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1 WebSDR Introductory Training September 2015 Ellen Hilert, DoD SDR System Administrator Defense Logistics Management Standard Office (DLMSO) DOD WebSDR.

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1 1 WebSDR Introductory Training September 2015 Ellen Hilert, DoD SDR System Administrator Defense Logistics Management Standard Office (DLMSO) DOD WebSDR Training User Instructions for the DoD Internet- based Tool for Submission and Processing of Supply Discrepancy Reports (SDRs)

2 2 WebSDR Introductory Training DOD WebSDR Table of Contents Subject Page DoD WebSDR Initiative and DLMSDoD WebSDR Initiative and DLMS 3-5 SDR – General InformationSDR – General Information 6-17 WebSDR Support for FIARWebSDR Support for FIAR18-20 Obtaining DoD WebSDR Access Obtaining DoD WebSDR Access 21-25 Initiating Activity Submission Process Initiating Activity Submission Process 26-30 How to Submit a SDR using DoD WebSDRHow to Submit a SDR using DoD WebSDR31-53 Special Business Rules for Transhipper – Prepared SDRsSpecial Business Rules for Transhipper – Prepared SDRs54-60 DoD WebSDR Action Activity Response ProcessDoD WebSDR Action Activity Response Process61-72 Follow-On Actions (General)Follow-On Actions (General)73-74 Follow-up on a Delinquent SDR ResponseFollow-up on a Delinquent SDR Response75-86 Make Corrections to a Previously Submitted SDR Make Corrections to a Previously Submitted SDR 87-94 Request Reconsideration of an Unfavorable Action Activity ResponseRequest Reconsideration of an Unfavorable Action Activity Response95-103 Cancel a Previously Submitted SDRCancel a Previously Submitted SDR104-111 DoD WebSDR Queries and Management ReportsDoD WebSDR Queries and Management Reports112-118 How to Perform Queries Against DoD WebSDR History Records How to Perform Queries Against DoD WebSDR History Records 119-131 DoD WebSDR SummaryDoD WebSDR Summary132

3 3 WebSDR Introductory Training What is DoD WebSDR? A Web supported tool integrating business events to: Report supply discrepancies and route for action Provide appropriate SDR responses and resolution Standardize SDR transactional interfaces and data Capture & provide a life-cycle event audit trail Provide management information for analysis Integrates Component SDR applications as required by the Defense Logistics Management Standards (DLMS) Supports Web input pending DLMS implementation Database of all actions producing reports View management reports/query results online, or Sends reports to user’s email for detailed analysis

4 4 WebSDR Introductory Training What is DoD WebSDR? Use of the DLMS interface for SDR transaction exchange is required under DoD Supply Chain Materiel Management Manual (DoDM 4140.01) Procedures are maintained in Defense Logistics Manual (DLM) 4000.25, Volume 2, Chapter 17, Supply Discrepancy Reporting The Transaction Services implements the WebSDR procedures, hosts the database, and prepares reports

5 5 WebSDR Introductory Training What is the DLMS? The Defense Logistics Management Standards is a broad base of business rules, data standards, and electronic business objects (information exchange forms) designed to meet DoD’s requirements for total logistics support. DLMS encompasses all of the legacy MILS, some inter- Component fixed-record position transactional exchanges, plus variable-length transactions designed to satisfy today’s requirements Documents procedures, data standards, code lists, metrics, policies, paper forms, and transaction formats Return to Table of Contents

6 6 WebSDR Introductory Training SDR Basic Purpose An SDR is a tool used to report shipping or packaging discrepancies attributable to the responsibility of the shipper, (including Government sources, contractors/ manufacturers or vendors) and to provide appropriate responses and resolution. Shipping discrepancies include: Discrepant condition of item, including expired shelf-life Overage/shortage/total non-receipt Discrepant unique item identification Improper documentation Misdirected shipments Packaging discrepancies include: Improper packing Improper preservation Improper marking Improper unitization Detailed discrepancy codes are available to support better understanding of the discrepant condition and follow-up analysis.

7 7 WebSDR Introductory Training SDR Program The supply discrepancy reporting program is designed to promote evaluation, correction, and improvement of logistics operations. To assist DoD Components in their SDR quality programs that will include periodic reviews to assess the accuracy and quality of work processes applicable to supply discrepancy processing. Data collected enables DoD Components to: Identify trends Establish volume and dollar values of SDRs Bring management attention to problems with shipping activities as necessary Improves the requisitioning and distribution process within logistics operations Official SDR guidance is Defense Logistics Manual (DLM) 4000.25, Vol II, Chapter 17 at URL:

8 8 WebSDR Introductory Training DoD Supply Chain Materiel Management Procedures DoDM 4140.01 “Storage activities will conduct physical inventories, initiate and conduct causative research, and prepare supply discrepancy reports or storage quality control reports; resolve inventory discrepancies; investigate and assess liability for loss, damage, and destruction of government property; and take applicable actions necessary to ensure that the physical on-hand quantity equals the total item property record quantity. Inquiries and audits of physical inventory discrepancies will be directed to the storage activity maintaining physical custody.” “For receipt inspection, acceptance, and discrepancy reporting, DoD Components will: (1) Perform inspection and acceptance at destination as part of the receiving process when receiving shipments of materiel from commercial sources that require the inspection and acceptance. (2) Reflect the actual condition of the materiel received in materiel receipt transactions based on screening or inspection. (3) Reflect the quantity accepted from commercial sources for financial system interfaces and capture UII, when applicable, in the materiel acceptance transactions. (4) Report all discrepant receipts in accordance with established DoD issuances cited in paragraph 8i of this enclosure covering supply, transportation, or quality discrepancies. Design supply systems to report supply discrepancies as an integral and seamless part of the receiving process. (5) Establish a capability to automatically receive deficiency reports, store and process (e.g., categorize, sort, and access related deficiencies), assign investigations, and automatically route and track disposition in each DoD activity responsible for resolving discrepancy reports.”

