutual distrust and suspicion cause the Cold War (also discuss problems beginning from WWI & Rus. Rev.) Which US president has left the greatest impact on foreign policy since 1945? (could discuss Nixon or Carter as well) How and why did the policies of either the USA or USSR affect the super power rivalry between ? To what extent were Soviet policies responsible for the development of the Cold War between ?

7 How and why did the policies of either the USA or USSR affect the superpower rivalry between 1950 and 1970? USA USSR Korean War Brinkmanship Guatemala and Iranian Coups Hydrogen Bomb West Germany allowed into NATO U2 Spy Plane/Paris Summit Bay or Pigs NORAD Suez Crisis Vietnam Nixon/Guam Doctrine (US would act as nuclear umbrella for allies, but would not get further involved in armed conflict to contain communism) Support of Military Regimes in Latin Am. Death of Stalin, “Peaceful Coexistence” 1953 East German Uprising Warsaw Pact 1956 Hungarian Uprising Suez Crisis & Support of Egypt Involvement in Africa (Angola) Support of Castro, Missile Crisis Berlin Wall support Sino-Soviet Split Brezhnev Doctrine – Prague Spring

8 Evaluate the role of one super power in the Cold War after 1970.
USA USSR End of Vietnam War Détente SALT I Chilean Coup ABM treaty Ping-Pong Diplomacy Biological Warfare treaty Removed nukes from South Korea Cuban Immigrant (Mariel Boatlift) Iran Crisis/Nicaraguan Revolution Star Wars (SDI) Helsinki Accords Boycott of 1980 Moscow Olympics Grenada “Evil Empire” Economic Pressures Able Archer ‘83 Soviet involvement in Africa Poland, Solidarity and USSR troops on the border ABM Treaty War in Afghanistan Gerontocracy Boycott 1984 Los Angeles Olympics Korean Air flight 007 Chernobyl Glasnost Perestroika Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe

9 The United States and Canada, of all the major belligerents in World War II, gained the most and lost the least.” Discuss this contention.

10 Describe the role of the United States and Canada in the Second World War.

11 Analyze the measures taken by any TWO countries in response to the Holocaust.

12 Compare and contrast the treatment of the Japanese internees in the United States and Canada during the Second World War.

13 To what extent were attempts at “hemispheric cooperation” successful before and during the Second World War?

14 Analyze the social and economic effects of the Second World War on one country.

15 Analyze the successes and failures of President Kennedy’s foreign policies toward Latin America.

16 Assess the nature and effectiveness of opposition to either Juan Perón or Getulio Vargas.

17 Compare and contrast the origins and the social/economic impacts of the military regimes of two of the following: Brazil, Argentina or Chile.

18 Analyze the successes and failures of Castro’s economic and social policies.

19 What were the causes and characteristics of Perónism.

20 “By the late 1960’s it seemed to many Americans that the forces of chaos and radicalism were taking control of the nation.” To what extent did the domestic policies of Nixon or Carter address this situation?

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