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Dairy Cows Who they are and how we raise them. Dairy Cows Are less muscular than beef cattle Often look thin to the uneducated consumer Produce milk for.

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Presentation on theme: "Dairy Cows Who they are and how we raise them. Dairy Cows Are less muscular than beef cattle Often look thin to the uneducated consumer Produce milk for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dairy Cows Who they are and how we raise them

2 Dairy Cows Are less muscular than beef cattle Often look thin to the uneducated consumer Produce milk for 10 months each year after giving birth to their calves


4 Holstein


6 Holland High level of milk production Lower butterfat production Require lots of grain to make their milk Not good grazers

7 Ayrshire



10 Scotland Medium milk and butterfat producers Less common in New England than Holsteins

11 Brown Swiss


13 Switzerland Largest of the US dairy breeds Slow maturing Medium milk and butterfat Used to cross for beef production

14 Guernsey



17 Isle of Guernsey in France High levels of butterfat High level of carotene in the milk which gives a golden color Less popular now than before the cholesterol scare began

18 Jersey


20 Isle of Jersey in English Channel Smallest of the US dairy breeds High level of butterfat Lower milk production

21 Milking Shorthorn


23 Scotland/England Dual purpose breed Used for milk and beef production on small farms particularly in New England



26 Calves and calf raising

27 Calf Hutch

28 Calf Raising Individual hutches allow calves to get Fresh air Freedom to move around Individualized feeding Sunshine

29 Calf Hutches

30 For the first 3 days, calves drink their mother’s milk from a pail or bottle Multi-nippled calf feeders allow calves to “free choice” feed as they grow

31 Housing for Dairy Cattle

32 Stanchion (confinement) Housing Cows spend most of their time in individual “head lock” stanchions Food and water are supplied in front of them

33 Free Stall Housing Between milkings cows can: Lie down where they wish Eat Move around freely

34 Feeding stations allow each cow her own space for eating


36 The End

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