9 9 WebSDR Introductory Training Why DoD WebSDR? The SDR transformation initiative was designed to move SDRs into an integrated electronic transactional environment within the framework of a standard logistics information exchange. The goal is to provide an effective means to report, resolve, and measure discrepancies related to pipeline performance while reducing paper and manual intervention. The derivative benefits of the initiative include: near real time SDR reporting for immediate identification and more speedy resolution of reported discrepancies; enabling Perfect Order Fulfillment computations; facilitating of interoperability internal and external to DoD; and maximizing the economy, efficiency, effectiveness of the reporting process. WebSDR architecture is based upon a Transaction Services hub for communication and centralized data management Eliminates the need for numerous point-to-point communications links Transaction driven process eliminates the need to re-key SDRs within separate Component systems Developed as a DLMS-compliant process Allows phased development - continuous process improvement since initial operating capability Feb 2005

10 10 WebSDR Introductory Training Goals of WebSDR Quicker Response/Less Effort Reduces delays resulting from misrouted SDRs or mailed documents Electronic interface eliminates data entry at action activity Transaction exchange through logistics hub at Transaction Services Working toward full DLMS compliant information exchange Transaction conversion to e-mail supports users as required Facilitated web-based entry available Auto-fill feature uses Transaction Services requisition history to populate SDR Automatic e-mail reply to customer triggered by reply transaction eliminates action activity manual steps to print/mail/fax Data content targeted to specific discrepant condition Military Service rules allowing use of WebSDR differ Contractors may use for discrepancies related to Government Furnished Material

11 11 WebSDR Introductory Training DLMS SDR Transaction derived from SF 364 Includes data fields from the original SF 364 DLMS codes to support transactional exchange Component-unique data requirements Enhancements, e.g., IUID

12 12 WebSDR Introductory Training DLMS Implementation Conventions (ICs) DLMS 842A/W, Standard SDR, Follow-up, Correction, Cancellation, and Reconsideration Request DLMS 842A/R, Standard SDR Reply The IC establishes the DoD standard format for an electronic equivalent of the SF 364/SDR. The IC provides specific business rules, conditions, and authorized codes necessary for appropriate use of the transaction within the DLMS. Used to replace Component unique formats and paper form.

13 13 WebSDR Introductory Training SDR Information Exchange Integrating Component SDR Applications

14 14 WebSDR Introductory Training DLA-mandated Encryption – OPSEC requirement SDRs and most SDR report data retrieved from the DoD WebSDR application are labeled as “For Official Use Only (FOUO).” Please mark and handle accordingly! DoD WebSDR notifies users of the need to register their DoD- approved e-mail certificate when applying for a DOD WebSDR account to enable full communication. When transmitting SDRs via e-mail, DoD WebSDR encrypts and digitally signs the outgoing transmissions using a Common Access Card (CAC) based DoD Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Certificate. Recipients of the DoD WebSDR e-mail who have not registered their e-mail certificate with Transaction Services will not be able to receive encrypted SDRs. Instead, they will receive a clear text version of the SDR with minimal data content. This email will include instructions on how to register the user’s e-mail certificate with Transaction Services. SDR reports cannot be transmitted to users without a registered certificate.

15 15 WebSDR Introductory Training SDR Implementation Team Subject matter experts and system developers working in collaboration to establish SDR business process rules, and procedures that enable DoD to improve automated supply discrepancy reporting on a global enterprise level Transaction Services WebSDR Program Manager Database maintenance and programming support Defense Logistics Management Standards Office DoD SDR Administrator/Process Review Committee (PRC) Chair Development and coordination of requirements with SDR PRC and other impacted PRCs/organizations Publication of DoD guidance supporting the DLMS SDR process Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) HQ DLA and Defense Supply Centers DLA Distribution Military Services Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps Defense Security Cooperation Agency and International Logistics Control Offices (ILCOs) Participating Federal Agencies: General Services Administration, Federal Aviation Administration Coast Guard

16 16 WebSDR Introductory Training DoD WebSDR Current Status Implemented: Web entry, standard transactions, database, flexible query and management report capability, process documentation, SDR training, and integration of multiple Component system interfaces WebSDR processing statistics: 30-40K new SDRs 100K-130K total SDR transactions On-going Challenges Incomplete DLMS implementation and variations in DLMS implementation among Components Continuous identification of new/evolving requirements layered on top of incomplete baseline Competing priorities among Components Resource constraints

17 17 WebSDR Introductory Training Next Steps/Future Development “To-Do List” Backlog of Approved DLMS Changes System enhancements / Report enhancements New and improved system interfaces: Development of transactional support for Security Assistance SDRs and all Service ILCOs via deployment of the Security Cooperation Enterprise System (SCES) Submission of new SDRs for communications security (COMSEC) materiel via Army's Information Systems Security Program Application (ISSPA) Adoption of incoming reply functionality by Army Logistics Management Program (LMP) and GSA Vision systems Establishment of capability to report contractor non-compliance to Past Performance Information Retrieval System (PPIRS)-SR (Statistical Reporting) for use in contractor evaluation Integration of SDR submission with receiving systems during Service modernization/enterprise resource program (ERP) enhancement Return to Table of Contents

18 18 WebSDR Introductory Training SDR Support for Financial Improvement Audit Readiness (FIAR) Process Documentation: Provides a documented process for: SDR identification, reporting, rules for assignment to actionable activities, preforming causative research, resolution determination, disposition and closure. Provides a complete audit trail of evidential mater providing support to existence and completeness; documenting auditable basis for: Physical Inventory and Financial Record adjustments Justification for the issue or non-issue of credit Historical database facilitates interrogation and analysis of a wide range of views and detail, analysis down to a specific business event, and/or executing location; providing evidential mater that: Identifies process gaps and deficiencies requiring correction Identifies internal controls and cross checks that need to be strengthened Execution deficiencies requiring remedial actions such as training or equipment Internal controls: actions taken to protect resources against waste, fraud, and abuse; ensure accuracy and reliability of the Agency’s financial data; ensure the Agency is complying with laws and regulations; evaluate the level of performance of the organization. Controls need to be designed properly, followed by employees, and tested to ensure they are effective at stopping problems.

19 19 WebSDR Introductory Training SDR support for FIAR WebSDR provides Business Process Application Controls in the SDR process WebSDR enables a direct interface between DoD Component and participating partner transactional systems for the systemic/automated exchange of data Provides evidential transactions that identify and correct inventory discrepancies. The DLMS SDR transactions automates hard copy SF 364 SDRs provides evidential matter for supply discrepancies and reasonable verification that these discrepancies are being appropriately recorded, reported, and being resolved Systemic solutions are designed to help the sustainment of audit readiness over time and systemic evidentiary matter for discrepancies and resolutions instead of manual forms and records Business Process Application Controls: Those controls incorporated directly into computer applications (or performed manually based on system generated information) to help ensure the completeness, accuracy, validity, confidentiality, and availability of transactions and data during application processing

20 20 WebSDR Introductory Training Learn More About DoD WebSDR SDR Procedures: DLM 4000.25, Volume 2, Chapter 17 WebSDR Training: DLMS Website under eApplications POC Defense Logistics Management Standards Office: Ellen Hilert or Ben Breen Reference Resource: SDR Committee Web page: Access to DoD WEBSDR may be obtained by completing an online System Access Request (SAR), from the Transaction Services Web site: https://www.transactionservices.dla.mil Transaction Services Help Desk Help Desk Support: Commercial: (937) 656-3247, DSN: 986-3247 E-Mail: Return to Table of Contents

21 21 WebSDR Introductory Training DOD WebSDR Training User Instructions for the DoD Internet- based Tool for Submission and Processing of Supply Discrepancy Reports (SDRs)

