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MSC Satellite Reception Network slides from:David Bradley additions by:Ron Goodson.

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Presentation on theme: "MSC Satellite Reception Network slides from:David Bradley additions by:Ron Goodson."— Presentation transcript:

1 MSC Satellite Reception Network slides from:David Bradley additions by:Ron Goodson

2 Topics Overview of MSC satellite data receiving/processing architecture Locations of GOES/HRPT/MODIS/NPP receiving stations in Canada Data processing and delivery process to the weather offices and other centers (e.g. CMC, Ice Centre, Labs, SPC) Current Status – MODIS and NPP/VIIRS

3 EC Satellite Reception Network GOES-E,W and POES/METOP/FY satellites received Dartmouth Toronto Vancouver Winnipeg CMC + Montreal Edmonton Trenton Gander Resolute (2010) GOES POES EUMETSAT ECMWF NOAA

4 GOES Network Receives data broadcast from NOAA’s Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES) –Imager and sounder radiances –Downlink data rate 2.11 Mbps –Downlink frequency 1685.7 MHz 7 GOES-13 (East), 4 GOES-11 (West) stations –Regional products –CMC national backup Ground Station Infrastructure –5.0 m fixed-direction antennas –Receiver, bit-synch, frame-sync and processing workstation provided by Global Image / Info-Electronics Systems Network Status: Stable and Healthy –Scheduled inspections of antennas –Regular processor upgrades –Highly available, redundancy through coordination COMING UP: –2012 – Processor Upgrade (6 systems) –GOES network strategy / rationalization in advance of GOES-R in 2015-17

5 POES Network HRPT Stations in Gander, Edmonton (x2), Resolute receive data broadcast from polar orbiting satellites Satellites Tracked – NOAA, METOP, FY, Terra/Aqua, NPP Ground Station Infrastructure –2.4 m L-Band tracking antenna inside a radome –Reception electronics and product generation from SeaSpace Corp. –New systems in Gander (2007), Edmonton (2009) and Resolute Bay (2010) –~ 97% of planned acquisitions are successful COMING UP: Access to OGD HRPT and X-BAND MODIS

6 Evolution - Geostationary GOES-now 3 satellites in orbit 5 Imager bands 30 min full disk GOES-R Launch 2015 16 Imager bands 5 min full disk Major Implications on Direct Readout Stations

7 Evolution – Polar Orbiting POES (HRPT) All Launched NPP Launch 2011 JPSS Launch 201? METOP-A Launched 2006 AVHRR (6 bands) AVHRR Imager (6 bands) VIIRS Imager (21 bands) VIIRS? (21 bands) METOP-B Launch 2012 AVHRR (6 bands) METOP-C Launch 2016 AVHRR (6 bands) MODIS (Terra, Aqua) Implications on Direct Readout Stations USA EUROPE

8 EC National POES Coverage Blue: 50-100% of observations are collected Grey: 0-50% of observations are collected

9 Software SeaSpace Terascan / Teravision ( –Operational HRPT s/w –Used for GOES in Downsview RS Lab –Well maintained s/w packages ▪Fully automated processing –Training recommended Global Imaging GI ( –Operational GOES s/w ▪Fully automated processing McIDAS ( –University of Wisconsin –Free and Paid versions

10 Data Formats Multiple standards for Raster –HDF, GeoTiff, Level 0, Level 1b –Seaspace TDF format is now Open source –GI proprietary format can be written to McIdas-X format Generally interchangeable across COTS software (export-import) Also, alternative ways to access satellite data for product development –NOAA CLASS Archive (AVHRR, GOES) –NASA LANCE Archive (MODIS, NPP-coming)

11 GOES Data Flow Primary Regional Products: –IM Fotos (IM/MetMan) –Geotiffs (Ninjo) Primary CMC Products: –NWP –WxOffice –SatNet National Fotos Archives of data at CMC, Downsview

12 POES Data Flow Primary SPC/CMAC Products –IM Fotos – AVHRR –Geotiff (Ninjo) – AVHRR/MODIS Special Products –CIS – level1b –RAW level 0 to CMC ▪EARS ▪VAAC –WxOffice Other –ARGOS Buoys from DCS –Imagery to Science Projects Archives of data at CMC, HRPT stations, Ron Goodson

13 Operational Processing at CMC GOES –Generate full resolution raw data products in HDF4 –Generate RPN standard files (single satellite and composite) –Generate a variety of image products for in house and other clients: weatheroffice, navcanada, Ninjo etc. –Raw data and standard files archived for a while –For GOES-East and West ~ 30 GB/day POES / AVHRR –Receive full passes from all EC POES receive sites –Save raw data as level-1b in CMC archive ~ 5 GB/day for all stations –Generate full resolution Terascan tdf files –Generate level-1b for EARS –Generate a variety of image products ▪Geotifs for Ninjo in Downsview testlab

14 MODIS Received at Edmonton and Gander No redundant/backup systems Lower priority for acquisition than AVHRR/HRPT –Edmonton can split AVHRR reception over 2 antenna thereby increasing MODIS acquisitions –Gander receives all satellites on single antenna Operational distribution may occur as earlier as mid-June –products created at Edmonton / Gander –products routed to CMC –CMC re-distributes to field offices

15 NPP / VIIRS Similar to MODIS in that –received at Edmonton / Gander –no redundancy –lower priority Edmonton creating operational products under test –includes new Day/Night Band Terascan (SeaSpace Inc) software not yet mature –calibration coefficients not correct in installed-version –only uses single processor therefore slow –day/night band enhancements from UW not yet incorporated Will likely follow same operational plan as MODIS when ready

16 With Regards to SAAWSO Archived acquisitions from Gander –January – April 2013 –MODIS / NPP –not all possible passes, as MODIS / NPP are lower priority than operational satellites Next Field Season –Near Real Time support should be possible –would require specifications of any products / algorithms –would require output formats (geotiff, jpg, etc.) –would need to discuss delivery mechanism –NPP will still be lower priority if not operational

17 Any Questions?

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