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 – Room #38178  QUESTION:  1. What do we call a melody or short theme associated with a person, idea, or object?

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Presentation on theme: " – Room #38178  QUESTION:  1. What do we call a melody or short theme associated with a person, idea, or object?"— Presentation transcript:

1  – Room #38178  QUESTION:  1. What do we call a melody or short theme associated with a person, idea, or object?


3  There are several famous Leitmotifs used in operas, and most recently in cinema  Short melodies associated with characters are played as characters come on screen or are mentioned.  Usually a near full composition the first time the character appears – later just short segments of the music  The leitmotifs are used so often throughout the opera/film, that when you hear it you immediately think of the character!

4  Can you name the character? ▪ We talked about SOME of these yesterday…     

5  Sometimes leitmotifs are associated with a THING or FEELING  War, Love, Victory, etc.

6  Can you name the theme?       


8  Your favorite TV SHOW wants to go another direction – the staff wants to turn it into an opera.  For the TV Show to work as an opera, it needs leitmotifs associated with its main characters and common themes.  It’s up to YOU to determine what music should be used.

9  Groups of 3-5 people  Select a TV show that everyone in your group is familiar with. (Its hard to pick songs for characters you don’t know.)  You’ll want one with at least 5 frequent characters

10  As a group, decide what you’re going to create leitmotifs for…  You MUST do at least 5 characters  You MUST do at least 3 “ideas” (love, moral lesson, work, partying, etc. They could be more specific like “when Mike says ‘that’s awesome’” – as long as he does that a lot!)  You need 10 TOTAL – the other 3 can be characters, settings, or ideas.

11  On the handout, create a list of the characters and ideas (with brief descriptions)  What qualities define your characters?  When do the ideas come into play? Why are they important?

12  Using YouTube, select segments of songs to use as leitmotifs for the characters and ideas you’ve selected.  Music should reflect the character or idea being presented! They should help us better understand the character/idea. ▪ If your character is a “bad boy” don’t play happy music!  Music should be 10-30 seconds in length (nothing longer.) It can include words, or be instrumental. ▪ ALL EXAMPLES MUST BE CLEAN!!! ▪ Put this on your handout ▪ Make sure you note the START and STOP time of your leitmotif (it’s NOT the whole song!)

13  At the end of next week, you’ll present your leitmotifs to the class.  We’ll be in the lab Tuesday and Wednesday to put the presentation together.  Each slide should introduce us to the character, with a detailed description (in case someone hasn’t seen the show), then briefly explain the music you selected for them, and play it for the class.  You will do the same for the ideas you’ve selected.

14 Mrs. Buchholz’s Example (only 3 leitmotifs – you need 10!)

15 24 is a show full of action. It follows Jack Bauer as he works with CTU (the Counter- Terrorist Unit) to prevent terrorists attacks on the United States. It was on FOX for 8 seasons and is coming back this May as a mini-series.

16  Main character  Started as director of CTU Los Angeles, but in most seasons worked as head of Field Operations. He has also worked for Homeland Security and CTU: NY (later seasons.)  Frequently pushes the envelope – he does whatever it takes to get the job done. This often includes torturing suspects.  He is highly efficient with firearms, and can fly planes and helicopters.  He’s a scary guy with a noble purpose.

17  Jack goes to extreme measures to get the job done, but always with good intentions  Leitmotif: Shostakovich Symphony No. 5 (40:21- 31)Shostakovich Symphony No. 5 (40:21- 31)  Because it’s scary sounding, but still full of strength and power

18  Jack, and his CTU coworkers, are often seen torturing the enemies in an effort to get information  Sometimes they’re injecting captives with things specifically designed to cause them pain, other times its physical infliction, or, in extreme cases, hurting ones loved ones.  A lot of times, Jack kills them after he gets the information anyway…

19  Since torture is painful, the music needed to be painful to hear.  Leitmotif: Joker’s Theme (:51-1:10)Joker’s Theme (:51-1:10)  Anytime any member of the team goes to extreme measures, this music will play – almost torturing your ears.

20  In each season of 24, someone close to the team dies (or gets seriously hurt.)  They may die in an attack, of a disease, or in combat.  It’s always a very sad moment, and the episode usually ends with a silent countdown.

21  When a CTU member dies, its always a shock to the audience – usually met with teary eyes.  Leitmotif: O Magnum Mysterium (5:23-End)O Magnum Mysterium (5:23-End)  Very sad music that makes you want to cry

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