22 22 WebSDR Introductory Training Obtaining DoD WebSDR Access

23 23 WebSDR Introductory Training DoD WebSDR Access Access to DoD WEBSDR is obtained by completing an online System Access Request (SAR), from the Transaction Services Web page: Help Desk Support: Commercial: (937) 656-3247 DSN: 986-3247 FAX: (937) 656-3801 or DSN 986-3801 You may also email: Transaction Services Customer Services may be contacted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Calls outside the support hours need to be identified as to the seriousness of the call. All non-critical calls will be addressed the following business day. The DoD WebSDR Help Desk should be utilized for routing issues and system application problems. If status is needed on a SDR, please contact the action activity to which the SDR was sent. Resolution and functional questions should be directed to your Service or Agency POCs. For DLA, if you need someone to research the status of a reply or similar assistance, contact the DLA Customer Interaction Center (DLA CIC) email: or phone: 1-877-352-2255 or DSN

24 24 WebSDR Introductory Training SARs – Responder Access RESPONDER Definition: May provide resolution to SDR submitter/initiator in accordance with Component rules, e.g., recommend or authorize credit; give disposition for discrepant material Responder access is controlled by a combination of information provided on your SAR and Service/Agency guidance. If you are completing a new SAR for access to DoD WebSDR and request responder access the following applies: Explain why you need "reply authorization.” Are there SDRs directed to your activity because your organization is responsible for shipping materiel to other activities? We've identified that some "responders" were using the function improperly (e.g. to talk back and forth to the distribution center or DLA ICP, rather than give a reply to the SDR initiator) If your location ships materiel or directs shipment, and SDRs come to you for resolution, you will be authorized reply capability for your activity and will be able to provide disposition to the activity that received the materiel. Please input Routing Identifier Codes (RICs) and/or Department of Defense Activity Address Codes (DoDAACs) for the activity you represent in the reply. Approval by a DoD Focal Point will be required if you indicate that you are authorized to respond for activities other than your own. “Service/Agency Level Responder” and “No Restriction Level” access are reserved for DoD Focal Points and their designated representatives. A "no restrictions" access is not usually authorized. Selecting this option may delay your SAR and system access. IMPORTANT NOTES: If you already have access to DoD WebSDR, do not complete another SAR for responder and/or report access. Call the Transaction Services Help Desk to ask for assistance in updating your current SAR. If you need to respond to an SDR and it was sent to the wrong action activity, that action activity needs to forward the SDR to your RIC/DoDAAC by using a reply transaction containing Reply Code 504. Transaction Services will not normally provide access to respond on behalf of a Service/Agency that is not your own.

25 25 WebSDR Introductory Training DoD WebSDR Access Go to and click on “Request Login ID and Password” Click WEBSDR. Complete the System Access Request (SAR) and Submit. After receipt of the logon ID and password, you are authorized to use DoD WebSDR. 25 Return to Table of Contents

26 26 WebSDR Introductory Training Initiating Activity Submission

27 27 WebSDR Introductory Training DoD WebSDR Submission Criteria – Shipping Discrepancies Customers report shipping discrepancies which exceed $100 per line item or for any dollar value when: Shipper is DLA or GSA Quantity is discrepant for controlled inventory (classified/sensitive), arms, arms parts, ammunitions, explosives Total nonreceipt (when not shipped via traceable means or not transportation related) Incorrect item is received Duplicate shipment Misdirected shipment Documentation is missing Mismatch of unique item identifier (UII) or serial number for serially managed/tracked materiel, e.g., materiel associated with a Unique Item Tracking (UIT) program Transshipper-prepared SDRs are applicable when missing, illegible, incomplete, etc. supply or transportation documentation delays or prevents forward movement of the shipment.

28 28 WebSDR Introductory Training SDR Submission Criteria - Packaging Discrepancies Customers report packaging discrepancies where estimated/ actual cost of corrective packaging exceeds $100 or the value of the item, shipment, or package exceeds $2,500. Report packaging discrepancies involving hazardous material for any dollar value when a potentially hazardous condition could result. Regardless of dollar value, report immediately packaging discrepancies resulting in damaged materiel which may endanger life, impair combat or deployment operations, or effect materiel. Transshipper-prepared SDRs are applicable when improper packaging/labeling delays or prevents forward movement of the shipment. of the shipment.

29 29 WebSDR Introductory Training General SDR Guidance Multiple requisitions received under a consolidated shipment cannot be combined for discrepancy reporting purposes! Individual SDRs must be submitted for each discrepant requisition received in the shipment. An exception to this rule is authorized for transshippers: Consolidation and Containerization Points (CCPs) Aerial and water ports

30 30 WebSDR Introductory Training DoD SDR Submission Time Standards: SDR submission timeframes are: For shortage, overage, or wrong item receipt of controlled inventory (classified/sensitive), arms, arms parts, ammunitions, and explosives, report within 24 hours of discovery All other discrepancies: CONUS destinations: 60 days from shipment Overseas destinations: 120 days from shipment Time limits do not apply to shortage/overage, wrong item, or IUID discrepancies discovered upon opening a sealed vendor pack. Late submission authorized: If lacking justification, action activities may accept for use in reporting metrics and corrective action. Note: Submission time standards for Security Assistance customers are defined by the Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) and are enforced by the Service ILCO. Return to Table of Contents

31 31 WebSDR Introductory Training How to Submit an SDR using DoD WebSDR

32 32 WebSDR Introductory Training Log On to DoD WebSDR Go to to use the DoD WebSDR application. DoD WebSDR is Public Key Enabled (PKE), you will see the portal page. Click on WEBSDR (each user’s system will show different systems available)

33 33 WebSDR Introductory Training DoD WebSDR Submittal Process Begin by selecting “New” under “Submit an SDR” from the left side of your screen. A list of possible SDR actions show: New, Cancellation, Update or Correction, Follow-up, and Reconsideration. We will walk through each of these processes. But first, we will initiate a new SDR to report a shipping discrepancy.

34 34 WebSDR Introductory Training DoD WebSDR Submittal Process cont. Continue Button Enter Doc Number Click on “CONTINUE” after each screen to move forward.

35 35 WebSDR Introductory Training SDR Document/Shipment Type Most SDRs entered via DoD WebSDR are customer SDRs which fall into Type 6 or Type 7. Use Type 7 for Distribution Center shipments or lateral distributions at retail level. Use Type 6 for SDRs associated with “wholesale” level orders which are shipped directly by a vendor. Other codes are intended for specialized use by pre-authorized personnel. Note: Additional Document Type Codes support DLMS transaction input only. For example, SDRs submitted via DLA’s Distribution Standard System use the following Document Type Codes: 8 – Depot originated, depot receipt from non-procurement source (other than RDO) 9 - Depot originated, vendor delivery to depot R - Depot originated, redistribution order receipt It is important to select the correct SDR type code to avoid delay and processing problems within the action activity’s application.

