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A Separate Peace BY JOHN KNOWLES. Background of John Knowles Born in 1926 in West Virginia Went to boarding school at Phillips Exeter in New Hampshire.

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Presentation on theme: "A Separate Peace BY JOHN KNOWLES. Background of John Knowles Born in 1926 in West Virginia Went to boarding school at Phillips Exeter in New Hampshire."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Separate Peace BY JOHN KNOWLES

2 Background of John Knowles Born in 1926 in West Virginia Went to boarding school at Phillips Exeter in New Hampshire Was an Air Force cadet Before he became a novelist, he was a journalist and freelance writer for a number of years.

3 New England Preparatory Schools

4 Purpose of These Preparatory Schools Goes back to Colonization The early years of the United States included Private schools, not a public system of education These private (boarding) schools were created in order to provide education to the upper classes A coherent system of public education did not take root until the 1840s Phillips Exeter was founded in 1781

5 Purpose of Phillips Exeter Link goodness with knowledge, developing the consciences and training the minds of students so that they may usefully serve society.

6 What is Going on During the Novel?

7 World War 1 and the Rise of Nationalism Nationalism: the shared group idea of the importance of a specific location We see the rise of nationalism in World War 1 because it is the first time that we fight on a global scale Nationalism begins to diminish after the war because of The Great Depression

8 World War 2 The United States enters the war in 1941 This is the first time a draft takes place Nationalism increases because the war helps us get out of The Great Depression

9 Pride and Competition Finny = The Athlete Gene = The Academic Finny’s remark about Gene being the class leader is what prompts Gene’s internal conflict against Finny This mirrors the pride and competition that America had during World War 2.

10 The Effects

11 A Separate Peace “Nothing endures, not a tree, not love, not even a death by violence.”

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