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Review Time Chapter 10: World History. The Late Medieval Ages is considered the beginning of blank Western society.

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Presentation on theme: "Review Time Chapter 10: World History. The Late Medieval Ages is considered the beginning of blank Western society."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review Time Chapter 10: World History

2 The Late Medieval Ages is considered the beginning of blank Western society.

3 When does the late Middle Ages occur?

4 What European power wrestled away from the Arabs the control of trade routes?

5 What were the local centers of trade called?

6 What were used to in a region to attract merchants and traders?

7 Why was money important?

8 Who determined the value of various coins?

9 What was given to merchants to take with them on their travels from moneylenders?

10 What did the increase in food production mean for an area?

11 What would state a town’s privileges?

12 What was a basic freedom given to townsmen?

13 Who would judge townspeople in town justice?

14 What was created by townspeople to regulate and protect a business community?

15 List one other name by which the middle class was called.

16 Why did noblemen consider the middle class to be a threat?

17 List one characteristic of town life.

18 What percentage of Europe died from the Bubonic Plague?

19 List one factor that created a desire to learn.

20 List one characteristic of a university.

21 What was the language of the learned during the late Middle Ages?

22 What is the term for the common language of an area?

23 What book did Dante author?

24 What book did Chaucer author?

25 What was the main piece of architecture in the late Middle Ages?

26 What was the early type of architecture style of cathedrals?

27 What allowed for the creation of Gothic architecture?

28 What was the #1 thing that connected people w/the emergence of nations?

29 What two nations fought the Hundred Years War?

30 Who saved France during the Hundred Years War?

31 What weapon gave the English an advantage during the Hundred Years’ War?

32 Why did the Hundred Years’ War begin?

33 What was the name of the English Civil War that began the Tudor Dynasty?

34 In what nation were Moor located?

35 What two people created a unified Spain?

36 What nation collapsed with no heir of its Hohenstaufen line?

37 What was the equivalent of England’s Parliament in Germany?

38 What family line became strong in Austria?

39 List one reason why the RCC was struggling.

40 To what city was the papacy moved to?

41 What was the nickname of the papacy when it was in Avignon?

42 What was the Great Schism?

43 What Council finally settled the question of who was the pope of the RCC?

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