36 36 WebSDR Introductory Training DoD WebSDR Submittal Process cont. Prior to creating a new SDR, WebSDR will search for any previously submitted SDRs matching the requested document number. You may review any of these or select “CONTINUE” to create a new SDR for this document number.

37 37 WebSDR Introductory Training Often, WebSDR will find multiple (partial or split) shipments matching the document number. It’s up to the user to select the correct shipment. You have several choices: (1) You may select the Transportation Control Number (TCN) query into WebVLIPS (which provides a complete history for this shipment). (2) You may select the appropriate shipment using the TCN drop box and click to “CONTINUE.” (3) You may “START OVER” if you realize the document number is not correct. DoD WebSDR Submittal Process cont. Multiple shipment TCN & quantity shipped displayed as WebVLIPS hyperlink Select shipment TCN in drop box FB250082610165

38 38 WebSDR Introductory Training What are Partial or Split Shipments? The Source of Supply (SoS) may create a “split shipment” to fill requisitioned quantity when using multiple shippers or because not all of the material is immediately available. SoS split shipments are easily recognized by the document number suffix. The Distribution Center may create separate shipments when individual pieces of the SoS-directed shipment may be separated during shipment (for convenience of the shipping activity or to prevent delays). Each shipment is assigned a unique TCN by using a Partial Code in the 16th position of the TCN. Each of these partial shipments will have the same requisition document number (and suffix when used). If there is no partial action, the 16th position will be an X. A subsequent trans-shipment activity, such as a port, may "split" a shipment, moving each forward as a distinct shipment. This is identified by a "Split TCN Suffix" in the 17th position of the TCN.

39 39 WebSDR Introductory Training DoD WebSDR Submittal Process cont. WebSDR automatically pre-fills much of the shipping and requisition information for you. This information is taken from Transaction Services history files. In some cases, you may need to overwrite the pre-filled information when you reach the applicable input field. Retrieved requisition information

40 40 WebSDR Introductory Training DoD WebSDR Submittal Process cont. You may now select the discrepancy code(s) applicable to the report. At least one discrepancy code must be entered, and a maximum of three may be entered. Due to the long list of available discrepancy codes, the codes are grouped according to categories. Sub-groupings within each category are used to clearly define the discrepant condition. Level 1 drop down menu defines the discrepancy category Level 2 drop window identifies conditions within selected category and completes the discrepancy code Level 3 drop window further defines packaging discrepancies Level 1 Discrepancy Drop Down Window Optional Additional Discrepancy Codes

41 41 WebSDR Introductory Training DoD WebSDR Submittal Process cont. Return to Table of Contents C2 Discrepancy reported W1 Discrepancy Reported

42 42 WebSDR Introductory Training DoD WebSDR Submittal Process cont. DoD WebSDR has pre-filled the information from the Transaction Services requisition and shipping history. WebSDR will normally determine the correct action activity for your SDR. The system will fill in the addresses as recorded in the DoD Activity Address Directory (DODAAD). When the user must enter the applicable code values for any of these activities, click on the button to fill in the clear text address. This gives you an opportunity to confirm that the correct activity code was entered. Did you notice the blue question mark boxes above? These indicate help information is available, including definitions and special rules. Just click to view. ?

43 43 WebSDR Introductory Training DoD WebSDR Submittal Process cont. WebSDR uses business rule logic developed by the DoD Components to determine the most appropriate activity to receive the SDR for action. These rules vary according to multiple factors, such as: the specific Service or Agency functioning as the Source of Supply (SoS) who shipped the material - vendor or DLA Distribution Center the specific discrepancy code You may override the pre-filled information because there might be situations which cannot be built into system processing. But, use caution in doing so. Your Service or Agency procedures should always be applied to the SDR process. Where pre-fill information is not available, you will have to manually key in the remaining SDR data. If you identify the SoS as the action activity, the SoS may forward the SDR to the appropriate shipping activity.

44 44 WebSDR Introductory Training DoD WebSDR Submittal Process Unique identification should be included for items tracked under a UIT program or OSD Supply Policy. Transportation Control Number (TCN) should always be included when available. 2 nd and 3 rd transportation numbers are optional. Always include Contract Number and Line Item Number, when known, for direct vendor delivery (DVD) shipments (Document Type 6). For storage activity procurement source receipts (e.g. Document Type P), contract information and the vendor shipment number (above) are required. This screen allows you to enter additional information associated such as transportation, procurement, invoice and IUID information (unique item identifier (UII) and/or serial number and/or batch number may be entered). WebSDR will auto-fill as much historical information as available. Drop down menu’s will assist you in entering other related information. Skip over any information not required or applicable.

45 45 WebSDR Introductory Training DoD WebSDR Submittal Process cont. If material identification is not pre-filled, you must populate this area with material identification as requisitioned. You don’t need to provide extra information unless required by your Service rules. Condition code shipped/ billed & condition code actually received are only required for condition discrepancies. Use drop box to select appropriate code. Default setting “Shipped” is appropriate for U.S. Military customers. IMPORTANT: Shipment, Receipt, and Discrepancy Data Screen. DoD WebSDR will pre-fill information as available from Transaction Services historical records. You will enter the actual shipped, received, and discrepant quantities. If applicable to the type of discrepancy, you will need to select the shipped and received condition codes. Did you notice the red “R” boxes above? These indicate required information fields. You cannot proceed unless this information is provided. R

46 46 WebSDR Introductory Training DoD WebSDR Submittal Process cont. R

47 47 WebSDR Introductory Training DoD WebSDR Submittal Process cont.

48 48 WebSDR Introductory Training DoD WebSDR Submittal Process Check box to upload supporting images/files and follow directions on screen. Check box to inform action activity additional information is being forwarded off line. Action code selection Action code drop down menu view

49 49 WebSDR Introductory Training DoD WebSDR Submittal Process cont. This information is not applicable except when requesting credit after discovering a concealed discrepancy in a sealed vendor pack and the original requisition document number is no longer available. This is an exception situation only authorized for U.S. Forces. Use this space to provide any clarifying information that will assist the action activity in processing your discrepancy report. Although you can over write POC details, you must contact the WebSDR Help Desk if your contact information changes.

50 50 WebSDR Introductory Training DoD WebSDR Submittal Process cont. Click to retrieve clear-text address for DODAAC or Routing Identifier. Only use this option when needed based upon local procedures. WebSDR will automatically send information copies to the source of supply when SDRs are distributed to a DLA distribution center.

