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Amphibians AHSGE Objective 11.

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Presentation on theme: "Amphibians AHSGE Objective 11."— Presentation transcript:

1 Amphibians AHSGE Objective 11

2 -Amphibian Facts Class Amphibia (double life)
Live part of their lives on land and part in water Ectothermic vertebrates 3-Chambered heart Ex: Frogs, toads, salamanders, newts, caecilians

3 -Amphibian Skin Smooth and moist Not water proof
Permeable to liquids and gas Can absorb oxygen

4 -Amphibian Reproduction
All reproduce sexually Most frogs and toads use external fertilization, many salamanders and caecilians use internal fertilization Must lay eggs in water Eggs are soft and covered in a jelly

5 -Amphibian metamorphosis
Most hatch in water as larvae (tadpoles) Breath through gills at first Develop legs and lungs and move to land Must return to water to reproduce

6 -Amphibian Adaptations
Poison arrow/ dart frogs produce toxins to keep from being eaten Toads have poison glands on their heads Some toads are able to survive in the desert

7 Poison Arrow Frog

8 -Amphibian Adaptations
Poison arrow/ dart frogs produce toxins to keep from being eaten Toads have poison glands on their heads Some toads are able to survive in the desert

9 Poison glands located right behind the ear.



12 Green Tree Frog

13 Hellbender (mudpuppy)

14 Fire salamder

15 Spotted Salamander

16 Tiger Salamander

17 Tiger Salamander

18 Japanese Giant Salamander

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