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Things Every Computer User Should Know… Jessica Johnsey ED 505- Technology and Education.

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1 Things Every Computer User Should Know… Jessica Johnsey ED 505- Technology and Education

2 Netiquette on Social Media Sites Netiquette is the term used to refer to proper etiquette guidelines a person should use while online. A need for proper netiquette is growing due to the increase of misuse and abuse of online services. ‘’ Over the last two years, it has become evident that a behavior pattern of misuse and abuse with respect to technology is beginning to emerge in our society ’’ (Ribble and Bailey, 2004).

3 Netiquitte- Do’s & Dont’s * Do… – Think before you type. – Before posting or discussing online, be sure to learn about the site first. – Use the same grammar rules online as you would in your writing. * Don’t… -- Foward silly emails or junk mail to your online addresses. -- Use vulgar language or make discriminatory comments. -- Send an email unless you are sure it will be received properly.

4 Copyright and Fair Use A copyright is a right attached to an original work of art or literature. Fair use refers to conditions in which using a copyrighted material is acceptable. The difference between copyright and fair use includes the fact that fair use is not limited to any uses including criticism, teaching, research, etc. Copyright forbids any of the above unless permission is asked.

5 More on Fair Use ‘’The fair use of copyrighted material in multimedia projects lasts for two years only. After two years, obtain permission before using the project again’’ (Lehman, 1998).

6 Plagiarism Plagiarism is the unrightful use of another author’s writing, ideas, expressions, and thoughts. How to avoid plagiarism: – Always write something orginal. – Give credit to an author’s idea. – Use your own ideas. – Always cite other’s words correctly.

7 Stopping Plagiarism Teachers can use the help of technology to detect the use of plagiarism. In most cases, teachers can simply type a few words from a given text into Google or another search engine and find the original text. There are also detection sites such as in which teacher’s may use.

8 Safety on the Internet The internet is a valuable resource, but it’s important to be safe and smart while using it. Personal information should never be given out online. Unsafe internet practices may lead to: identity theft, reputation management issues, stolen passwords, cyberbullying, or cyberstalking.

9 Safety on the Internet Identity theft takes place when a person steals another person’s identity for their own gain. Reputation management refers to the tracking of one’s actions on the internet. Password safety is extremely important on the internet. Passwords should be carefully chosen using multiple characters, numbers, upper case and lower case letters.

10 More Safety on the Internet Cyberbullying refers to using the internet in order to intentionally harm other people. Cyberstalking refers to using the internet to stalk or harass another person.

11 Safety on your Computer Safety on your computer is very important in order to make the best use of your computer PC. Every computer should have antivirus software to prevent viruses from damaging the computer. Be cautious about downloading files or attachments.

12 More Safety on your Computer * Phishing refers to attempting to receive information from computers such as usernames, passwords, and possibly credit card information. Trojan horses refers to software that appears to be a desireable download when actually it harms the computer. Worms is a replicating computer program in which it send copies to other computers on the network.

13 Bibliography Lehman, B.A. (1998). The Conference on Fair Use: Final report to the Commissioner on the conclusion of the Conference on Fair Use. Retrieved from Ribble, M. & Bailey, G. (2004a, October). Digital citizenship: Focus questions for Implementation. Learning & Leading with Technology, 32(2), 12-15.

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