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Kissinger Ch: 7 pt. 1 Essential Question: How did Wilhelm II’s foreign policy impact the other European Powers?

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Presentation on theme: "Kissinger Ch: 7 pt. 1 Essential Question: How did Wilhelm II’s foreign policy impact the other European Powers?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kissinger Ch: 7 pt. 1 Essential Question: How did Wilhelm II’s foreign policy impact the other European Powers?

2 After unification Germany had become the most powerful of the European Powers Lack of National interests Desire for alliances pushes the rest of Europe away Fear results in foreign policy based on power. 1890 William II becomes Emperor Bismarck is dismissed Change if foreign policy (Weltpolitik) Weltpolitik? Wanted Germany to be respected Couldn’t manage all of Bismarck's alliances Germany's Rise to Power Aimed at making Germany’s presence abroad commensurate with her new industrial might.

3 Russia’s Foreign policy Torn between two worlds Fears of Russian Power Great Britain Germany Limitations to Russian foreign policy Russia’s Threat to Peace 1.Chancery Department dealt with Europe 2.Asiatic Department dealt with Far East, the Ottomans and Balkans Russia would deal with issues unilaterally and by force.

4 Britain’s changing role at the end of the 19 th Century Germany was stronger economically France and Russia challenged Great Britain abroad. Salisbury’s foreign policy Britain's Role Keyed the term “splendid isolation” Maintain sea power Only get involved in Europe to maintain balance of power Would not get entangled in alliances

5 1890 fails to renew the Reinsurance Treaty Reasons for failure to renew Implications French and Russian relationship 1891 French-Russo Entente Cordiale Mutual diplomatic support France would give diplomatic suport to Russia in any colonial conflict with Great Britain 1894 French-Russo military alliance Aimed against Germany Germany’s New Foreign Policy

6 German-British Alliance Splendid Isolation Britain would only enter into political entente or limited military agreements. Would not enter into general military alliance. Krüger Telegram 1895 1898 Naval Bill Germany builds a stronger Navy 1900 Germany refuses entente style treaty insisting on military alliance. 1902 Anglo-Japanese Alliance Japan would help contain Russia Germany’s New Foreign Policy

7 1904 Anglo-Franco Entente Cordiale Colonial Agreement Britain agreed to recognize France’s position in Morocco in exchange France recognized Britain’s position in Egypt. Great Britain settle colonial issues with France 1904 (GB gained influence in Egypt and France gained influence in Morocco. Moroccan Crisis 1905 Britain moves toward France and Russia Causes Germans felt encircled after the Entente Cordiale 1904 between Britain and France Germany wanted to test the relationship between Britain and France Kaiser sent a war ship to support Moroccan Independence and demanded an conference Algeciras conference 1906 Outcomes: Great Britain backs French claims in Morocco Britain and France become closer 1907 Triple Entente 1907 Russia and Britain settle disputes in Persia and form Triple Entente with France Completion of German encirclement.

8 1.How did the transition from Realpolitik and Weltpoitik impact Germany? 2.Why did Great Britain decided to settle differences with France and form and Entente? 3.Using specific examples, what impact do you think Great Britain joining the Triple Entente had on European politics?

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