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Standards Aligned Systems in Pennsylvania and in our School/District Governor’s Institute on Data-Driven Decision-Making July 13-18, 2008 WOODLAND HILLS.

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Presentation on theme: "Standards Aligned Systems in Pennsylvania and in our School/District Governor’s Institute on Data-Driven Decision-Making July 13-18, 2008 WOODLAND HILLS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Standards Aligned Systems in Pennsylvania and in our School/District Governor’s Institute on Data-Driven Decision-Making July 13-18, 2008 WOODLAND HILLS SCHOOL DISTRICT T. Banas, H. Bartko, M. Fricko, P. Friend, C. Gaither, J. Neff, P. Newton, K. Russo, I. Runco

2 Goals Define Standards Aligned Systems, identify its purpose, and understand all segments of the system Investigate the relationship between the PA standards and assessment anchors to the Big Ideas, Concepts, and Competencies Explore the Big Ideas, Concepts and Competencies in mathematics and literacy to identify and/or create links to our district curriculum and instructional practices Develop an action plan to provide all information back to school/district staff

3 Standards Aligned Systems

4 SAS Overview The Pennsylvania Standards Aligned Systems (SAS) is a collaborative product of research and good practice that identifies six distinct elements which, if utilized together, will provide schools and districts a common framework for continuous school and district enhancement and improvement.

5 SAS 6 Circles - Explained Clear Standards Clear, high standards that establish what all students need to know and be able to accomplish. Fair Assessments Fair assessments aligned to the standards. Curriculum Framework A framework specifying Big Ideas, Concepts, and Competencies in each subject area/at each grade level. Instruction Aligned instruction--aligning instruction with standards involves identifying strategies that are best suited to help students achieve the expected performance. Materials & Resources Materials that address the standards. Interventions A safety net/intervention system that insures all students meet or exceed standards

6 Clear Standards Standards summarize what we value in our educational program. Standards establish what all students should know and be able to accomplish.

7 Fair Assessments Aligned to PA Standards Summative Formative Diagnostic Benchmark

8 Curriculum Framework A framework specifying Big Ideas, Concepts, and Competencies in each subject area/at each grade or course level.

9 Instruction Aligned with standards in order to identify strategies that are best suited to help students achieve the expected performance.

10 Materials & Resources A repository of material from textbooks, reading materials, software, sample model curricula, and any other instructional resources that are needed to fit the framework and match the standards.

11 Interventions A safety net/intervention system to ensure that all students meet standards

12 Why do we need a Standards - Aligned System in Pennsylvania? To support districts with Curriculum, Assessment, and Instruction To provide Professional Development To promote an ongoing learning community To help all students to meet and when possible, exceed the PA Academic Standards

13 Does this mean a curriculum? NO intention of producing a mandated state-wide curriculum. Some districts may benefit from a “complete” voluntary model curriculum. Others will need curricular and instructional focused inquiries.

14 History of SAS Standards Aligned Systems began in the fall of 2006. Big Ideas were written for mathematics and aligned with the standards. Concepts and competencies were developed based on the Big Ideas.

15 History of SAS Essential questions, exemplars, and vocabulary were written to supplement the Big Ideas, Concepts, and Competencies. Three math teams – Core Team, Development Team, and Review Team – were created to enhance the math work.

16 Current SAS Work Teams in Literacy, Science, and Social Studies were created with volunteers from across the state to write the Big Ideas, Concepts, and Competencies in those disciplines. The Math Team has revised the Big Ideas, Concepts, and Competencies. Current work includes developing Essential Questions, Vocabulary and Exemplars. The SAS sites on Ed Hub (PDE website) have been uploaded with initial information for mathematics and literacy.

17 Current SAS Work Big Ideas, Concepts, and Competencies in literacy and mathematics will be utilized at the Governor’s Institute July 13-18, 2008. Summer 2008 - Big Ideas, Concepts, and Competencies in literacy, mathematics, social studies, and science will be posted on Ed Hub.

18 Pennsylvania’ s Definitions Big Ideas – Declarative statements of enduring understanding, for all students at each grade level/course. Concepts – What students should know. Competencies – What students should be able to do.

19 Let’s Look at SAS on Ed Hub Ed Hub Check out the system!

20 What are Big Ideas? Let’s look at Mathematics… A set of declarative statements of enduring understandings for all students at all grade/course levels. These statements have motivated sets of related ideas, concepts, skills and procedures that form the foundation of understanding, permanent learning and success at higher mathematics.

21 Big Ideas, Concepts, and Competencies Activity What are the five (and only five) really important things that you want all students to be able to do in mathematics at the end of 3 rd grade?

22 Big Ideas, Concepts and Competencies Answer the Question… What is the truly important mathematics at this grade level or in this course?

