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REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH AFFINITY GROUP (RHAG). Background During the period 1995-2000, the support of international community (UN, bilateral, INGO) for RH.

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Presentation on theme: "REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH AFFINITY GROUP (RHAG). Background During the period 1995-2000, the support of international community (UN, bilateral, INGO) for RH."— Presentation transcript:


2 Background During the period 1995-2000, the support of international community (UN, bilateral, INGO) for RH care was pretty much but still lack of coordination The sponsor agencies lack of update on direction from health sector in general and RH care sector in particular. Information sharing about purposes, support areas and activities between organizations still limited.

3 Background (cont) Arise problems: There are duplications of support content, support areas. Many organizations support in developing materials with the same content, for the same subject… Some materials which was developed with support from international agencies, were not relevant to the Government’s priorities for the period.

4 Background (cont) Arise problems: MOH, MCH department lack of information about objectives, contents, areas that organizations are working on. Sharing information on innovative practices, news model in the world is restricted.

5 Background (cont)  The need for establishing a partner group to work in RH care field for sharing information, avoiding cross-cutting activities, gather resources to contribute with the MOH in the implementation of RH strategy Since 2000, some international agencies have organized meetings for sharing information about their respective areas (every 6 months or quarterly). Shift meetings appoint chairs and secretaties (taking minutes notes). MCH department has been the guest for quite some time.

6 Background (cont) The core agencies of these meetings are: UNFPA, UNICEF, WHO, Pathfinder, SC, Path, Netherlands embassy… Some international NGOs and Vietnam’s have also participated… Each meeting lasts for half a day. Contents often include: Programs often include: updates on the implementation of each organization (highlights), RH news updated from the world if available. Occasionally, representative of MOH (MCH department) presented new documents, or update important documents that are in construction progress

7 Background (cont) 2000-2009: this group is improved and working more often Since 2010: with support from UNFPA, MCH department with WHO, UNFPA, UNICEF and big NGOs have established a group including international agencies and dosmetic ones to work in RH care sector (RHAG: nhóm liên minh về SKSS). Group TOR is being developed Conduct meetings quarterly. Operating fund is provided by UNFPA Coordinated by MCH department, in responsibility of Dr. Dinh Anh Tuan, expert from MCH department

8 RHAG purpose Contribute to strengthening the efficiency and effectiveness of development assistance to the reproductive health sub- sector in Viet Nam through better collaboration of involved stakeholders

9 Aims To Promote Collaboration and Communication among members in order to: Support in developing policies related to RH care in Vietnam based on international best practice, promising models and factors specific to the reproductive health policy and program environment in Viet Nam Disseminating policies, support in policy implementation

10 Aims (cont) Facilitate exchange of information and shared learning and ideas, in the interest of promoting synergy and avoiding duplication on cross-cutting, substantive issues related to reproductive health between stakeholders Discuss and build consensus on issues and strategies related to programming and implementation of reproductive health interventions in Viet Nam To assist the MOH broadly in implementing its National strategies for Population and Reproductive Health

11 Membership and representation RHAG should be considered as a informal entity Open to participation from all National and International agencies, as well as individuals concerned with Reproductive Health in Viet Nam Membership is normally limited to 1-2 representatives of each agency member. Each agency should nominate a staff for regular monitoring Participation of the Government: depending on the meeting content, RHAG could invite department, admistration and other government agencies

12 Sub-groups of RHAG RHAG has 3 sub-groups: Reproductive Health Affinity Group (RHAG); Reproductive Health Commodity Group (RHCG); The Youth Reproductive Health Group (RHAGY).

13 Key thematic focuses of RHAG General sexual and reproductive health and rights Safe motherhood and newborn care Reproductive Tract Infections including STI Abortion related issues Gender related topics such as health sector responses to gender based violence, male involvement on SRH, etc. Linkage between SRH and HIV Infertility SRH services for the elderly Men’s health

14 Key thematic focuses of the RHAGY Sex education in school SRH/HIV Interventions for youth in- and out-of schools Provision of youth friendly services Provision of SRH/FP services for young migrants and young mobile population

15 Key thematic focuses of the RHCG Issues related to logistics of contraceptive methods and RH-related commodities

16 Working principles An open, transparent, respectful and consultative working style Appreciation of a diversity of membership Commitment to learning and sharing Commitment to the shared interests of the group

17 Meeting chairing Co-chaired by MOH leaders and a representatives of Development Partners (rotated by quarterly) Chair of the RHAG and RHAGY: MCH department Chair of the RHCG: GOPFP Development Partner divided into three groups: – United Nations – Local and International NGOs – Bilateral and multi-lateral donors (i.e. WB, ADB, JICA, EU, RNE, etc)

18 Responsibilities of co-chairs Approve agenda and other necessary documents; Execute meetings; Appoint person in charge for minutes of meetings; Monitor the implementation of conclusions and recommendations if necessary

19 Secretariat During past meetings in 2010, UNFPA volunteered to perform Secretariat functions: Maintain an accurate list of RHAG and sub- working group members and their contact information; Prepare program for each meeting Coordinate with the MCH department in the distribution of invitations, agendas, and meeting minutes for all RHAG and sub-working group meetings;

20 Secretariat (cont) Support in organization Provide support and assistance to the RHAG and sub-working group chairs to facilitate the quarterly meetings as requested and required; Maintain a record of all RHAG and sub-working group meeting agendas, minutes, and presentations for sharing as requested; maintain the matrix of organizations’ reproductive health activities; updated on RHAG activities; Promote coordination between working groups

21 Meeting-Frequency The RHAG and sub-groups: will meet regularly on a quarterly basis (suggested in Thursday of the last week of March, June, September and November). Additional meetings for all/some members may be held on an ad hoc basis

22 Provided by UNFPA through the VNM7PG0010 project of the MOH 1000USD quarterly Budget for: hall rental, interpreter, cabin, presentation of experts from other agencies, tea break… Budget

23 Meeting content RHAG meetings often include the following topics: Thematic or Technical presentation by a member or invited presenter MCH department representative introduces new policy/guideline or updates documents related to the development of RH care Discussing methods to strengthen coordinating RH care contents Discussing methods to strengthen advocacy for RH care Information sharing and announcements (to include brief reports from each RHAG sub-working Group)

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