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 Complement: (noun) something that completes or makes perfect; (verb) to complete or make perfect  Compliment: (noun) a remark that expresses approval,

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Presentation on theme: " Complement: (noun) something that completes or makes perfect; (verb) to complete or make perfect  Compliment: (noun) a remark that expresses approval,"— Presentation transcript:

1  Complement: (noun) something that completes or makes perfect; (verb) to complete or make perfect  Compliment: (noun) a remark that expresses approval, praise, or admiration; (verb) to pay a compliment

2  Consul: (noun) the representative of a foreign country  Council: (noun) a group called together to accomplish a job  Counsel: (noun) advice; (verb) to give advice

3  Councilor: (noun) a member of a council  Counselor: (noun) one who gives advice

4  Desert: (noun) a dry region  Desert: (verb) to leave  Dessert: (noun) a sweet, final course of a meal.

5  Formally: (adv.) properly, according to strict rules. ◦ Example: Should he be formally introduced?  Formerly (adv.) previously, in the past ◦ Example: The new consul was formerly a professor.

6  Hear: (verb) to receive sounds through the ears. ◦ Example: Did you hear the president's speech?  Here: (adverb) at this place ◦ Example: The bus will be here soon.

7  Its: (possessive of it) belongs to it ◦ Example: The lion stopped in its tracks.  It’s: Contraction of “it is” or “it has”. ◦ Example: It’s snowing! It’s started to snow!

8  Lead: (verb. Present tense) to go first ◦ Example: I’ll lead the way.  Led: (verb, past tense) went first ◦ Example: Last week she led us to victory.  Lead: a heavy metal; graphite in a pencil ◦ Example: We make fishing sinkers out of lead.

9  Loose: (adj.) not securely fastened, not close together ◦ Example: The string on the package is too loose.  Lose: (verb) to suffer loss ◦ Example: Don’t lose your ticket!

10  Moral: (adj.) having to do with good or right ◦ Example: It’s a moral question.  Morale: (noun) mental condition, spirit ◦ Example: Letters from home raised our morale.

11  Passed: (verb) went by ◦ Example: He passed us in the hallway.  Past: (noun) history, what has gone by; (adj.) former; (preposition) farther than; after ◦ Example: Her past employer recommended her.

12  Threw: (verb) tossed; pitched ◦ Freddy threw three strikes.  Through: (preposition) in one side and out the opposite side ◦ The firetruck raced through the heavy traffic.

13  To: preposition; also infinitive form of a verb ◦ They’ve gone to the store. ◦ She told us to wash the windows.  Too: (adverb) also; excessively ◦ I like soccer, and Ted does, too. ◦ He was too tired to think clearly.  Two: (adjective or noun) the sum of one+one ◦ I noticed two packages on the sofa.

14  Waist: (noun) the middle part of the body ◦ This skirt is too big in the waist.  Waste: (noun) unused material; (verb) to squander ◦ Waste is a major problem in the United States. ◦ Don’t waste your money on that.

15  Week: (noun) seven days ◦ Carol has been gone for a week.  Weak: (adjective) feeble; lacking force, not strong ◦ The fawn is still too weak to walk.

16  Weather: (noun) conditions outdoors ◦ The weather suddenly changed.  Whether: conjunction indicating alternative or doubt ◦ She wondered whether to enter the contest.

17  Who’s: contraction of “who is” or “who has” ◦ I can’t imagine who’s at the door now. ◦ Who’s been writing in my book?  Whose: (possessive of who) belonging to whom ◦ Whose bicycle is this?

18  Your: (possessive of you) belonging to you ◦ What is your idea?  You’re: contraction of “you are” ◦ Please RSVP so that I will know whether you’re going to be there or not.

19  Shone: (verb) emitted light ◦ The sun shone brightly in the morning.  Shown: (verb) revealed, displayed ◦ Julie has just shown me her yearbook.

20  Stationary: (adjective) in a fixed position ◦ The walls are stationary.  Stationery: (noun) writing paper ◦ Use white stationery for business letters.

21  Than: conjunction used for comparison ◦ Jimmy enjoys tennis more than golf.  Then: (adverb) at this time; next ◦ I will go to school, then I will go to the mall.

22  Their: (possessive of they) belonging to them ◦ The girls have their opinions.  There: (adverb) at that place; also an expletive used to begin a sentence. ◦ I’ll be there on time. ◦ There isn’t any milk left!  They’re: contraction of “they are” ◦ They’re at the station now.

23  Plain: (adj.) clear, not fancy; (noun) a flat area of land. ◦ She made per point of view plain. ◦ Steven wears very plain clothes. ◦ The storm lashed the open plain.  Plane: (noun) a flat surface; a level; a tool; an airplane ◦ Each plane of the granite block was smooth. ◦ The debate was conducted on a high plane. ◦ Chris smoothed the wood with a plane. ◦ The plane arrived on time.

24  Principal: (noun) head of a school; (adj.) main, most important. ◦ Our principal addressed the assembly. ◦ Product design is my principal responsibility.  Principle: (noun) a rule of conduct; a law ◦ His principles do not allow compromise. ◦ Please explain the principle of gravity.

25  Quiet: (adj.) silent, still ◦ The library is usually fairly quiet.  Quite: (adverb) to a great extent or degree, completely ◦ My little brother is quite clever for his age. ◦ I’m not quite finished.

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