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OAM for L2 VPN Networks Using CFM and VCCV Olen Stokes Shane Amante Pranjal Dutta Yetik Serbest IETF 704 December 2007 draft-stokes-l2vpn-cfm-vccv-oam-00.

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Presentation on theme: "OAM for L2 VPN Networks Using CFM and VCCV Olen Stokes Shane Amante Pranjal Dutta Yetik Serbest IETF 704 December 2007 draft-stokes-l2vpn-cfm-vccv-oam-00."— Presentation transcript:

1 OAM for L2 VPN Networks Using CFM and VCCV Olen Stokes Shane Amante Pranjal Dutta Yetik Serbest IETF 704 December 2007 draft-stokes-l2vpn-cfm-vccv-oam-00

2 Objectives Reach working group consensus on how to utilize IEEE 802.1ag CFM and IETF VCCV in a L2 VPN environment Allow service providers to determine if there are any additional OAM capabilities required draft-stokes-l2vpn-cfm-vccv-oam-00Page 2

3 Assumptions Must consider both full mesh VPLS and hierarchical H-VPLS environments –Must consider Ethernet and PW access networks Adhere to existing L2 VPN standards draft-stokes-l2vpn-cfm-vccv-oam-00Page 3

4 Concerns Diagnosing VPLS forwarder problems –How do we verify the association of MACs with PWs? Reporting detected mismatches –Is there a need to be able to reply via the control plane? draft-stokes-l2vpn-cfm-vccv-oam-00Page 4

5 Potential Issues Reference model for H-VPLS node –RFC 4664 shows a single VPLS forwarder with a single emulated LAN interface –How do point-to-point PWs connect to this reference model? Placement of maintenance points with regards to the reference model –Inside reference model at emulated LAN interface or outside of reference model? draft-stokes-l2vpn-cfm-vccv-oam-00Page 5

6 Example H-VPLS Network CE-1 CE-3 PW-1 PW-3 PW-12 PW-13 PW-23 MTU1-s MTU3-s PE1-rs PE2-rs PE3-rs draft-stokes-l2vpn-cfm-vccv-oam-00Page 6

7 RFC4664 Reference Model VPLS Forwarder Bridge Emulated LAN Interface VPLS Forwarder Bridge VPLS Forwarder Bridge VPLS Forwarder Bridge PW-1PW-13PW-3 CE-1CE-3 MTU1-sMTU3-sPE1-rsPE3-rs Emulated LAN draft-stokes-l2vpn-cfm-vccv-oam-00Page 7

8 Reference Model with CFM VPLS Forwarder Bridge Emulated LAN Interface VPLS Forwarder Bridge VPLS Forwarder Bridge VPLS Forwarder Bridge PW-1PW-13PW-3 CE-1CE-3 MTU1-sMTU3-sPE1-rsPE3-rs Emulated LAN MEP draft-stokes-l2vpn-cfm-vccv-oam-00Page 8

9 Next Steps Reach working group consensus on applying the RFC 4664 reference model to a H-VPLS node draft-stokes-l2vpn-cfm-vccv-oam-00Page 9

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