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What is the connection between faith and obedience? When have you seen someone’s actions support what he or she said they believed? When have you seen.

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Presentation on theme: "What is the connection between faith and obedience? When have you seen someone’s actions support what he or she said they believed? When have you seen."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is the connection between faith and obedience? When have you seen someone’s actions support what he or she said they believed? When have you seen someone’s actions not support what he or she said they believed?

3 Almost every Christian would agree that it is important to obey God, yet that can be difficult to do at times. In today’s lesson, we will see how one man proved he believed God by doing what God said to do.

4 All Aboard! Genesis 6:2-22; 7:1-5 family theme: Noah obeyed God. family theme: Noah obeyed God.



7 God Grieves Over Humanity’s Wickedness Genesis 6:2-7

8 The wickedness of the world in Noah’s day reminds us that we are engaged in a spiritual warfare.

9 God Grieves Humanity’s Wickedness The wickedness and depravity of man pained the heart of God. It is very clear that God is emotionally invested in us. When we resort to evil thoughts and actions, it grieves His heart.

10 Genesis 6:2-7 reminds us that sin brought death and destruction into the world.

11 The Lord grieves over people consumed with evil thoughts and desires. How would you describe the emotions God must feel when He is sinned against? What can we as parents and/or grandparents do to stress to our loved ones the seriousness of disobedience to God? To other authority figures?

12 God Favors the Righteous Genesis 6:8-21

13 God’s grace in response to Noah’s faith is a picture of God offering salvation and forgiveness through faith in Jesus Christ.

14 God Favors the Righteous In spite of the negative assessment and response in verses 6-7, Noah found God’s favor (verse 8). He was a man of faith who sought to live out his faith (Hebrews 11:7).

15 The Lord shows favor to the righteous and gives them a job that will further His kingdom. What do you think it means to walk with God like Noah did? What would that look like for us? In what ways has God set you apart and used you in His service?

16 Noah Believed God and Obeyed Genesis 6:22-7:5

17 Noah Believed God and Obeyed Noah followed God’s directives without delay while obeying Him each step of the way. Consequently, God saved Noah, his family, and future humanity from the destruction that was headed their way (7:1).

18 Learning and understanding God’s Word is edifying, but obeying God’s Word is most beneficial. Why is obedience to Scripture, and not just reading, memorizing, etc. so important? In what ways can believers encourage and help one another to practice obedience?

19 In what ways does God show favor to those who seek to live righteous lives today? What is one way you could demonstrate your love for the Lord this week through obedience? What would that look like?

20 Available for FREE download at Home Connection is a simple, downloadable page that gives parents: A weekly Bible passage to READ together as a family Suggestions to help them PRAY together as a family Suggested activities to DO to put their faith in action

21 Home Connection also provides the “take away” from each age level in D6 Curriculum. This way parents know what each family member is experiencing in his or her class. Download your free copy of Home Connection at


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