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Welcome to Effective Instruction Day 2! Visit the different posters. Place your dots on the continuum for each statement to reflect your use of feedback.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Effective Instruction Day 2! Visit the different posters. Place your dots on the continuum for each statement to reflect your use of feedback."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Effective Instruction Day 2! Visit the different posters. Place your dots on the continuum for each statement to reflect your use of feedback in the classroom.

2 Effective Instruction 2008-2009 In-service Plan Session 1 – Formative Assessment in the Classroom (September) Session 2- Check for Understanding, Feedback (December) Session 3- Formative Assessment Points in a Unit (???)

3 Sharing Your Work Share with your grade partners the formative assessments tried since session one. –How did it fit into the CIA format? –C- How did you COLLECT? –I- How did you INTERPRET? –A- How did you ACT on the data? Let’s hear what worked for you!

4 Today’s Objectives Understand the role of feedback in formative assessment Know the criteria for effective feedback that affects learning Create a plan for checking for understanding and providing feedback in a content area Deepen our understanding of CIA

5 Think -Write -Pair -Share On the discussion board, post an example of a planned formative assessment and a spontaneous formative assessment. What do you use more in your classroom?

6 Formative Assessment Definition Formative assessment is a planned process in which assessment-elicited evidence of students’ status is used by teachers to adjust their ongoing instructional procedures or by students to adjust their current learning tactics.

7 “Egg Nog” Pong Challenge Common feedback phrases you use.

8 Role Play: CIA What data did you COLLECT as you watched the activity? How did you INTERPRET that information? How did you ACT to improve the chances of success?

9 PMI- Plus, Minus, Interesting Read “Feedback that Fits” Post on the discussion board any of the following: A part that enriches your understanding. (+) A part that challenges your thinking about Feedback (-) Note a part that you find particularly interesting. (I) Think about how this could play out in your classroom. Article

10 Providing Feedback –Feedback should be… –Corrective –Timely –Specific to a criterion –Related to student effort and the result of that effort –-Marzano HYS

11 Break Time! Read comments and suggestions on the wikispace. Add your own ideas/comments if you haven’t already! 5 minutes please

12 4 Steps to Check for Understanding COLLECT Generate Engage INTERPRET Interpret results ACT Announce Connect Take the next steps

13 Checking for Understanding CIA Process CollectInterpretAct PromptEngage What would you do if many but not all of the students provided the correct response? What would you do if ½ of students provided the correct response?

14 4 Steps to Check for Understanding Step 3: Interpret Interpret the results deciding how to move the lesson forward Monitor andAdjust On TargetContinue RestateMe or a Student Re-teachDig Deeper for More Information--Another Question, Modality, Problem

15 ACT Feedback —3 Examples Interpret Results Feedback to Promote Action On Target “You are all right on target. A neighborhood is a place where people live, play and work together. Good job focusing this afternoon. Stick with me now as we do this last part.” Restate “Some of you have forgotten to use the factoring rules we reviewed at the beginning of class resulting in incomplete or incorrect answers. Listen to Julia as she explains number 9 and be ready to tell me what factoring rules apply to this problem.” Reteach “Many of you are confusing the present tense with the past tense when you are conjugating these verbs. Look up here as I review the three areas that distinguish the two tenses. Then we’ll return to this work.”

16 Application Time Save the template on the wikispace to your H: Drive and fill out.

17 Resources to Support Your Application U drive effective instruction folder –ASCD DI Tool Kit –ASCD Formative Assessment Templates –Checking for Understanding Strategies

18 To Do Between now and Next Time… Use the checking for understanding template and feedback PMI summary sheet. Reflect on how this use informed your instruction. –What worked and how do you know? –What challenges occurred and how did you overcome them? –How did you use this assessment to adjust your instruction? –What questions do you have?

19 Self Assessment Please refer to the Pink Assessment card and mark your comfort level with a number “2” to indicate your knowledge or skill after this session.

20 Workshop Survey You were emailed the survey link this afternoon- please do it now if you wish. Thank you for your time today!

21 Sharing Your Thoughts Share your thoughts on the criteria you used to select your favorite treat.

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