51 51 WebSDR Introductory Training DoD WebSDR Submittal Process cont. SDR ready for final review or correction

52 52 WebSDR Introductory Training DoD WebSDR Submittal Process SDR successfully submitted Print if local procedures require you to maintain a hard copy

53 53 WebSDR Introductory Training Email Action Copy Page 1 Page 2

54 54 WebSDR Introductory Training Standard SDR X12 842A/W Transaction & Email Distribution Copy ISA*00*NONE *00*NONE *10*S00000 *10*SL0000 *080701*0000*^*00400*00000000000*P*> GS*NC*S00000*SL0000*20080701*00000000*000000*X*000000 ST*842*000000001*004000F000A00000 BNR*00*Z*20080701*16161609**C1 N1*41**M4*AN5**FR PER*PU*JUDITH LASTNAME*TE*7176051111***EM*EMAIL@aaa.bbb PER*PU*JUDITH LASTNAME*AU*4000000 N1*ZD**M4*RIC**TO HL*1**RP LIN**FS*1005010000000 DTM*947*20000000 REF*87*S REF*TN*FB000000000000 REF*NN*20080000000*WEBSDR REF*NN*82008000000*ADRS LM*DF LQ*D*8 LQ*HB*1H LQ*EQ*7 NCD**5*1 NTE*RPT*NO DUE IN FOR NIIN 00 000 0000,WITH CONTRACTFB000000000000. POCSTOCKREAD NTE*RPT*EMAIL@XXX.XXX.XXX QTY*86*1*EA QTY*87*1*EA AMT*10*4467.18 N1*SUS**M4*RIC N1*91**M4*RIC LM*DF LQ*HA*D3 LQ*83*A SE*29*000000001 GE*1*688094 IEA*1*000688094 Return to Table of Contents

55 55 WebSDR Introductory Training Special Business Rules for Transshipper-Prepared SDRs

56 56 WebSDR Introductory Training Transshipper SDR Guidance Transshippers report discrepancies while the shipment is in transit: Consolidation and Containerization Points (CCPs) Aerial and water ports Both the DLMS SDR guidance and the Defense Transportation Regulation (DTR) Part II, Chapter 210, Transportation Discrepancy Report (TDR) procedures authorize reporting of discrepancies related to: Improper, incomplete, or missing supply or transportation documentation Packaging discrepancies, including marking and labeling If the discrepancy is perceived to be attributed to the shipping activity, an SDR is the appropriate reporting tool!

57 57 WebSDR Introductory Training DoD WebSDR Transshipper Submittal Process Select Document Type W Enter Document Number For consolidated shipments or if the document number is unknown, a document number may be created based upon the CCP/port DoDAAC, current Julian date, and serial number 57

58 58 WebSDR Introductory Training Typical Discrepancies Reported by Transhippers Select the most specific discrepancy code available and use SDR remarks to further clarify the nature of the problem. For example: D-series codes are available for common transportation documentation discrepancies. D501 Special Handling Data/Certification, DD Form 1387-2, omitted D502 Special Handling Data/Certification, DD Form 1387-2, incomplete or incorrect D503 TCMD, DD Form 1384, omitted D504 TCMD, DD Form 1384, incomplete or incorrect D505 Shipper’s Declaration for Dangerous Goods omitted D506 Shipper’s Declaration for Dangerous Goods incomplete (including incomplete item description) D507 Shipper's Declaration for Dangerous Goods not appropriate for transportation mode P2-series and P3-series are used for packaging and labeling (including Military Shipping Label (MSL)) discrepancies. P215 Non-compliant WPM P319 Military Shipment Label (MSL), DD Form 1387, omitted; no TCN P320 MSL, DD Form 1387, improperly affixed, incorrect, or incomplete

59 59 WebSDR Introductory Training Transshipper SDR Submission Identify the action activity and select the “fill” button to verify correct activity. The action activity may be a DLA distribution center or the Inventory Control Point that directed the shipment. Enter the DoDAAC of the port or CCP as the initiator and, again, press the “fill” button. Identify the shipped- from activity when known. For example, this may be the distribution center or the CAGE code of the vendor.

60 60 WebSDR Introductory Training DoD WebSDR Transshipper Submittal Process cont. Materiel Identification : Transshippers are authorized two unique alternatives when identifying the shipment contents: Use the “Other” drop box to select “MIXED” for consolidated, mixed materiel shipments. Select “UNKNOWN” when documentation is not available to properly identify the materiel. When identifying packaging discrepancies, also select the type of pack code and include the number of discrepant pieces. CCPs must identify the corrective packaging costs when remediating/replacing noncompliant wood packaging material 60

61 61 WebSDR Introductory Training Transshippers must select from these 2 codes (3A or 3B) 61 DoD WebSDR Transshipper Submittal Process cont. Return to Table of Contents

62 62 WebSDR Introductory Training DoD WebSDR Action Activity Response Process

63 63 WebSDR Introductory Training Action Activity Response SDR replies are used to pass pertinent information from the SDR action activity to the SDR initiator and other interested parties. A typical response might provide the following: Interim status during processing Forwarding to re-direct the SDR to another action activity Disposition instructions for discrepant materiel Advice on debit/credit actions

64 64 WebSDR Introductory Training SDR Response Time Standards Discrepant materiel classified SECRET or above, or nuclear weapon related materiel (NWRM) (shortage/overage/wrong item/mismatched IUID/misdirected): 24 hours o If further research is required for resolution, the action activity must provide an interim response within 24 hours and a comprehensive response within 15 business days Transshipper-reported frustrated freight (Action Code 3A) : 5 days Discrepant controlled inventory items (other than SECRET or NWRM), arms, arms parts, ammunitions, and explosives (shortage/overage/wrong item/mismatched IUID/misdirected): 25 days All others: 50 days o DLA distribution center: 25 days o DLA internal processing goal: 30 days

65 65 WebSDR Introductory Training Log On To DoD WebSDR Log into, click WEBSDR Click WEBSDR

66 66 WebSDR Introductory Training Action Activity Response Select “Supply Source/Shipper Disposition Reply” to prepare a reply to an SDR you have received for action.

67 67 WebSDR Introductory Training This screen allows you to identify the appropriate SDR. DoD WebSDR can locate the SDR record by the document number or the SDR control number. Action Activity Response

68 68 WebSDR Introductory Training In some circumstances, WebSDR retrieves multiple SDRs applicable to the document number you entered. If this occurs, you should select the appropriate SDR from the list provided and click continue. If you are not sure, just select the hyperlink to view the entire SDR record. Action Activity Response cont.

