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Anima ls BY: MISS DEFELICE Click here to continue Science Grades K-4.

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2 Anima ls BY: MISS DEFELICE Click here to continue Science Grades K-4

3 Click on each type of animal group to find out more about them! InvertebratesFishAmphibians Reptiles MammalsBirds Review Question

4 Invertebrates Return to main menu  Only group that does not have a backbone  Makes up 97% of all animals Examples include worms, squid, insects, spiders, and starfish.

5 Fish  Most diverse vertebrae group  Live in water  Bodies are torpedo shape because it is ideal for swimming  There is 25,000 identified species Examples include clown fish, trout, bass, and goldfish. Return to main menu

6 Amphibians  Live in water and on land  They are cold-blooded  Breathe through their skin  The usually have cold moist skin Examples include frogs, toads, salamanders, and newts. Return to main menu

7 Reptiles  Like amphibians, reptiles are cold-blooded  Covered in scales  Have lungs for breathing  Can be found in all different types of habitats expect for polar and tundra Examples include snakes, alligators, turtles, and lizards. Return to main menu

8 Mammals  Are warm-blooded  Have hair on bodies  Produce milk to feed their offspring  More than 4,000 species Examples include dogs, cats, bears, giraffes, and elephants. Return to main menu

9 Birds  Have feathers  Are warm-blooded  Lay eggs to produce babies  Some bones are hallow which makes some birds light enough to fly Examples include penguins, eagles, crows, robins, and owls. Return to main menu

10 Review Question What animal group would a ladybug be included in? A.MammalsMammals B.InvertebratesInvertebrates C.ReptilesReptiles

11 Good try! But mammals have a backbone and hair which ladybugs do not have. Return to Review Question

12 Correct! Ladybugs are insects so they are a part of the invertebrate group! Go to next review question

13 Good try! But reptiles are covered in scales and a ladybug is not! Return to Review Question

14 Review Question Click on the animal that is in the Reptile group

15 Good try! Toads are apart of the amphibian group. Return to Review Question

16 Correct! Turtles are apart of the reptile group! Click here to continue

17 Congratulations! You’ve completed this lesson on animals! Click on the image above to go back to the the beginning for the next student.

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