23 Big Ideas in Mathematics 2 nd Grade Time Measurement Time is just one aspect of measurement!

24 Why is this a Big Idea????? Measurement is a critical ingredient to understanding relationships and in applying mathematics to real- world situations.

25 Big Ideas in Mathematics 4 th Grade l w Area = l x w Area  16 squares + 6 squares Tiling, Decomposition of Shapes, Accumulation of Areas

26 Why is this a Big Idea????? It leads to Integral Calculus! Area Under a Curve

27 Big Ideas, Concepts, and Competencies What are Competencies? Using a backward design, why is it important to identify the competencies before developing lessons?

28 Possible Contents of SAS-Math Resources PA Math Standards PA Math Anchors PSSA Resources PVAAS Resources 4Sight Assessment Formative Assessment Alternative Assessments Big Ideas ConceptsCompetencies Reteaching Strategies Alternative Activities Subgroup-targeted Activities Other Interventions Instructional Strategies Complete Model Curricula Web Resources Alignment Guides for commercial programs

29 PA Math Standards PA Math Anchors PSSA Resources PVAAS Resources 4Sight Assessment Formative Assessment Alternative Assessments Big Ideas ConceptsCompetencies Reteaching Strategies Alternative Activities Subgroup-targeted Activities Other Interventions Instructional Strategies AYP STATUSCURRICULAR STATUSSTANDARDS/ANCHORS NONONENOT ALIGNED Complete Model Curricula WebResources Complete Model Curricula Web Resources Alignment Guides for commercial programs

30 PA Math Standards PA Math Anchors PSSA Resources PVAAS Resources 4Sight Assessment Formative Assessment Alternative Assessments Big Ideas ConceptsCompetencies Instructional Strategies AYP STATUSCURRICULAR STATUSSTANDARDS/ANCHORS NO – IEP MSTEXT DIRECTEDSOMEWHAT ALIGNED Reteaching Strategies Alternative Activities Subgroup-targeted Activities Other Interventions Complete Model Curricula Web Resources Alignment Guides for commercial programs

31 PA Math Standards PA Math Anchors PSSA Resources PVAAS Resources 4Sight Assessment Formative Assessment Alternative Assessments Big Ideas ConceptsCompetencies Reteaching Strategies Alternative Activities Subgroup-targeted Activities Other Interventions Instructional Strategies AYP STATUSCURRICULAR STATUSSTANDARDS/ANCHORS YESDISTRICT MADEALIGNED Resources Web Resources Alignment Guides for commercial programs Complete Model Curriculum


33 School-Based Team Sessions Wednesday, Thursday and Friday With Governor’s Institute Team Facilitator(s)

34 Standards Aligned Systems

35 Standards Aligned System 1. Is there strong, observable evidence that the standards- aligned curriculum and instructional practices are consistently implemented across all classrooms?

36 Team Assessment of Alignment Evidence of Alignment: Reading / English Lesson Planning Scope & sequence in Math and Reading Textbooks according to publisher District Policy mandating standards and anchors are part of lesson plans Adopt-An-Anchor Program implementation Current development of curriculum in 6,7,8 Science, Math, Reading/English Areas for Development/Improvement/Fine Tuning: Verify that new math and reading are aligned to state standards Verify standards are listed correctly in the lesson plans at all grade levels District wide distribution of available aligned curriculum Revise Math course sequence to ensure students take algebra II (Algebra II material is a requirement of the Grade 11 PSSA) Need to develop common Academic language in reading and math Provide time for department/team/grade level planning in all subjects Monitor Adopt-An-Anchor Program

37 Standards Aligned System 2. Is there strong, observable evidence that school staff regularly uses standards-aligned benchmark assessments to monitor and adjust instructional practices?

38 Team Assessment of Alignment Evidence of Alignment: K-8 4sight assessments Implementation of G-made at the high school Areas for Development/Improvement/Fine Tuning: Wider distribution of data (I.e. hot-list) among all teachers and how to use data Improve student attitude toward 4sight assessments Increase time to discuss data in teams Accountability for differentiating instruction based on data

39 Standards Aligned System 3. Is there strong, observable evidence that struggling students are identified early and are supported by an intervention infrastructure with a system for monitoring effectiveness?

40 Team Assessment of Alignment Evidence of Alignment: DIBELS, DRA, 4sight, TerraNova, PSSA data used to identify students for interventions Title I reading specialist support Areas for Development/Improvement/Fine Tuning: Faster turn around time of hot lists Involve all teachers in collection and review of data Implement plan for Story Town Reading Series at three levels Plan Title I Reading Specialist schedule to maximize time to provide interventions Develop a plan for transfer of student data (student information form)

41 Standards Aligned System 4. Is there strong, observable evidence that all students (e.g. English Language Learners, students with disabilities etc.) have access to challenging, on-standard curriculum and rigorous assignments?

