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Dural AVF 52 year old right-handed gentleman with 3 month history of worsening unsteadiness. ROS significant for left pulsatile tinnitus over past 2 years.

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Presentation on theme: "Dural AVF 52 year old right-handed gentleman with 3 month history of worsening unsteadiness. ROS significant for left pulsatile tinnitus over past 2 years."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dural AVF 52 year old right-handed gentleman with 3 month history of worsening unsteadiness. ROS significant for left pulsatile tinnitus over past 2 years. Neurologic exam significant for diminished tandem gait. Otherwise, non-contributory. HEENT: Left retroauricular bruit. Imaging: –Head CT negative –MRI-- retrospectively suggestive of left transverse sinus DAVF



4 Shunt further explored by microcatheter angiographies of the left occipital and middle meningeal arteries

5 Venous access

6 Placement of Stent Across Venous Sinus Stenosis

7 Balloon Inflation Across Shunt Site

8 NBCA Embolization

9 Post-embolization LECA Angiography

10 Post-embolization LICA Angiography

11 Post-embolization LICA- Sparing The Left Transverse Sinus

12 Post-embolization LCCA Angiography

13 Post-embolization LVA ANGIOGRAPHY

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