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Zebra mussels are a great threat to the Great Lakes.  Compete with fish for plankton  Clarify water, cause plants to grow.

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Presentation on theme: "Zebra mussels are a great threat to the Great Lakes.  Compete with fish for plankton  Clarify water, cause plants to grow."— Presentation transcript:


2 Zebra mussels are a great threat to the Great Lakes.  Compete with fish for plankton  Clarify water, cause plants to grow

3  The soil, air, and surface where living things can grow

4 1. OrganismHuman being 2. PopulationFamily 3. CommunityTown 4. EcosystemPeople and buildings 5. BiomeState of PA/US 6. BiosphereWorld/Planet

5  Large habitat  Atlantic Ocean  Forests  Jungles  Small habitat – “microhabitat”  Rotting Log  Large Intestine  Riffle, Run, or Pool in a Stream

6  Living components of an ecosystem  Competing trees  Predators  Viruses  Bacteria  Pathogens

7  Non-living components in an ecosystem  Sunlight  Air  Water  Minerals


9  Much more complex  Represent actuality

10  Any given environment can only support so many organisms  If a population reaches its max, organisms will:  Die  Move  Adapt

11 Eventually the environment will no longer support any more individuals The graph is in the shape of an S: “S-Curve”

12  The role an organism plays in an ecosystem  Two organisms CANNOT occupy the same niche  If they did, they would compete for resources  Die  Move  Adapt

13  Homeo = Same, Stasis = State of activity  A “steady state” that an ecosystem is normally in before a disruption

14  Fire  Tornado  Volcano  Humans  Hurricanes  Tsunami

15  Geographic areas with similar soil and climates  Have similar species adaptations  Common plants and animals characteristic of those climates

16 1. Forests 2. Tropical Rain Forests 3. Deciduous and Scrub Forests 4. Temperate Deciduous 5. Temperate Coniferous 6. Boreal Forest

17 7. Savanna 8. Temperate Grassland 9. Tundra 10. Desert 11. Chaparral

18 12. Mountains 13. Ice Cap 14. Freshwater 15. Marine

19  The Water Cycle  Precipitation  Evaporation  Transpiration  Condensation  Run-off/Groundwater

20  Atmospheric CO 2  Photosynthesis  Animals eat plants  Respiration  Plants form coal  Humans burn Fossil Fuels

21 1. Atmospheric N 2 2. Nitrogen Fixation 3. Plant uptake 4. Animals/Decomposition

22  The change in plant and animal species over time  Primary  Secondary

23  Only occurs on recently formed land  Hawaiian Islands  Ice Caps  Plate Boundaries  Pioneer Species  First species to establish themselves  Climax Community  The final stage of succession

24  Occurs after a disturbance  Fire  Volcano  Pioneer Species  First species to establish themselves  Climax Community  The final stage of succession

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