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Dr. Kaushal Keraminiyage, Prof Dilanthi Amaratunga, Prof Richard Haigh Global Disaster Resilience Centre, University of Huddersfield RESINT Project Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Kaushal Keraminiyage, Prof Dilanthi Amaratunga, Prof Richard Haigh Global Disaster Resilience Centre, University of Huddersfield RESINT Project Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Kaushal Keraminiyage, Prof Dilanthi Amaratunga, Prof Richard Haigh Global Disaster Resilience Centre, University of Huddersfield RESINT Project Meeting 16 th September 2015 - Huddersfield Work Package 2 Development of new curricula and syllabuses in resilience management

2 Work Package 2 (WP2) Deliverables Development of Deliverable 2.1(Discussion document on Upgraded and developed new curricula and syllabuses) Other Deliverables- Pilot modules, teaching aids and teaching models Partner feedback and discussion Presentation outline

3 Deliverables of WP2 No.TitleType of output D2.1Upgraded and developed new Curricula and Syllabuses for BSc, MSc and PhD in resilience management Discussion document D2.2Pilot modulesUniversity modules D2.3Manual and teaching aid on the curricula reform of resilience management Manual D2.4Organisational models of teachingTeaching models

4 Deliverables of WP2 by University of Huddersfield No.TitleType or nature of deliverable D2.1Upgrade and develop new Curricula and Syllabuses for BSc, MSc and PhD in resilience management Discussion document D2.2Pilot moduleModule on Resilience and leadership for PhD short course (Course description, teaching aid presentations and module workbook) D2.3Manual and teaching aid on the curricula reform of resilience management Manual for module on Resilience and leadership (draft) D2.4Organisational Models of teachingDocument on teaching models (draft)

5 D2.1- Upgraded and developed new curricula and syllabuses Methodology To recommend the necessary reformations for the curricula in resilience management, the gap between the demand and supply of resilience management skills and competencies had to be established.

6 D2.1- Upgraded and developed new curricula and syllabuses Methodology… contd. Demand 03 methods were employed in identifying the evolving market needs of resilience management in different sectors such as local governments, NGOs, and private sector in partner countries 1.meetings between university partners and non-academic partners 2.a comprehensive literature review online survey among 49 respondents in Lithuania

7 D2.1- Upgraded and developed new curricula and syllabuses Methodology… contd. Supply 02 main methods were employed in identifying the existing study programmes related to resilience management examination of relevant study programmes and modules currently offered by the academic partners extensive web search to identify the existing B.Sc, M.Sc and PhD programmes in resilience management related disciplines in the partner countries in general

8 D2.1- Upgraded and developed new curricula and syllabuses Results Demand- resilience management needs (Please refer Table 1: Resilience management needs in different sectors in the discussion document for the full list) Examples Legal aspects of resilience Economic aspects of resilience Psychological aspects of resilience Inclusivity and empowerment Structural measures of resilience Information management, ICT and other technological advances Community participation in resilience Leadership in resilience management Development cooperation

9 D2.1- Upgraded and developed new curricula and syllabuses Results… contd. Supply- resilience management related study programmes Programmes offered by the academic partners: UniversityStudy Level B.ScM.ScPhD University of Bologna, Italy none Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania Fire ProtectionFire and Rescue Operation Safety and Management none University of Huddersfield, UK noneRisk, Disaster and Environmental Management Disaster resilience in the built environment

10 D2.1- Upgraded and developed new curricula and syllabuses Results… contd. Supply- resilience management related study programmes Programmes offered by the other institutions: (Please refer Section 4.2 of the discussion document for the full list of courses and their study content) Examples from UK institutions: Coventry University, UK Study levelProgramme Graduate Disaster Management (BSc Hons) Disaster Management and Emergency Planning (Bsc Hons) International Disaster Management (BSc Hons) Geography and Natural Hazards (BSc Hons) Post graduate- taught Disaster Management (MSc) Humanitarian Engineering and Computing (MSc) Emergency Planning and Management (PGDip) Post graduate- research PhD in Centre for Disaster Management and Hazard Research

11 D2.2- Pilot modules and D2.3- Manual and teaching aids Pilot module/ short courseStudy levelAcademic partner Simulimpresa in resilience for cultural heritageB.Sc/M.ScUniversity of Bologna, Italy Simulimpresa for Virtual, Augmented Reality and Media context in resilience Simulimpresa in Resilience Project Management The resilience in cultural heritage- A new field of interventions for local governments Open source in intelligent systems and Augmented Reality Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania Resilience and leadershipPhDUniversity of Huddersfield, UK Based on the gaps identified and recommendations by the partners, following short courses have been selected as pilot modules. Course descriptions, teaching aid presentations and teaching manuals have been developed for these courses.

12 D2.4- Organisational models of teaching A draft document has been developed to help academic and non-academic staff of HEIs in the process of teaching that involves non-academic teachers, internships and stages in external organisations and practical experiences in the field. It also contains different models of teaching, and the ways to optimising teaching resources, the educational offer and relationship with non-academic organisations to exchange the state of the art knowledge in the relevant field.

13 Feedback and discussion

14 Thank you

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