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THE MAMMALIAN RESPIRATORY SYSTEM  Air enters the respiratory system through the or the.  Particles that enter through the nose are filtered by the and.

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Presentation on theme: "THE MAMMALIAN RESPIRATORY SYSTEM  Air enters the respiratory system through the or the.  Particles that enter through the nose are filtered by the and."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE MAMMALIAN RESPIRATORY SYSTEM  Air enters the respiratory system through the or the.  Particles that enter through the nose are filtered by the and the.  The nasal cavities also and the air as it enters  The mouth and the nasal cavities join at the. mouth nasal passages tiny hairsmucus warm pharynx moisten -->Respirtion Overview Clip

2  Two openings branch from the pharynx: (windpipe) and the (food tube)  The trachea also has a filtering system; and, (microscopic hairs that sweep particles up and out)  To prevent the trachea from collapsing, it is made out of. trachea esophagus mucus cilia cartilage rings

3 --> The enlarged portion of the trachea is called the _____ (voice box) and it supports the which is a flap that covers the trachea when we swallow our food (prevents choking). The epiglottis ensures that the food is pushed down into the proper tube which is the. What happens when our epiglottis doesn’t close when we swallow our food or drink?. larynx epiglottis esophagus We choke!


5  The larynx is at the top of the trachea and contains 2 thins sheets of elastic ligaments called the ___. The air vibrates as it is forced through these cords which produces sound  A thick band of cartilage that protects the larynx is called the __________________  Before the larynx is the opening of the trachea and it is called the.  When the vocal cords become inflamed and you temporarily lose your voice, it is known as. Vocal Cords video vocal cords Adam’s apple glottis laryngitis

6 Fun Facts! -Following puberty, the cartilage and larynx of males increase in size and thickness. The larger voice box produces a deeper sound. -Adolescent boys have trouble controlling the pitch of their voice due to rapid growth of the voice box -Ever notice that you voice lowers when you have a cold? This is caused by inflammation of the vocal cords which causes swelling and produces lower-frequency vibrations.

7  After the trachea the air moves into the two which is also have cartilage rings.  The bronchi than branch into tinier airways called, these do not contain cartilage  The air moves into tiny sacs called and are surrounded by.  The alveoli are the site of. bronchi bronchioles alveoli capillaries gas exchange


9  __________ Moves form the lungs into the alveoli and than into the capillaries, ____ is exchanged at the exact same time from the capillaries into the alveoli and than into the lungs where it is exhales.  Each lung contains alveoli and provides enough surface area and than into the lungs where it is exhaled.  To reduce friction between the lungs and the chest cavity exists a thin membrane called the, these membranes contain a space that are fluid filled Oxygen CO 2 150 million pleural membrane

10  Is the inflammation of the pleural membranes and the build up of fluids in the chest cavity, it is caused when the 2 membranes rub together and is normally caused by.  Each lung is divided into lobes. The right lung has 3 lobes and the left has 2 to accommodate the heart. Pleurisy Pneumonia, Smoking & Emphysema

11 PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER (UPPER RESPIRATORY TRACT) Nostrils/mouth  Pharynx  Glottis  Larynx  Trachea  Bronchi  Bronchioles  Alveoli (LOWER RESPIRATORY TRACT)

12 Homework -Read Section 8.2 pg 256-259 -Breath of Life Questions

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