69 69 WebSDR Introductory Training The top of this screen provides a view of the original report to facilitate preparation of the reply. Using the drop down menu, you must select at least one disposition reply code to assign to the discrepancy report. You will notice the discrepancy code(s) are pre-filled from the original SDR as reported by the submitter. The action activity is required to correct the discrepancy code, should the submitter have selected the wrong code to identify the discrepant shipment. If you select a reply code requiring system forwarding of the SDR (Codes 301-309 or 504) you will be requested to enter the RIC of the activity to which the forwarding applies later in the reply input. Use drop down menus to select appropriate disposition/reply code(s). Up to three codes may be selected for customer submitted SDRS. Only two should be used for DLA Distribution Center/DLA storage activity prepared SDRS at this time. Use this option only when you need to correct an erroneously assigned discrepancy code submitted on the original SDR Action Activity Response cont. Click here to view original SDR information

70 70 WebSDR Introductory Training Notice the POC information is pre-filled using the information derived from the responder’s System Access Request (SAR). Action Activity Response cont.

71 71 WebSDR Introductory Training In addition to selecting the appropriate disposition/reply code(s), users should provide text comments for clarification. Many disposition/reply codes require explanation and/or additional information, such as a ship-to address. A subsequent screen will be provided to capture supplemental information based upon the specific disposition/reply code. You may upload images, pictures, or files with your response or indicate you are providing a hard copy supporting document off line. Use this space to provide any clarifying information that will assist the submitter in understanding the SDR resolution and disposition instructions. If you need to include additional distribution copies beyond those listed on the original report, they may be identified here. Action Activity Response cont.

72 72 WebSDR Introductory Training WebSDR provides a final review prior to processing. Here you can review or edit your response before transmitting it to the SDR submitter. The response action is still not completed until you click on “SUBMIT.” SDR Response not yet submitted Action Activity Response cont.

73 73 WebSDR Introductory Training Page 1 Page 2 Action Activity Response - Email Return to Table of Contents

74 74 WebSDR Introductory Training Follow-On Actions (General) 74

75 75 WebSDR Introductory Training Follow-on Actions DoD WebSDR is designed to assist customers in completing routine follow-on actions related to SDR submission. These include: Follow-up on delinquent SDRs. Requests an update from the action activity when a reply is not received within reply time standards. Update/Correction. Allows the customer to correct erroneous information on a prior submission. Cancellation. Cancels a prior submission determined to be unnecessary or erroneous. Request for Reconsideration. Allows the customer to provide additional supporting information when the action activity has denied the SDR as inappropriate or invalid. If your original report was not successfully processed by WebSDR, your follow-on transaction will be rejected immediately. If your original report was not successfully processed by the action activity, your follow-up may be rejected by the Component SDR system. Return to Table of Contents

76 76 WebSDR Introductory Training Follow-Up on a Delinquent SDR Response

77 77 WebSDR Introductory Training Follow-up on a Delinquent SDR Reply Action points will generally provide interim and final replies in a timely manner well within the authorized timeframe. However, it is equally important for the submitter to be aware of processing time standards and follow-up when they are not met. SDRs action activities are required to respond: Within 24 hours, or up to 15 business days for final response, for classified SECRET or above or NWRM, for shortage, overage, wrong item, mismatched IUID, or misdirected shipment; Within 5 days for transshipper-reported frustrated freight; Within 25 days for controlled inventory items (other than SECRET or NWRM), arms, arms parts, ammunitions, and explosives for shortage, overage, wrong item, mismatched IUID, or misdirected shipment; Otherwise, within 50 days from date of SDR receipt

78 78 WebSDR Introductory Training Follow-Up Guidance 78 Submit an SDR Follow-up when the action activity has not responded to your SDR within 55 days of report submission, or a maximum of 30 days if your report concerns a controlled inventory (classified/sensitive/NWRM), arms, arms parts, ammunitions, explosives or a hazardous/priority situation. Always follow up! Also follow-up after 55 days from the date of an interim reply when no subsequent/final reply is received Be aware that overly late follow-ups may be rejected (after 100 days from last transaction) resulting in no subsequent processing on your discrepancy report Users must direct follow ups to the current action activity (WebSDR will do this automatically for Web-entered SDR replies) Look first: Prior to preparing a second SDR Follow-up, submitters are encouraged to use the WebSDR query function to see if a reply is already available. Sometimes replies have been provided, but did not reach the customer due to transmission failure or other technical issues. You may also find that your SDR has been forwarded to a new action activity. Forwarding of an SDR to a new action activity will restart the elapsed processing time.

79 79 WebSDR Introductory Training Follow-Up Guidance cont. 79 Do not send multiple follow-ups. Repeated follow-ups will not bring about an appropriate response. If you do not receive a response to your initial follow-up submission, we recommend that you contact the action activity directly. For SDRs directed to the DLA supply chains, you may contact the DLA Customer Interaction Center at, 1-877-352- 2255 (1-877-DLA-CALL) For SDRs directed to any of the DLA distribution centers, you may request status by contacting the DLA Distribution at

80 80 WebSDR Introductory Training Once you have successfully logged on to WebSDR, select “Follow-Up” under “Submit an SDR.” DoD WebSDR Follow-Up

81 81 WebSDR Introductory Training DoD WebSDR will locate the previous SDR submission using the SDR control number. Information from the previous submission will be used to pre-fill the follow-up action. DoD WebSDR Follow-Up cont.

82 82 WebSDR Introductory Training First, DoD WebSDR checks to see if someone has already submitted or started working on a follow-up, as shown here. To view the entire SDR click on the hyperlink. DoD WebSDR Follow-Up cont.

83 83 WebSDR Introductory Training DoD WebSDR will retrieve all matching SDR submissions and display for selection of the appropriate record. If you are not sure which one, just click the hyperlink to view the entire SDR record. Click to view original SDR submission data Click here to create your follow-up action DoD WebSDR Follow-Up cont.

84 84 WebSDR Introductory Training Original SDR Reference for Follow-Up As previously noted, if you click to view original SDR submission data, DoD WebSDR returns the SDR record(s) for your review. Do not submit multiple follow-ups. If WebSDR history shows there is already an SDR follow-up for this record and no response was received to your initial follow-up within 30 calendar days, request assistance from the Source of Supply/Inventory Control Point; or, for DLA Distribution Center shipments, contact DLA Distribution at Prior to preparing an SDR Follow-up, you should use the WebSDR query function to see if a reply is already available, or if your SDR has been forwarded to a new action activity. Forwarding of an SDR to a new action activity will restart the elapsed processing Page 1Page 2

85 85 WebSDR Introductory Training If follow up action is still appropriate, proceed with creation of the follow-up. You must enter comments explaining why you are submitting a follow-up. Notice your POC information is pre-filled based on your SAR. All the other SDR information from the prior submission will be carried forward to the follow-up. You must click “SUBMIT” to transmit the follow-up. DoD WebSDR Follow-Up cont.

86 86 WebSDR Introductory Training DoD WebSDR will confirm the follow-up action has processed. DoD WebSDR Follow-Up cont.

