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NIGHTHAWK X6 AC3200 Tri-Band WiFi Router Reviewers Guide.

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Presentation on theme: "NIGHTHAWK X6 AC3200 Tri-Band WiFi Router Reviewers Guide."— Presentation transcript:

1 NIGHTHAWK X6 AC3200 Tri-Band WiFi Router Reviewers Guide

2 Contact Please contact us with any questions, feedback, concerns 2

3 2.4GHz 600 Mbps 5GHz-1 1300 Mbps 5GHz-2 1300 Mbps Performance Test- 5GHz Use two 3x3 802.11ac devices simultaneously on the two 5GHz Bands For ex: Netgear R6300 in bridge mode MacBook Pro 802.11ac (3x3) Any other AC1900/AC1750 802.11ac WiFi Router(DFS certified) in bridge mode Steps: Ensure Smart Connect is switched off, and separate SSID/Password is set for the two 5GHz Bands Manually connect the two R6300 in bridge mode to the two 5GHz Bands Recommend to run the Iperf or IxChariot test programs using multiple sessions instead of single sessions Recommended to use dedicated end point PC for each R6300 client & LAN side of R8000 for every WiFi band/ Chariot traffic pair. So total 4 PCs required for the setup shown.

4 5GHz Test Setup 4

5 2.4GHz 600 Mbps 5GHz-1 1300 Mbps 5GHz-2 1300 Mbps Performance Test- 2.4GHz Test 2.4GHz-256 QAM using a device like Nighthawk- R7000- AC1900 (on 2.4GHz band) in bridge mode to get the best 2.4GHz performance 256 QAM for 2.4GHz is turned on by default on the Nighthawk- R7000

6 2.4GHz Test Setup 6

7 2.4GHz 600 Mbps 5GHz-1 1300 Mbps 5GHz-2 1300 Mbps Performance Test- Stress Test All 3 devices can be tested simultaneously to compare the concurrent throughput across all the 3 WiFi bands

8 Nighthawk X6- Performance Test Recommendation: PC with an Intel Core i7 with a 2 to 4 GHz CPU, 8GB RAM, and Win7 64- bit to avoid PC being the bottleneck. 8

9 Smart Connect with Load Balancing To Test Smart Connect Ensure Smart Connect is enabled. You will only see one 5GHz Band when Smart Connect is enabled Take a combination of fast and slow dual band devices and connect to 5GHz band: iPhone- 1x1 802.11n iPad- 2x2 802.11n Samsung galaxy S4 (1x1 802.11ac) Samsung galaxy S5 (2x2 802.11ac) Apple MacBook Pro (3x3 802.11ac) Apple MacBook Air (2x2 802.11ac) Netgear AC routers(DFS certified) in bridge mode Compare 5GHz performance using Iperf or IxChariot test programs Run the same test with any AC1750/AC1900 WiFi router to compare performance 2.4GHz 5GHz-1 5GHz-2

10 This screenshot from the X6 Router GUI shows how Smart Connect has separated slower and faster devices between the two 5GHz bands. 2 AC WiFi Devices 4 Dual-band Devices

11 Smart Connect with Load Balancing Load Balancing across the two 5GHz Bands When the difference in number of devices connected on a particular 5GHz band is more than 3, the 4 th device (irrespective of speed) will be connected to the second 5GHz band For eg: If there are 3 devices connected on the 5GHz-1 band the fourth device will automatically be moved to 5GHz-2. This is to ensure both the bands are utilized. 2.4GHz 5GHz-1 5GHz-2

12 12 Here, the Nighthawk’s control interface shows three dual-band devices connected on the same 5GHz band..

13 13 When a fourth dual-band device joins the network, the X6 automatically connects it to the second 5GHz band, ensuring best WiFi performance for all connected devices.

14 Other Key Features Netgear genie : Client app to monitor and manage home network. Turbo-transfer, WiFi Analytics, MyMedia Convert a USB Drive to Network Storage Easy, simple, continuous WiFi backup to shared USB drive- ReadySHARE Vault Central storage for easy access and sharing with MyMedia (genie app on mobile), DLNA & Airplay support Easy Secure Remote access with OpenVPN and Custom URL

15 More WiFi for More Devices

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