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Distributed Key Based Steganography Implementation and Analysis Mayur Mehta 10-23-15.

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Presentation on theme: "Distributed Key Based Steganography Implementation and Analysis Mayur Mehta 10-23-15."— Presentation transcript:

1 Distributed Key Based Steganography Implementation and Analysis Mayur Mehta 10-23-15

2 Objective Steganography is the practice of hiding secret messages in nonsecret data (cover file) The goal of this project is to build and analyze a distributed steganography system Approach: Perform a literature review Design and implement a distributed approach to steganography Perform steganalysis to determine robustness Demonstrate practicality of implementation

3 Design Secret Cover1Cover2Cover3CoverN SecretReceived Key Key …

4 Progress Literature Review Design Implementation Steganalysis Report Demo

5 Resources Dickman, Shawn D. "An Overview of Steganography."Department of Computer Science, James Madison University Infosec Techreport(2007). Fridrich, Jessica, Miroslav Goljan, and David Soukal. "Searching for the stego-key."Electronic Imaging 2004. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2004. Morkel, Tayana, Jan HP Eloff, Martin S. Olivier. "An overview of image steganography."ISSA. 2005. Provos, Niels, and Peter Honeyman. "Hide and seek: An introduction to steganography."Security & Privacy, IEEE1.3 (2003): 32-44.

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