42 Team Assessment of Alignment Evidence of Alignment: Language Arts – Leveled materials for ELL and adapted readers for special education Wilson Program (HS) is for students with decoding deficiency Language! Program (HS) for special education students reading at grades 2-6 levels Grade 8 – Reading Workshop - AMP Program (JH) Areas for Development/Improvement/Fine Tuning: Increase Differentiated Instruction to meet needs of students Adaptations provided by math and reading programs need to be properly implemented Initiate special education student participation in grade level concept instruction Improve inclusion at secondary level Initiate Co-teaching at secondary level K-12 plan for the identified at-risk student in the regular classroom

43 Standards Aligned System 5. Is there strong, observable evidence that the effectiveness and experience of the teacher are matched to the needs of students as equitably as possible?

44 Team Assessment of Alignment Evidence of Alignment: No evidence Areas for Development/Improvement/Fine Tuning: Develop district wide plan to assign most highly-qualified teachers to neediest students.

45 Standards Aligned System 6. Is there strong, observable evidence that professional development is linked directly to the school’s instructional priorities; is standards- based; and is differentiated to meet the continuous learning needs of school staff?

46 Team Assessment of Alignment Evidence of Alignment: Reading / English collaboration (JH) Writing Process (Primary / Intermediate) Open-Ended Responses Resource Work Special Ed. – development/training writing re-evaluations Danielson model for Leadership team Areas for Development/Improvement/Fine Tuning: Investigate procedures for additional Act 80 days Increase participation by principals and teachers in planning professional development Develop a plan for principals to receive Act 45 credits Expand role of Science / Math collaborative trainers Develop district wide plan to assist principals to maximize building level meetings Differentiate professional development based on the needs of the building staff Leadership****

47 Standards Aligned System 7. Is there strong, observable evidence that school staff and administrators meet regularly to reflect on their professional practice and the progress of student learning, through an on- going review and analysis of a variety of data and a sharing of best practices?

48 Team Assessment of Alignment Evidence of Alignment: Scheduled weekly meetings with staff and administrator Areas for Development/Improvement/Fine Tuning: Reorganize of department meeting to include Data Analysis, Best Practices Overview, Plan agenda for next time, Basic Structure Reorganize Faculty Meetings to include Data analysis and best practices overview, plan agenda for next time, basic structure Designate rotating leader for each department meeting

49 Standards Aligned System 8. Is there strong, observable evidence that new and/or “struggling” teachers, staff, and administrators receive timely, effective support and intervention?

50 Team Assessment of Alignment Evidence of Alignment: Monthly meetings of mentor/new teacher State mandated induction program Areas for Development/Improvement/Fine Tuning: Revamp Teacher Observation Process Schedule Post observation conference in a timely manner Increase accountability in Mentoring Process

51 Standards Aligned System 9. Is there strong, observable evidence that a significant proportion of the school’s resources (e.g., money, people, time) is directed toward strategies that enhance professional practice and the core instructional program?

52 Team Assessment of Alignment Evidence of Alignment: Curriculum review cycle District seeks most available state and federal grants Areas for Development/Improvement/Fine Tuning: Encourage the board of school directors to support recommendations of the Curriculum Review Committee Equitable distribution of basic supplies Review budget process to meet building needs Investigate zero based budgeting process Provide funds to modify bus schedule on state mandated testing days Review current planning, implementation, and fiscal fidelity of all grants Provide appropriate materials (I.e. calculator) for instruction and testing

53 Standards Aligned System 10.Is there strong, observable evidence that the principal is proactively involved in aligning the components of a standards-aligned system? Principal

54 Team Assessment of Alignment Evidence of Alignment: Currently varies by building Areas for Development/Improvement/Fine Tuning: Utilize ELI to develop principals as Instructional Leaders Train Principals to lead implementation of SAS Realign staff to give principal support with discipline to increase principal time for instructional leadership

55 Possible Priority Areas for Improved Alignment: 1. Establishment of a K-12 Standards Aligned System. 2. Comprehensive professional development to help principals/teachers directly in the classroom with respect to the current demographics of the students. 3. Specific Instructional Strategies that will increase the student engagement.

56 Plan for Communication How will our team communicate about PA’s Standard-Aligned System to our colleagues at our district/school? Who? When? On or about 8/4 – DE will overview of SAS with superintendent and obtain his support Presentation on appropriate in-service day Principals will be trained before 8/18 on SAS Year long SAS training, implementation, and monitoring How will our team communicate about our discussion regarding our local standards-based system alignment? (Evidences of Alignment and Areas for Improvement) Who? When? With support of superintendent, the conference team members in conjunction with the school leadership teams will work with building principals to disseminate information by the September 30, 2008.

57 Does our team have any needs for follow-up support? Any needs for follow-up support from IU, PaTTAN, DE, DSL, EAP TA, PDE?: Additional planning needed before determining additional support due to new Superintendent and other Administrators.

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