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Clickerdy Climate and Physical Features of the Eastern Hemisphere.

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Presentation on theme: "Clickerdy Climate and Physical Features of the Eastern Hemisphere."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clickerdy Climate and Physical Features of the Eastern Hemisphere

2 Tips to running “Clickerdy” As you enter your Possible Answerss, be sure to denote the correct answer and insert a correct answer indicator. – To set the correct answer: in Office 2007, use the right sidebar; in Office 2003, highlight the correct answer, then right click on it. Select “mark as correct” from the menu. – By default, the correct answer awards 100 points. You can change this and also add negative values for incorrect answers. Do not insert any extra slides or delete any slides, unless it’s after the last slide (#59). This will help maintain the hyperlinks on the game board. You can add countdown clocks to Possible Answerss, but remember this adds an extra click. Make sure to add them to every Possible Answers, so you don’t forget which ones have countdowns. – The poll opens automatically when you display the slide. You have to hit enter to start the clock. Hit enter again to display the correct answer when the vote is closed. If you have any Possible Answerss, email clicker-

3 Please select a Team. 1.Africa 2.Asia 3.North America 4.South America 5.Europe

4 Clickerdy Climate Rivers, Seas, & Oceans Climographs Climographs Mountains & Deserts Potpourri $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 Scores 12 Final

5 Climate 200 Points Which of the following is NOT one of the major climate zones?

6 Category Selection 1.Tropical 2.Wet 3.Polar 4.Temperate

7 Rivers, Seas, & Oceans 200 Points What water body is represented by the blue oval?

8 Category Selection 1.Southern Ocean 2.Atlantic Ocean 3.Indian Ocean 4.Yellow Sea

9 Climograph 200 Points On a climograph, what is represented by the bar graph?

10 Category Selection 1.Precipitation 2.Temperature 3.Wind 4.Humidity

11 Mountains & Deserts 200 Points What desert is represented by the blue oval?

12 Category Selection 1.Gobi Desert 2.Sahara Desert 3.Kalahari Desert 4.Sahara Dessert

13 Potpourri 200 Points What is the Word of the Week at Northeast this week?

14 Category Selection 1.Cooperation 2.Courtesy 3.Connectivity 4.Patriotism

15 Climate 400 Points What do you call seasonal winds that bring either dry or moist air?

16 Category Selection 1.Steppes 2.Savannas 3.Tornadoes 4.Monsoons

17 Rivers, Seas, & Oceans 400 Points What river is the arrow pointing to?

18 Category Selection 1.Huang He 2.Nile 3.Chang Jiang 4.Ganges

19 Climographs 400 Points On the climograph below, which month will have the most precipitation?

20 Category Selection 1.January 2.April 3.July 4.December

21 Mountains & Deserts 400 Points What mountains are at the same location as the blue oval?

22 Category Selection 1.Alps 2.Indian Mts. 3.Ural Mts. 4.Himalayas

23 Potpourri 400 Points On which continent do the Tuareg people live?

24 Category Selection 1.Australia 2.Asia 3.Africa 4.Europe

25 Climate 600 Points Which of the following is a characteristic of a humid continental climate?

26 Category Selection 1.Cool, rainy winters 2.Hot and humid all year round 3.Hardly any rainfall 4.Four distinct seasons

27 Rivers, Seas, & Oceans 600 Points Which sea is the star on?

28 Category Selection 1.Caspian Sea 2.North Sea 3.Black Sea 4.Yellow Sea

29 Climographs 600 Points On the climograph below, which month is MOST likely to have snow?

30 Category Selection 1.November 2.April 3.July 4.September

31 Mountains & Deserts 600 Points What physical feature is represented by the star?

32 Category Selection 1.Himalayan Mts. 2.Sahara Desert 3.Tibetan Plateau 4.Gobi Desert

33 Potpourri 600 Points Which of these represents the correct vocabulary term that means “a climate characterized by less than 10 inches of rain per year, and supporting only a few hardy plants, like cacti.”

34 Category Selection 1.desert 2.dessert 3.desertt 4.dessertt

35 Climate 800 Points Which of the following is NOT an adaptation made by the Tuareg people?

36 Category Selection 1.They cover their faces with veils 2.They live in tents made of animal skins 3.They grow crops that require a lot of water 4.They are nomadic

37 Rivers, Seas, & Oceans 800 Points What river is the arrow pointing to?

38 Category Selection 1.Tigris River 2.Euphrates River 3.Huang He 4. Nile River

39 Climographs 800 Points Using the climograph below, during which of the following months are you most likely to need an umbrella?

40 Possible Answers Category Selection 1.September 2.June 3.May 4.January

41 Mountains & Deserts 800 Points Which landform is represented by the star?

42 Possible Answers Category Selection 1.Himalayas 2.Alps 3.Ural Mountains 4.Atlas Mountains

43 Potpourri 800 Points The Chang Jiang is on the continent of __________.

44 Category Selection 1.Europe 2.Africa 3.Australia 4.Asia

45 Climate 1000 Points Which of the following climates has the MOST precipitation?

46 Category Selection 1.Humid Continental 2.Humid Tropical 3.Steppe 4.Mediterranean

47 Rivers, Seas, & Oceans 1000 Points What sea is the arrow pointing to?

48 Category Selection 1.Black Sea 2.Yellow Sea 3.East China Sea 4.South China Sea

49 Climographs 1000 Points From what hemisphere is this climograph MOST likely from?

50 Category Selection 1.Southern hemisphere 2.Northern hemisphere 3.Eastern hemisphere 4.Western hemisphere

51 Mountains & Deserts 1000 Points What mountains are the arrow pointing to?

52 Category Selection 1.Apennines 2.Urals 3.Alps 4.Pyrenees

53 Potpourri 1000 Points Which of the following topics was NOT addressed in last week’s “Week In Rap”?

54 Category Selection 1.Pollution in the Great Lakes due to “fracking” 2.The Pope’s visit to the USA 3.Volkswagon’s cheating scandal 4.ISIS recruits leaving the organization

55 Scores so far (or skip to final scores)final scores

56 Team Scores 1 Category Selection PointsTeamPointsTeam

57 Team Scores 2 Category Selection PointsTeamPointsTeam

58 Final Team Scores PointsTeamPointsTeam

59 Thank you for playing Clickerdy

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