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Dementia Friends Susan Tron Dementia Friends Champion.

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Presentation on theme: "Dementia Friends Susan Tron Dementia Friends Champion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dementia Friends Susan Tron Dementia Friends Champion

2 What is a Dementia Friend? We are volunteers who are enthusiastic about the programme We are not experts in dementia nor are we counsellors We have completed Dementia Friends Champions training

3 Session Outline The session will last 45-60 minutes It will include some activities but no breaks You will be asked to turn your understanding into action to be a Dementia Friend

4 Icebreaker What is the first word that pops into your head when you hear the word dementia Are the words overwhelmingly positive or negative?

5 Dementia Friends Objectives Creating Dementia Friendly communities together with the help of 1 million Dementia Friends Enable and inspire people to become Dementia friends Champions who will give their time and skills to raise awareness among potential Dementia Friends and so improve the lives of people living with dementia Improve national understanding of dementia through awareness sessions Enable a social movement on dementia to improve the lives of people living with dementia

6 Bingo Lets play a game of bingo

7 About Dementia The term dementia describes a set of symptoms e.g. problems with memory or language There are over 100 types of dementia, all are progressive; Alzheimer's is the most common 1 in 14 people over the age of 65 develop dementia but it is not exclusively an older persons disease; younger people get dementia too

8 Dementia Friends – the need 44% of people with dementia feel they have lost their friends after being diagnosed 48% of people, with dementia feel like a burden to their family 61 % of people with dementia feel lonely always or some of the time 67% of people with dementia do not always feel part of the community

9 Bookcase scenario

10 Make a cup of tea Describe the individual steps needed to carry out the task of making a cup of tea How many steps does it take

11 Some difficulties for people with dementia Forgetful – recent events, conversations, names Repetitive Confused in familiar environments Struggle with familiar daily tasks Difficulty following a conversation Seem frustrated, sad or withdrawn

12 5 things you should know 1.Dementia is NOT a natural part of ageing 2.Dementia is caused by brain diseases 3.Its not just about losing your memory 4.It IS possible to live well with dementia 5.There's more to the person than the dementia

13 How can Dementia Friends help? Be patient, more understanding of people showing signs of dementia – finding way to local shop, looking confused, which bus Spend a little more time helping or supporting a friend, relative, neighbour with dementia Sign up for a newsletter Encourage others to become dementia friends Spread the word Challenge misconceptions Become a Dementia Friends Champion Sign post people to obtain more information and support

14 Ways you can help someone with dementia 1.Smile and listen carefully to what they need 2.Speak calmly and clearly – take time 3.Offer help or find someone who can help 4.Consider how the person is feeling 5.Show respect 6.Offer support by doing with, not taking over 7.Be patient, flexible and tolerant

15 Where Can I find Out More Website: Alzheimer's Locality Office – County Durham 0191 3890400 National Dementia Helpline 0300 222 11 22 Talking Point - online forum – ask questions and share experiences

16 Who Else Can I Involve? Safer Homes: Aim to assist isolated and vulnerable residents to Improve safety & wellbeing In their home. Telephone 0191 3755561 Email:

17 Next Step Record you have attended a Dementia Friends session – Use code dementia friends123 and tell us what action you will take

18 Thank you

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