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Presentation on theme: " Regulation and UK Retailing Productivity: Evidence from Microdata Jonathan Haskel Raffaella Sadun QMUL, LSE, CeRiBA and AIM Berlin Sept."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regulation and UK Retailing Productivity: Evidence from Microdata Jonathan Haskel Raffaella Sadun QMUL, LSE, CeRiBA and AIM Berlin Sept 2006 C e ntre for Research into Business Activity

2 RETAIL PRODUCTIVITY: US-UK COMPARISON Source: Euklems Database Persistent differences in productivity LEVELS

3 RETAIL PRODUCTIVITY: US-UK COMPARISON Source: Euklems Database Since Late 90’s: differences in productivity GROWTH 1. Retail Annualised Log Growth Rate (95-03): USA: 6% UK : 3% 2. Retail Contribution to country level TFP accel (95-01): USA: +2/3 UK: -1/3

4 How much can regulation explain this? Facts a. Change in regulation : pre-1996, big box store building : post-1996, development in town b. Change in store profile : post 1996, large chains opened smaller stores Research questions a. Has planning change  smaller stores? {Yes, Sadun, 2006, ODPM data plus ARD} b. Does decline in store size mean falling TFPG? c. (If smaller stores need more co-ordination with ICT does this explain poor returns from ICT?)

5 GENERAL PLANNING GUIDELINES: A BRIEF HISTORY Timeline First reform Out of town centre building fairly free Second reform “Sequential approach”. “The first preference should be for town centre sites, followed by edge-of-centre, district and local centres and only then out-of-centre sites in locations Ministerial Clarification Reaffirms 1996 reform, conservative approach 1980s 1996 1999

6 New floorspace in town centres

7 ARD data on retailing a. Use RU level data for input and outputs b. Use LU data for the composition of the RUs example: match RU with all their LUs calc median employ of LUs calc % emp below median emp Some data issues a. Capital stock b. Takeovers c. What is output in retailing? d. Interpreting macro results (GVA/margins/double deflation etc.) Data

8 Basic data for UK retailing

9 Changes in shop distribution

10 Size distribution of shops in detail: large chains


12 Theory

13 Production functions

14 Regressions: dependent ln_Y, all retailing, 7,469 obs





19 Regressions: by sector

20 Growth accounting

21 Summary Argument: regulation change  small stoes  productivity falls Evidence: a. Fall in store size within chains b. Associated with fall in productivity, controlling for other factors c. Accounting: a. Actual TFP growth was 0.07%pa b. No fall in shop size: TFP growth would have been 0.25%pa, c. this is  20% of the post-1995 slowdown in UK retail TFP growth

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