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B.Sadoulet CDMS DUSEL 050212 1 The Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory The process Themes DUSEL and CDMS Bernard Sadoulet Dept. of Physics.

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Presentation on theme: "B.Sadoulet CDMS DUSEL 050212 1 The Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory The process Themes DUSEL and CDMS Bernard Sadoulet Dept. of Physics."— Presentation transcript:

1 B.Sadoulet CDMS DUSEL 050212 1 The Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory The process Themes DUSEL and CDMS Bernard Sadoulet Dept. of Physics /LBNL UC Berkeley UC Institute for Nuclear and Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology (INPAC)

2 B.Sadoulet CDMS DUSEL 050212 2 DUSEL Process Solicitation 1: Community wide study of Scientific roadmap: from Nuclear/Particle/Astro Physics to Geo Physics/Chemistry/Microbiology/Engineering Generic infrastructure requirements Proposal supported by all 8 known sites ( Approved by NSF (with 20% budget reduction) PI’s will go to Washington in February to clarify goals and time scale Solicitation 2 : Preselection of 3-5 sites Proposals due February 28.  Solicitation 3  Selection of initial site(s)  MRE and Presidential Budget (08?) -> 2010

3 B.Sadoulet CDMS DUSEL 050212 3 Solicitation 1 Organization 6 PI’s responsible for the study in particular scientific quality/ objectivity 14 working groups + Workshops Infrastructure requirements/management Education and outreach 2 consultation groups The site consultation group (Solicitation 2 sites) Endorsement of the PI’s and general approach Input on scientific/technical questions important to the sites Competition between sites The initiative coordination group: major stakeholders (e.g. National Labs) Coordination with other major initiatives Competition between these initiatives  Report directed at OMB/OSTP/Congress cf. Quantum Universe + Web based reports with technical facts External review à la NRC

4 B.Sadoulet CDMS DUSEL 050212 4 Workshops Berkeley Aug 4-7 Agree about methodology and finalize Solicitation 1 proposal First exploration of scientific themes Start of work on infrastructure requirements Common language for solicitation 2 Blacksburg Nov 12-13 Focus on Earth Sciences (including Geo-microbiology) and Applications More precise definition of scientific roadmaps and generic experiments Boulder Jan 5-7: Further develop the science argument for DUSEL Focus on infrastructure requirements -> Modules Place DUSEL in international context: most unique aspects Launch work of the working groups Washington Area: Early June Preliminary Conclusions First draft of report

5 B.Sadoulet CDMS DUSEL 050212 5 A Powerful Case for DUSEL Unique aspects Earth Science: Deep, long term is unique Physics: Depth Long base line + accelerators Likely demand and evolution of science We have to build the case Road maps + Infrastructure requirements Strategic importance -as large scale experiments become international, important to have US site to have US teams leading the projects - We want the U.S. to be a leader in geoscience techniques -Energy sciences (finding oil deposit, etc.) -Underground construction -Education of our scientists and engineers -Homeland security International context and partnerships SNO Japan/Europe

6 B.Sadoulet CDMS DUSEL 050212 6 The Big Earth Science Questions The conditions for life How do the underground microbes manage to live in such an environment What can we learn from the microbes underground What can we learn about evolution and ancient form of life The ever changing earth Behavior of rock and fluids at depth. Coupled processes in inhomogeneous media: mass, momentum,energy flow Spatial and temporal scaling “laws” The structure and the evolution of the earth Observing from inside out: Core/mantle/crust/mountain Dynamics: earthquakes The concentration of ore deposits

7 B.Sadoulet CDMS DUSEL 050212 7 Strategy Importance of the science: identify key projects Physics: Neutrinos/Dark Matter/Stability of matter Biology Earth science This science is international Large cavity detector for proton decay/ neutrino After 100kg stage of double beta decay/dark matter, ton scale, largeTPC Need for the US Eventually we need a national facility Strategic advantage At the core of major physics experiments A unique facility for deep earth science and microbiology Training of the next generation of geoscientists Support of national program Flexibility This is experimental science, not an observatory Decoupling of large detector from deep science ($1.5B)= megascience decision taken Long Base Line + Proton decay: Science + politics less mature But a US deep site able to accept also large detector: competitive advantage Although some advantages of a single site, not necessary (+earth science) Role of SNOLab: saves us in the short term, evolution in the long term

8 B.Sadoulet CDMS DUSEL 050212 8 DUSEL & CDMS Too late for SuperCDMS -> SNOLab Impact on long term evolution Positive impact General Importance of Physics of the Universe Significant investment -> capture the attention of the administration/Congress Unification of the community + collaboration with earth scientists and biologists International consultation Need for R&D Dark Matter Study Group (Dan Akerib, Elena Aprile) Dialogue between the dark matter groups Enhance visibility in the community of the 150 kg- ton scale dark matter Low Background Counting Study Group (Prisca Cushman, Harry Miley) Better argument for the need for counting facilities But Long term Lots of work (both scientific and political)

9 B.Sadoulet CDMS DUSEL 050212 9

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