87 87 WebSDR Introductory Training Follow-Up Email Confirmation DoD WebSDR will provide an email confirmation copy of the follow-up for your records. Return to Table of Contents

88 88 WebSDR Introductory Training Make Corrections To A Previously Submitted SDR

89 89 WebSDR Introductory Training Correction Guidance If an SDR is later determined to include erroneous information which might impact the proper resolution, the submitting activity should prepare an SDR correction. Most data content in the SDR may be corrected. However, the controlling report numbers and the document number/suffix associated with the report cannot be changed. Additionally, the WebSDR team recommends that users do not attempt to update the SoS or materiel identification. If the report or document number is incorrect, or the you later determine the SDR was submitted to the wrong action activity (and your SDR was not forwarded), you must cancel and resubmit. Significant corrections (e.g., something that might impact financial actions by the Source of Supply) should be reported at any time, even if a response has already been provided.

90 90 WebSDR Introductory Training System capabilities for corrections differ significantly at this time: DoD WebSDR direct input. Users relying on WebSDR input, cannot overlay previously entered data content. Instead, users must specify in the SDR remarks what needs to be updated. Remarks will be read by an SDR specialist at the action activity, who will update the system record or take other appropriate action. DLMS transaction exchange. Users of Component SDR applications have the capability to modify data content by changing individual data element (within limitations of DoD rules/system flexibility). The DLMS transaction will carry the revised data in the appropriate data field. However, Component system users must also use SDR remarks to clarify the intent of the change (since the action activity may not be supported by a Component system able to distinguish what has changed). Correction Guidance cont.

91 91 WebSDR Introductory Training Once you have successfully logged on to DoD WebSDR, select “Update or Correction.” under “Submit an SDR” to initiate the correction action for a previously submitted WebSDR transaction. DoD WebSDR Correction

92 92 WebSDR Introductory Training DoD WebSDR will locate the previous SDR submission using the WebSDR control number. Information from the previous submission will be used to pre-fill the correction transaction for you. DoD WebSDR Correction cont.

93 93 WebSDR Introductory Training DoD WebSDR will retrieve all matching SDR submissions and display for selection of the appropriate record. If you are not sure which one, just click the hyperlink to view the entire SDR record. Click “DoD WebSDR Control Number” to view original SDR submission data Click “PROCESS” to create Correction action DoD WebSDR Correction cont.

94 94 WebSDR Introductory Training You must enter comments explaining why you are submitting a correction. Notice your POC information is pre-filled based on your SAR. All the other SDR information from the prior submission will be carried forward to the correction SDR. You must click “SUBMIT” to transmit the correction. DoD WebSDR Correction cont.

95 95 WebSDR Introductory Training DoD WebSDR will confirm the Correction action has processed. An email confirmation will be provided to the submitter. DoD WebSDR Correction cont. Return to Table of Contents

96 96 WebSDR Introductory Training Request Reconsideration of an Unfavorable Action Activity Response

97 97 WebSDR Introductory Training Request for Reconsideration When a reporting activity does not concur with the reply/disposition received in response to an SDR, it may request reevaluation based upon new information or greater clarification of the circumstances of the discrepancy. The reporting activity must clearly basis for requesting reconsideration. The Source of Supply will review all data relating to the problem and provide a response to the reporting activity within 45 days. This decision will be normally be final (with the exception of Security Assistance SDRs as discussed on the next slide). Bear in mind that this is an exception process and should not be used when not warranted!

98 98 WebSDR Introductory Training Security Assistance Request for Reconsideration An Foreign Military Sales (FMS) customer will work with their International Logistics Control Office (ILCO) to obtain reconsideration. The customer must submit a request for reconsideration to the ILCO within 90 days from the date the ILCO forwarded the SDR response. The ILCO is permitted 30 days for review and processing. The Source of Supply will review all data relating to the problem and provide a response to the request for reconsideration to the ILCO within 60 days. When an initial Request for Reconsideration has not produced the desired result, the FMS customer may officially contest the reconsideration decision. The customer must contest the decision within 90 days. The ILCO is permitted 15 days for review and processing. The Source of Supply or designated focal point will review all data and provide a response to the ILCO within 60 days.

99 99 WebSDR Introductory Training Request for Reconsideration Once you have successfully logged on to DoD WebSDR, you may select “Reconsideration” under “SUBMIT AN SDR” to get started.

100 100 WebSDR Introductory Training Request for Reconsideration cont. DoD WebSDR will locate the previous SDR submission using the WebSDR control number.. Information from the previous submission will be used to pre-fill the reconsideration request.

101 101 WebSDR Introductory Training Request for Reconsideration cont. DoD WebSDR will retrieve all matching SDR submissions and display for selection of the appropriate record. If you are not sure which one, just click the hyperlink to view the entire SDR record. Click “DoD WebSDR Control Number” to view SDR data from original SDR submission. Click “PROCESS” to proceed with Reconsideration Request creation

102 102 WebSDR Introductory Training Request for Reconsideration cont. Page 1Page 2 When you request to view the SDR data from original SDR submission, DoD WebSDR returns the previous SDR record for your review.

103 103 WebSDR Introductory Training Request for Reconsideration cont. You may proceed with creation of your request and must enter comments with justification for your request. Your POC information is pre-filled based on your SAR. All other SDR information from prior submissions will be carried forward to the request for reconsideration. Be sure to upload any supporting documentation/pictures not previously provided. You must click “SUBMIT” to transmit the reconsideration request.

104 104 WebSDR Introductory Training DoD WebSDR will confirm the request for reconsideration action has processed. Request for Reconsideration cont. Return to Table of Contents

105 105 WebSDR Introductory Training Request for Reconsideration Confirmation DoD WebSDR will confirm the reconsideration request has processed. An email confirmation copy will be returned to the submitter. Page 2 Page 1 Return to Table of Contents

106 106 WebSDR Introductory Training Cancel A Previously Submitted SDR

107 107 WebSDR Introductory Training DoD WebSDR Cancellation If a submitting activity determines a SDR to be invalid, it must be cancelled. This occurs when the reported discrepancy information is no longer considered to be accurate or the SDR cannot be corrected (and must be resubmitted for proper processing). For example: Missing shipment quantity is located SDR is submitted to wrong action activity (and was not forwarded) Wrong document number was identified The action activity should be notified of the SDR cancellation at any time, even if a response from the action activity has already been received.

108 108 WebSDR Introductory Training Once you have successfully logged on to DoD WebSDR, you may select “Cancellation” under “Submit an SDR” to get started and initiate the cancellation request.. DoD WebSDR Cancellation cont.

109 109 WebSDR Introductory Training DoD WebSDR will locate the previous SDR submission using the SDR control number. Information from the previous submission will be used to pre-fill the cancellation. DoD WebSDR Cancellation cont.

110 110 WebSDR Introductory Training DoD WebSDR will retrieve all matching SDR submissions and display for selection of the appropriate record. If you are not sure which one, just click the hyperlink to view the entire SDR record. Click “PROCESS” to create your cancellation action Click “DoD WebSDR Control Number” to view original SDR submission data DoD WebSDR Cancellation cont.

