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Internet of Vehicles: From Intelligent Grid to Autonomous Cars and Vehicular Clouds Speaker: Bo-Han Hua Advisor: Kai-Wei Ke Date: 2015/12/17.

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Presentation on theme: "Internet of Vehicles: From Intelligent Grid to Autonomous Cars and Vehicular Clouds Speaker: Bo-Han Hua Advisor: Kai-Wei Ke Date: 2015/12/17."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internet of Vehicles: From Intelligent Grid to Autonomous Cars and Vehicular Clouds Speaker: Bo-Han Hua Advisor: Kai-Wei Ke Date: 2015/12/17

2 Outline  Introduction  From individual vehicles to the cloud  Vehicular cloud  Conclusion  Reference

3 Introduction  IoV(Internet of Vehicles): IoV technology refers to dynamic mobile communication systems that communicate between vehicles and public networks using V2V (vehicle- to-vehicle), V2R (vehicle-to-road), V2H (vehicle-to-human) and V2S (vehicle-to-sensor) interactions.

4 Introduction(Cont.)  WAVE/DSRC  OBU(On-Board Unit)  RSU(Road-Side Unit)  V2R(Vehicle-to-RSU)  V2V(Vehicle-to-Vehicle)  V2H(Vehicle-to-Human)

5 Introduction(Cont.)


7  VANET(Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks): VANETs are created by applying the principles of mobile ad hoc networks(MANETs) - the spontaneous creation of a wireless network for data exchange - to the domain of vehicles. They are a key component of intelligent transportation system(ITS).

8 Introduction(Cont.)  CCN(Content Centric Networking): In contrast to today’s IP-based, host-oriented, Internet architecture, Content Centric Networking (CCN) emphasizes content by making it directly addressable and routable. Endpoints communicate based on named data instead of IP addresses.  NDN(Named Data Networking ): NDN is a Future Internet architecture inspired by years of empirical research into network usage and a growing awareness of unsolved problems in contemporary internet architectures like IP.

9 Introduction(Cont.)

10 From individual vehicles to the cloud  In the vehicular network, like in all the other IOTs, when the human control is removed, the autonomous vehicles must efficiently cooperate to maintain smooth traffic flow in roads and highway.  However, the complexity of the distributed control of hundreds of thousands of cars cannot be taken lightly. If a natural catastrophe suddenly happens, say an earthquake, the vehicles must be able to coordinate the evacuation of critical areas in a rapid and orderly manner.

11 From individual vehicles to the cloud(Cont.)  The efficient communications and distributed processing environment can be provided by a new network and compute paradigm specifically designed for vehicles - the Vehicular Cloud.

12 Vehicular cloud  Vehicles are evolving from simple data consumers to intelligent agents that enable local collaborations with ample content sharing. The Vehicular Cloud is the core system environment that makes this evolution possible.

13 Vehicular cloud(Cont.)  The concept of a Vehicular Cloud (VC) that leverages the on board resources in participating cars. Some vehicles are parked for long times while others are stuck in congested traffic and move slowly, altering their position in some wireless network. Finally, our cars spend significant time on the road and may face dynamically fluctuating locations. In this case, the vehicles will help local consultants resolve traffic incidents in a timely fashion which is not possible with the municipal traffic management centers alone due to the lack of adequate computational resources.

14 Vehicular cloud(Cont.)  A group of largely autonomous vehicles whose corporate computing, sensing, communication and physical resources can be coordinated and dynamically allocated to authorized users.

15 Vehicular cloud(Cont.)

16  Information Centric Networking (ICN) was initially conceptualized as a general form of communication architecture to achieve efficient content distribution on the Internet. ICN focuses on what (content) instead of where (host) to fulfill primary demands from both content consumers and publishers.

17 Vehicular cloud(Cont.)



20  The architecture of VCC can be classified into three layers: networks, the wireless communication channel and cloud computing. The first part is responsible for collecting the information and events from the environment. Then, this information is transferred to the cloud by using the wireless communication channel as a wireless access point.

21 Vehicular cloud(Cont.)

22 Conclusion  The urban fleet of vehicles is evolving from a collection of sensor platforms to the Internet of Autonomous Vehicles. Like other instantiations of the Internet of Things, the Internet of Vehicles will have communications, storage, intelligence and learning capabilities to anticipate the customers’ intentions.  The Vehicular Cloud, the equivalent of Internet Cloud for vehicles, will be the core system environment that makes the evolution possible and that the autonomous driving will be the major beneficiary in the cloud architecture.

23 Reference  Mario Gerla ∗, Eun-Kyu Lee ∗, Giovanni Pau ∗ ‡, and Uichin Lee†.(2014). “Internet of Vehicles: From Intelligent Grid to Autonomous Cars and Vehicular Clouds.” Internet of Things (WF-IoT),2014 IEEE World Forum, 241 – 246  Md Whaiduzzamana,n, Mehdi Sookhaka, Abdullah Gania, Rajkumar Buyyab.(2014). “A survey on vehicular cloud computing.“Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 40, 325–344

24  Thanks for listening.

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