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Dr. Google’s office never closes Susannah Fox Pew Internet Project April 14, 2005.

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1 Dr. Google’s office never closes Susannah Fox Pew Internet Project April 14, 2005

2 Being online is the norm – but it is not universal 61%

3 Broadband adoption affects the internet health marketplace 55 million

4 . Hypothesis: Industrial Age medicine is dead… medical science PHYSICIAN patien t non-MD staff

5 Hypothesis: …Information Age medicine is here NET-SAVVY PATIENT my other health experts other self-helpers my search engine my online support groups my primary doc my favorite health sites my specialist doc my online patient- helpers my online docs qualityware & communityware

6 95 million health seekers in the U.S. 8 in 10 internet users have searched for at least one of 16 health topics Big impact for people caring for sick loved ones High expectations that reliable health care information will be online Half of internet “health seekers” say they will turn first to the internet for their next health question

7 Specific disease and treatment information top the search list 63% of internet users have looked online for information about a specific disease or medical problem 47% for certain medical treatment or procedure 44% for diet, nutrition, vitamins, or nutritional supplements 36% for exercise or fitness 34% for prescription or OTC drugs Plus 11 other topics

8 How internet users gather health information Most: Scattershot searches in response to a diagnosis Some: Targeted email health news or medical updates Few: Online support groups or email lists for people concerned about a particular health or medical issue

9 Bad information is dangerous RAND/CHCF: Online advice is incomplete and hard to understand – esp. for Spanish readers NEJM: Americans receive about half of recommended medical care

10 Three types of health seeker Vigilant: 25% “always” check the source, date, and privacy policy of a health Web site Concerned: 25% check “most of the time” Unconcerned: 50% “only sometimes,” “hardly ever,” or “never” check

11 Conclusion More Americans look for health info online than see a doctor on a typical day Search engines are the starting point, not specialized sites Email is used for advice and support, esp. for chronically ill & caregivers Few verify information quality, but many use what they find

12 Contact information Susannah Fox, Pew Internet & American Life Project Sfox(at) 202 419 4500

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