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Art History and Art Criticism Week 7 Chapter 4 Thinking about Art History Iris Tuan.

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Presentation on theme: "Art History and Art Criticism Week 7 Chapter 4 Thinking about Art History Iris Tuan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Art History and Art Criticism Week 7 Chapter 4 Thinking about Art History Iris Tuan

2 The Ideas Interacted with the Visual Chapter 1 — distinction between art history and art appreciation and art criticism Chapter 1 — distinction between art history and art appreciation and art criticism Primary evidence — the work of art (p. 76) Primary evidence — the work of art (p. 76) Issues such as class and gender (p. 77) Issues such as class and gender (p. 77) The term “ aesthetics ” (p. 77) The term “ aesthetics ” (p. 77) Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten: Taste Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten: Taste Challenge the idea that the purpose of art is to imitate nature (p. 77) Challenge the idea that the purpose of art is to imitate nature (p. 77) An individual ’ s judgment or taste about aesthetics could mean something to other people (p. 78) An individual ’ s judgment or taste about aesthetics could mean something to other people (p. 78)

3 Kant vs. Hegel Kant ’ s Critique of Judgment Kant ’ s Critique of Judgment Underpin the concept of `genius ’ (p. 78) Underpin the concept of `genius ’ (p. 78) Kant ’ s idea of the aesthetic was refuted by G. W. F. Hegel (p. 78) Kant ’ s idea of the aesthetic was refuted by G. W. F. Hegel (p. 78) Volksgeist, the spirit of the nation Volksgeist, the spirit of the nation Zeitgeist, the spirit of the age Zeitgeist, the spirit of the age The history of the apirit can be broken up into three periods — 1. the symbolic, 2. the classical, and 3. the romantic (p. 78-79) The history of the apirit can be broken up into three periods — 1. the symbolic, 2. the classical, and 3. the romantic (p. 78-79)

4 Art History as a Systematic Enquiry E.g. Reynold ’ s Three Ladies Adorning a Term of Hymen (1773) E.g. Reynold ’ s Three Ladies Adorning a Term of Hymen (1773) Reflects the later 18 th century preoccupation with antiquity (p. 80) Reflects the later 18 th century preoccupation with antiquity (p. 80) Karl Marx: Historical Materialism (p. 80) Karl Marx: Historical Materialism (p. 80) The base — the economic basis for society The base — the economic basis for society The superstructure — the art The superstructure — the art

5 Ideology The Manipulation of power The Manipulation of power Two social groups: the exploited and the exploiters (p. 80) Two social groups: the exploited and the exploiters (p. 80) The group is based on wealth (p. 81) The group is based on wealth (p. 81) E.g. John Constable ’ s The Cornfield (1826) E.g. John Constable ’ s The Cornfield (1826) An idyllic representation of the English countryside An idyllic representation of the English countryside Question: Who is looking at it? Question: Who is looking at it?

6 Theories Semiotics (p. 82) Michel Foucault ’ s What Is an Author Authenticity and authorship (p. 83) Deconstruction: E.g. Jacques Derrida (p. 83) Decode (p. 85) The “ inside ” and the “ outside ” of a work of art E.g. Monet ’ s Rouen Cathedral (1894)

7 Psychoanalysis and Feminism The study of the unconscious mind The study of the unconscious mind Sigmund Freud (p. 86) Sigmund Freud (p. 86) The representation of women The representation of women Relationship between the sexes (p. 87) Relationship between the sexes (p. 87) Art indeed has a history (p. 89) Art indeed has a history (p. 89)

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