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CCGPS Mathematics Unit-by-Unit Grade Level Webinar Fifth Grade Unit 6: 2D Figures January 31, 2013 Session will be begin at 3:15 pm While you are waiting,

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Presentation on theme: "CCGPS Mathematics Unit-by-Unit Grade Level Webinar Fifth Grade Unit 6: 2D Figures January 31, 2013 Session will be begin at 3:15 pm While you are waiting,"— Presentation transcript:

1 CCGPS Mathematics Unit-by-Unit Grade Level Webinar Fifth Grade Unit 6: 2D Figures January 31, 2013 Session will be begin at 3:15 pm While you are waiting, please do the following: Configure your microphone and speakers by going to: Tools – Audio – Audio setup wizard Document downloads: When you are prompted to download a document, please choose or create the folder to which the document should be saved, so that you may retrieve it later.

2 What’s working?



5 Please share with your leaders…

6 What’s Unit 6 all about? Organizing thinking Geometric properties of a variety of polygons Examples and non-examples of a variety of plane and solid figures Hierarchy of quadrilaterals Properties of triangles Modeling problem solving Multiple solution paths

7 What should students bring from before? Knowledge of triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, cubes, cones, cylinders, spheres, rectangular prisms, and more. Familiarity with angle, face, parallel, perpendicular, right angle terminology Two-dimensions, three dimensions Defining attributes of various shapes Foundational organizational ability Foundational ability to problem solve Use of the 8 Standards for Mathematical Practice

8 Organizing thinking

9 Organizing Thinking: Three approaches to teaching geometry Introduce and explain concepts Emphasis on student discovery, with no conceptual analysis of discoveries Discuss and extend concepts and procedures that come up in children’s problem solving (from Saxe et al., 1999, slightly modified by T. Toms)


11 The goldilocks dilemma… problem-solving?fd=1

12 Levels of geometric thinking: Visual/syncretic- Students recognize shapes, e.g., a rectangle “looks like a door.” Descriptive- Students perceive properties of shapes, e.g., a rectangle has four sides, all its sides are straight, opposite sides have equal length. Analytic- Students characterize shapes by their properties, e.g., a rectangle has opposite sides of equal length and four right angles. Abstract- Students understand that a rectangle is a parallelogram because it has all the properties of parallelograms.

13 Students find that some combinations of properties signal certain classes of figures and some do not; thus the seeds of geometric implication are planted. However, only at the next level, abstraction, do students see relationships between classes of figures (e.g., understand that a square is a rectangle because it has all the properties of rectangles) Competence at this level a ff ords the learning of higher-level geometry, including deductive arguments and proof.

14 Thus, learning geometry cannot progress in the same way as learning number, where the size of the numbers is gradually increased and new kinds of numbers are considered later. In learning about shapes, it is important to vary the examples in many ways so that students do not learn limited concepts that they must later unlearn. ( 06/ccss_progression_g_k6_2012_06_27.pdf)

15 Geometric properties

16 Examples and non-examples Using and sorting examples and non-examples of a variety of plane and solid figures

17 Regular vs irregular polygons Regular- equal sides, equal angles Irregular- unequal sides and/or angles. Is a rectangle regular or irregular?

18 Hierarchy of quadrilaterals

19 Subset thinking:

20 Trapezoid? In the U.S., that the term “trapezoid” may have two different meanings. In their study, The Classification of Quadrilaterals (Information Age Publishing, 2008), Usiskin et al. call these the exclusive and inclusive definitions: T(E): a trapezoid is a quadrilateral with exactly one pair of parallel sides T(I): a trapezoid is a quadrilateral with at least one pair of parallel sides.

21 These different meanings result in different classifications at the analytic level. According to T(E), a parallelogram is not a trapezoid; according to T(I), a parallelogram is a trapezoid. Both definitions are legitimate. However, Usiskin et al. conclude, “The preponderance of advantages to the inclusive definition of trapezoid has caused all the articles we could find on the subject, and most college- bound geometry books, to favor the inclusive definition.” Based on the above, Georgia will use the inclusive definition. A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with at least one pair of parallel sides.

22 Properties of triangles

23 Geometry progression Where does this begin? Where is it going? ( g_k6_2012_06_27.pdf)

24 Conceptual Understanding Matters 24

25 5 th grade? Page 17- progressions document

26 Where is this going?

27 Common Core progression for Geometry: _progression_g_k6_2012_06_27.pdf

28 Modeling problem solving


30 Multiple solution paths


32 What about teaching? A teacher asks: How do you envision how math class would be taught with the Common Core Standards? I think many teachers teach math in a fairly “traditional” way – instructing students on how to do (whatever) and then assign problems to be completed. How is our “mode of business,” if you will, going to change? Bill McCallum says: Dear Teacher, I don’t see the standards as dictating any particular teaching method, but rather setting goals for student understanding. Different people have different ideas about what is the best method for achieving that understanding. That said, I think it’s pretty clear that classrooms implementing the standards should have some way of fostering understanding and reasoning, and classrooms where students are just sitting and listening are unlikely to achieve that.

