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infinitives = to + a verb

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1 infinitives = to + a verb
VERBALS participles = verb acting like an adjective The swimming pool looked inviting. Swimming all day, I felt exhausted. gerunds = verb acting like a noun Skiing is an ideal winter activity. I love skiing in Montana. infinitives = to + a verb

2 Infinitive phrase = to + verb + any objects/modifiers/phrases
to catch a spider to believe in fairytales to kick the ball past the dazed goalie

3 Infinitives can act as adjectives.
If an infinitive is used as an adjective, it has to come after the noun it modifies.  I have places to go, people to see, and things to do. Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand is a transcendent book to read. Everyone struggles with difficulties to overcome.

4 I need a book to read for my report.
Infinitives can act as adverbs. (Insert “in order to” right before the infinitive.) Adverb infinitives are used to modify verbs. They usually tell why. After a tragedy occurs, a nation’s leader gives a speech to uplift the people. The inspector came to check the dam for leaks. I need a book to read for my report. Adverb infinitives are used to modify predicate adjectives. The new soldiers were ready to listen and obey. This puzzle is difficult to complete.

5 Infinitives as nouns can be . . .
Class Example Your Example (with vocabulary verbs) Subject To text and drive is dangerous. Direct Object He wants to learn French. Predicate Nominative My goal is to graduate high school. Object of Preposition I am going to finish my workout. Appositive Her hobby, to travel, is expensive.

6 Sneaky, implied infinitives!
Paul arrived in New York to study physics and learn more about engineering. She needs to study harder and get to school on time. John did nothing over the weekend except gaze out the window.








14 Pick a side on the controversy. Split with a purpose!

15 Grammar Check! Rewrite the DGP sentence, changing the infinitives to gerunds. To sit in a boat and dangle your feet in the water is relaxing until a storm begins to loom.

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