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Brief Report by Mitsuru Ishigaki UN/CEFACT Rapporteur for Asia and The Pacific (AFACT 32 nd Plenary)

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Presentation on theme: "Brief Report by Mitsuru Ishigaki UN/CEFACT Rapporteur for Asia and The Pacific (AFACT 32 nd Plenary)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Brief Report by Mitsuru Ishigaki UN/CEFACT Rapporteur for Asia and The Pacific (AFACT 32 nd Plenary)

2 UN/CEFACT Bureau ( Chair, 6 Vice Chair ) & UNECE Secretar iat

3 3 International Trade Procedure PDA International Trade Procedure PDA Supply Chain PDA Regulatory PDA Sectral PDA Methodology & Technology PDA Methodology & Technology PDA Bureau ___________________ Chair UNECE Secretariat Plenary UN/CEFACT Rapporteur Africa Asia and The Pacific UN/CEFACT Rapporteur Africa Asia and The Pacific Vice Chair Bureau Programme Support Program of Work Roster of Experts Current registered Domains International Trade Procedures,Finance &Payments、Procurement、 Supply Chain Management, Transport & Logistics, Accounting & Audit, Customs, Environment Management, Government, Agriculture, Insurance, Travel & Tourism, Utilities Current registered Domains International Trade Procedures,Finance &Payments、Procurement、 Supply Chain Management, Transport & Logistics, Accounting & Audit, Customs, Environment Management, Government, Agriculture, Insurance, Travel & Tourism, Utilities Projects Domain Support Domain Support Projects Domain Support Domain Support Projects Domain Support Domain Support Projects Domain Support Domain Support Projects Domain Support Domain Support Directory maintenance Core Component Library Harmonization & maintenance Syntax Solution development & Maintenance (UN/EDIFACT and XML) conformance communication Directory maintenance Core Component Library Harmonization & maintenance Syntax Solution development & Maintenance (UN/EDIFACT and XML) conformance communication Structure of UN/ CEFACT 7



6 『 UNECE Recommendation 40 ‘ Consultation Approach ‘ ( Best Practices in Trade and Government Consultation on Trade Facilitation Matters ) 』 Bureau approved this to be presented to the plenary for approval.


8 21 st 40




12 Future steps: 1.Participants are invited for further development of 4 sections discussion paper and the larger recommendation. 2. Workshop 18-19 Feb. 2015 (Geneva) SW operators participate to refine the working papers. 3. A symposium being held in the fall 2015

13 Business needs: Scope covers the mechanism required for the interconnectivity of two of more SW facilities which requires the B2G and G2G exchange of regulatory data/information beyond the domain of national Single Window The reasons of SWI, The constraints of SWI, The model of SWI, a stakeholder analysis etc Semantics: The nuance between Semantics and Syntax, The different tools for semantic Interoperability etc

14 Governance Environment: The principles of Centralized governance model & a network governance model etc Legal Environment: Consideration on basis Rec. 33 ‘Establishment of SW’ & Rec.35 legal aspects etc







21 【 New Project in Supply Chain PDA 】 Common framework for Foreign information Exchange Studying requirements for freight information exchange across the international supply chain as well as reviewing existing frameworks

22 Multi Modal Transport Reference data model Developing a Multi Modal Transport (MMT) reference data model, as a limited structured subset of the UN/CEFACT ebXML Core Components Library, providing semantic links especially between the Core Components and the EDIFACT implementations. Following will be co-worked in MMT project. 『 Trusted Mobile e-Document Framework for Logistics 』 by Dr. YoungKong Lee

23 Providing companies short term solution for funding inventory in order to complete sales transactions.

24 Request for Extending CI Remittance Advice Message By SIPS of UN/CEFACT Japan Committee SIPS: Supply Chain Information Platform Study Group

25 Requirement Summary Objective: To expand the current “Cross Industry Remittance Advice” for 1. Improving reconciliation works of traders. 2. Sharing commercial information with the financial sector. 3. Adapting the commercial practice in Japanese, Asian Industry and worldwide. Extension Summary: 1. Monthly based payment 2. Relevant Tax information 3. Multi Payment Means 4. Introduce Balance out payment (more than Adjustment) 5. Add Trade product information (more accurate Reconciliation)


27 Buyer Creditor Bank Seller Debtor Bank POC Platform DB Zengin System Conversio n Remittance Advice Payment Instruction Payment Instractio n Cash Management EDI Transaction ID Remittance Advice POC for Remittance Advice Extension in Japan Financial Network Commercial Network EDI Transaction ID Remittance Advice Cash Management Remittance Advice Conversio n 1.To proof the improvement of reconciliation works of Buyer / Seller. 2.To analyze the data in Platform DB for the new business opportunity.