111 111 WebSDR Introductory Training You must enter comments explaining why you are submitting a cancellation. Your POC information is pre-filled based on your SAR. Additional SDR information from the prior submission will be carried forward to the cancellation. You must click “SUBMIT” to transmit the cancellation. DoD WebSDR Cancellation cont.

112 112 WebSDR Introductory Training DoD WebSDR will confirm the SDR cancellation request has processed. DoD WebSDR Cancellation cont.

113 113 WebSDR Introductory Training Email Notification of Cancellation DoD WebSDR will automatically provide you with an email notification of your cancellation request. Return to Table of Contents

114 114 WebSDR Introductory Training DoD WebSDR Queries and Management Reports

115 115 WebSDR Introductory Training DoD WebSDR Query & Report Capability Queries and management reports make it possible to: Locate specific SDRs by various criteria, e.g., By WebSDR or Component system-assigned control numbers By Component or by specific activity By materiel identification By contract number Monitor trends Establish volume and dollar value of SDRs Measure compliance with SDR timeframes

116 116 WebSDR Introductory Training Management Reports These reports assist those individuals and activities that are engaged in the research and resolution of specific SDRs Provide analysis tools to manage SDR workload and determine broader policy, procedures, or training changes that will improve customer satisfaction by reducing future discrepancies. Management report requirements are identified by the SDR Committee members. To obtain report access, contact the Transaction Services WebSDR Help Desk at 937-656-3247.

117 117 WebSDR Introductory Training Management Report Design Goals Meet the requirements of users from various perspectives and functional areas: Dynamic query/standard output views Drill down capability from one report level to another – cascading reports Immediate on-line response to queries Download to user e-mail in EXCEL file format User friendly Single query choice page to make selections Offers variable search parameters resulting in the flexibility to have thousands of possible report criteria. Return to Table of Contents

118 118 WebSDR Introductory Training DoD WebSDR Query Composite view Locates all records associated with an SDR Displays abbreviated content in reverse chronologic order (most recent on top) Allows quick overview of each action from original submission through each subsequent action Used as a primary management tool or as one of the drill-down levels in more complex management reports Contains links for drill down to each individual record

119 119 WebSDR Introductory Training Management Report “Canned” Queries These are pre-scheduled, repetitive reports with pre-defined criteria. Excel worksheets distributed to designated Component representatives by email Plan is to also make these available via the Web An example of a canned query is the monthly report on transshipper-prepared SDRs (Document Type W) distributed to USTRANSCOM and ICP representatives Components may identify recurring report requirements by Proposed DLMS Change (PDC)

120 120 WebSDR Introductory Training Service/Agency Implementation Team Research Queries Restricted access to limited number of Component representatives providing access to research SDR processing history and other normally “hidden” information Displays tracking of each transaction associated with the WebSDR control number through various steps during processing Separate query identifies Web user who entered a specific SDR Return to Table of Contents

121 121 WebSDR Introductory Training How To Perform Queries Against DoD WebSDR History Records

122 122 WebSDR Introductory Training DoD WebSDR Queries Once you have successfully logged on to WebSDR, you may select “Queries” to get started.

123 123 WebSDR Introductory Training DoD WebSDR Queries cont. Based upon your research goals you will select one of two options: Select “Composite View” to obtain an overview of all actions related to the SDR, from submission through action activity reply. Select “WebSDR Report Preparation” to identify report criteria for any other type of management report. This option requires SAR access. Call the Transaction Services Help Desk at 937-656-3247 or DSN 986-3247 to request access. Access Restricted

124 124 WebSDR Introductory Training Composite View Once you have selected composite view, you can now search by the DoD WebSDR control number, component control number, or you can enter the document number with or without the suffix.

125 125 WebSDR Introductory Training Composite View The composite view presents an abbreviated summary (or snapshot) of all the transactions associated with the identified SDR Scroll down the screen for an overview of each individual action related to the original SDR submission. These are shown in chronologic sequence (with the newest submission at the top) Click on links to drill down for full SDR record display FOUO information has been obscured for training use. 125

126 126 WebSDR Introductory Training Agency / Service Research Queries The Research Queries are limited to Service/Agency implementation team members.

127 127 WebSDR Introductory Training Service Agency Restricted Queries cont. “WebSDR Report Preparation” takes the user to the standard report selection screen. “Who submitted this SDR?” query will show the initiator POC information. “SDR Processing History” query will display processing details for transactions associated with a specific WebSDR control number.

128 128 WebSDR Introductory Training DoD WebSDR Queries Authorized users may select the second option to bring up a flexible search criteria screen to create the desired report. For information or access to the WebSDR Report Preparation screens, call the Transaction Services WebSDR Help Desk at 937-656-3247 or DSN 986-3247.

129 129 WebSDR Introductory Training Management Report Selection Screen Use multiple drop box lists to select criteria for your search. The “View” determines column headings for the summary report. Use the selection options to narrow the scope of your report. Regardless of the search criteria, the results will be configured in the standard output hierarchy.

130 130 WebSDR Introductory Training Management Report – Summary View cont. The Summary View is the first level of management report standard output hierarchy. Drill down capability: All highlighted values may be selected to view all the SDRS that compose the selected value. The drill down results will be displayed as the detail level view as shown on next screen. Totals are calculated for all rows and all columns You will be able to change the view (how data is arrayed as indicated by column headers) while viewing the on-line report display. Only the first 1,000 records will be displayed on the screen, but approximately 65,000 records can be downloaded for email transmission of your report Click the highlighted text and WebSDR will forward an Excel version of the report directly to the user’s email account on file.

131 131 WebSDR Introductory Training Management Report – Detail View FOUO information has be obscured for training use. Select any of the SDR control numbers to drill down to the Composite View for that SDR The Detail View is the second level of management report output. All highlighted values may be selected to view the text name associated with the code. Return to Table of Contents Click the highlighted value and WebSDR will forward an excel version of the report directly to the users email account on file.

132 132 WebSDR Introductory Training DoD WebSDR Summary The DoD WebSDR is offered as a multi-purpose tool to facilitate SDR processing within the Department. Your Service or Agency may direct use of other automated support tools instead of, or in addition to, DoD WebSDR. Development of new system interfaces and enhancements to existing interfaces are ongoing (reducing reliance on email). WebSDR is achieving its goal for DoD-wide visibility of SDRs. DLA hopes your experience with DoD WebSDR will be satisfactory. If you encounter errors or problems, please use the Transaction Services WebSDR Help Desk to report errors or make suggestions for future enhancements. Help Desk Support: Commercial: (937) 656-3247 or DSN: 986-3247 E-Mail: This training is sponsored by: Defense Logistics Management Standards Office DoD SDR System Administrator Ellen Hilert or Ben Breen Return to Table of Contents

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