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The Lost and Found by Mark Teague

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Presentation on theme: "The Lost and Found by Mark Teague"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Lost and Found by Mark Teague
Vocabulary Words

2 furious really angry

3 situations sets of conditions at certain moments in time

4 visible able to be seen

5 plunged fell quickly and suddenly

6 suggested offered an idea You need to study more.

7 examined looked at or studied carefully

8 armor a metal covering worn to protect a knight in battle

9 dismay a feeling of upset and worry

10 burgundy a purplish-red color

11 fez a cone-shaped hat with a flat top

12 rumpled wrinkled or creased

13 unusual strange; not usual, common, or ordinary

14 directions paths that someone or something takes, points, or faces

15 worried concerned or anxious

16 lectured scolded; talked to sternly

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