33 One of the strongest results in recent research is that the most important feature in effective teaching is giving students "opportunity to learn". Teachers can set expectations, time, kinds of tasks, questions, acceptable answers, and type of discussions that will influence students' opportunity to learn. This must involve both skill efficiency and conceptual understanding. Hiebert, James; Grouws, Douglas The Effects of Classroom Mathematics Teaching on Students' Learning 2007

34 Horizontal and vertical connections Strategies apply everywhere, in multiple contexts Integration of content areas ensures connections and relational thinking Multiple steps builds understanding and deeper thinking Work the culminating task collaboratively with colleagues so you know where your kids need to go, and what they might have difficulty with

35 Focus on Making Student Thinking Explicit need to be able to use student strategies as the center of the workgroup conversation, as one of the tools teachers interact with expertise shared by students change in power structures, from teacher as expert Journaling, anchor charts provide an explicit trace of the group’s thinking extends to other communities of practice in other content areas Extending Children's Mathematics Fractions and Decimals: Innovations in Cognitively Guided Instruction By Susan B. Empson and Linda Levi

36 Focus on Making Student Thinking Explicit Ask children how they solved problems. Probe their understanding. Introduce symbols, number sentences, and mathematical language to go with strategies Extending Children's Mathematics Fractions and Decimals: Innovations in Cognitively Guided Instruction By Susan B. Empson and Linda Levi



39 Resources standards-elementary-school?fd=1 standards-elementary-school?fd=1

40 As part of the continuing implementation of CCGPS in the year 2013 - 2014, the current GADOE mathematics units are being augmented. We would like your assistance with this critical process. Student work samples are a vital component of the frameworks which only you can provide. If you have been using the GADOE frameworks and have student work which you would be willing to share, please send it our way. We will remove any identifiers, and include selected student work samples in the revised frameworks which are slated to be released July 1, 2013. If your student work sample is selected for inclusion we will notify you of its placement in the units via email. Call for Student Work Samples

41 Submission guidelines : Attach the work sample(s) to an email in any format. Whatever works for you, works for us. Indicate the grade level, unit, and task in the body of your email, and on the work sample in the upper left corner. You may cover any student/school identifiers if you wish, and we will do the same if any remain. Send the email with student work attached to the appropriate team member. To be considered for inclusion, work samples must be submitted by May 17, 2013. We look forward to seeing your students’ work. Call for Student Work Samples

42 As part of the continuing implementation of CCGPS in the year 2013 - 2014, the current GADOE mathematics frameworks and units are being reviewed, revised, and augmented. We are offering an opportunity for educators to assist in this critical process. The challenge: Create a career-based mathematics task using guidelines provided to supplement and/or address gaps in the existing CCGPS frameworks units. If your task is selected for addition to a unit, you will receive a $200 honorarium per task. All work is to be original using support structures provided by the Georgia Department of Education Mathematics Team. If you are interested in participating in this challenge, please view the task creation guidelines at, and get started! Task submission period begins now and closes May 1, 2013. We look forward to seeing your tasks. Career-Based Mathematics Task Challenge

43 As part of the continuing implementation of CCGPS, the current CCGPS mathematics frameworks and units are being reviewed, revised, and augmented. The Georgia Department of Education is seeking qualified math educators to become part of the 2013 CCGPS Mathematics Resource Revision Team which will assist in this critical process. The scope of the CCGPS Mathematics Resource Revision Team work will include, but is not limited to: evaluating newly submitted tasks assessing the need for additional tasks assessing the order of current units and tasks editing of current units and tasks creating additional tasks to address gaps, if necessary 2013 Resource Revision Team

44 All work will be completed collaboratively with support structures provided by the Georgia Department of Education Mathematics Team. All work is to be completed at the Georgia Department of Education, June 3rd-June 6, and June 10-13, 2013. Team members will be compensated for contracted work in the amount of $2000 and travel expenses will be reimbursed. If you are interested in becoming a part of the CCGPS Mathematics Resource Revision Team, please respond to the appropriate Georgia Department of Education contact below by March 1, 2013. In your response, please indicate grade level interest, why you would like to be part of this team, related experience, and the contact information for two references. 2013 Resource Revision Team Grades K-5 Turtle Toms Mathematics Program Elementary Specialist

45 Can you help us capture this? Thank you!

46 What’s working?

47 Thank You! Please visit to provide us with your feedback! Turtle Gunn Toms Program Specialist (K-5) These materials are for nonprofit educational purposes only. Any other use may constitute copyright infringement. Join the listserve! Follow on Twitter! Follow @GaDOEMath Follow @turtletoms (yep, I’m tweeting math resources in a very informal manner)

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