28 Commercial information embedded Financial Message Payment Instruction ISO20022 Pain.001.001.005 Debtor / Creditor Financial Institution Financial Account UN/CEFACT CI Remittance Advice Message Supplementary Data


30 About the project Project proposal approved by Bureau Participation is open to experts nominated by HoD A project team has ben established and is in operation … investigate how self-conformance statements should be specified and be made publically available … The project will document requirements related to – ways in which user communities can identify and declare conformance with standards in order to foster interoperability, – how self-conformance statements can be made publically available to improve transparency in the actual implementation and use of standards. Expected deliverables – The project deliverable will be a requirements document that will elaborate on the issues involved and provide an outline of what actions would be required to provide a self- conformance service.

31 The challenge … Different versions? Different subset? Different code lists? Different data format? … My system is based on CEFACT standards So is mine! Then why can’t I read your data into my system? How to achieve true semantic interoperability in a many-to-many message exchange environment?

32 Conformance fosters Interoperability Interoperability The ability of computer systems to understand and act on received message as expected Interoperability depends on a common implementation and understanding of the standards  conformance Conformance: To what extent my system has implemented the referenced standard European Interoperability Framework v2.0

33 Levels of conformance Using terminology from TOGAF Irrelevant Consistent Compliant Conformant Fully conformant Non-conformant

34 Conformance to what? “EDIFACT domain” Level of interoperability Technical specifications (methodology) Business standards Political Legal Organisational Semantic Technical EDIFAC T MDR UNSM UN CL EDED EDSD & EDCD TDED/ISO 7372 EDIFACT/ISO 9735 ECE rec with codes ECE rec

35 Conformance to what? “XML domain” Level of interoperability Technical specifications (methodology) Business standards Political Legal Organisational Semantic Technical XML NDR XML schema UN CL TDED/ISO 7372 CCL CCTS BRS RSM Data Type catalogue UMM ECE rec with codes ECE rec UPCC CCBDA

36 The conformance statement Used by an SDO, a software provider or an end user to make a public statement on how they have implemented a given UN/CEFACT technical specification or business standard. Made openly and publically available through a Conformance Registry. UN/CEFACT Conformance Registry

37 Implication The SDO scenario Conformance to one of the CEFACT technical specifications (e.g. the the CEFACT NDR) will typically only be applicable for SDOs who wish to utilize all or part of the CEFACT work in combination with some of their own specifications. A conceivable scenarios is where an SDO has developed their own content models (BRS) and wish to provide the market with their own branded XML schemas, but don't want to invest in their own NDR.

38 Implication The end user scenario Conformance to a CEFACT business standard (e.g. a CEFACT XML message) will typically be applicable for individual users and software providers, as well as SDOs. The key focus is to document how an individual XML instance document conforms to the CEFACT published XML schema, and thereby establish the level of interoperability in actual message exchange.

39 Why bother (the value proposition) ? It is believed that the use and open availability of conformance statements will foster interoperability and bring benefits to all involved. – UNCEFACT Visibility on who are using our deliverables. Input to the ongoing maintenance (change requests) and thereby facilitate convergence over time. – Other standards developing organizations (SDOs) Gain recognition for their implementation guidelines. – Systems providers Recognized for providing interoperable software solutions. – End users Be sure that the software solution used is interoperable with others.

40 Recommendations (this far) 1.UN/CEFACT should adopt a precise, consistent and preferably well known terminology – The project team recommends to adopt the terminology used in TOGAF. 2.UN/CEFACT should ensure that there are clear conformance clause(s) for every standard and technical specification (e.g. BRS and RSM as well as XML and NDR). – Precise conformance clauses is a prerequisite for allowing user to declare how their implementation/use conforms to the base standard. 3.UN/CEFACT should promote and encourage the use of conformance statements towards its user communities – SDOs as well as actual implementers. – This is believed to be a good tool for communicating how a given standard is implemented and used. 4.UN/CEFACT should establish, possibly in corporation with other organizations, a conformance registry where users and SDOs can make their self-declaration of conformance visible. – Visibility of conformance is believed to promote interoperability.

41 We need you! We need more participants – more ideas, more comments Please contact the project convener at Thank you for your attention


43 80,000 UNLOCODE 230 countries UNECE maintain around 5000 code / yr Necessary to have a Focal point per each country but only a few countries incl. Japan, Korea,India, China and some. Secretariat would organize a UN/LOCODE Conference in 2014 to explore the above- mentioned issues and would invite all Member States and other UN/LOCODE stakeholders. UNLOCODE

44 UN/CEFACT 25 th Forum 20-24 April 2015 at Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland ( UN/CEFACT 21st Plenary 16-17 February 2015 at the same place ) THANK YOU Next Forum

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