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The Global Genome Biodiversity Network (GGBN) Data Portal & ABCDDNA Gabriele Droege Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem.

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Presentation on theme: "The Global Genome Biodiversity Network (GGBN) Data Portal & ABCDDNA Gabriele Droege Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Global Genome Biodiversity Network (GGBN) Data Portal & ABCDDNA Gabriele Droege Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem

2  A global network of well-managed collections of genome–quality tissue and DNA samples from across the Tree of Life  Founded in 11/2011 The Global Genome Biodiversity Network (GGBN)

3 24 Biorepositories CABC GGBN collaborators

4 Biodiversity Information Management Organizations GGBN collaborators

5  Provide open access to sample data (data portal)  Develop standards for sharing DNA and tissue information  Provide genome-quality samples from across the Tree of Life  Develop best practices related to management and stewardship of genomic samples and their derivatives, including appropriate access and benefit sharing (ABS) Goals

6 Provider xy BioCASe ABCDDNA DNA database DNA Different voucher data sources BioCASe ABCD Specimen and Tissue databases Index/ Data Portal Data Architecture Harvesting

7 -Dynamically generated during web query aggregating data from multiple sources -Oct 2013: 70.000 DNA and tissue samples and 17.000 taxa from 9 collections available -Customers have to sign MTA -Partners work independent -Hosted by DNA Bank Network

8 ABCDDNA  core ABCD plus DNA extension  Part of the core: Preparation (Extraction), Preservation, Permits, main voucher data (collecting event)  Relation and reference to underlying voucher specimen done by using UnitAssociation

9 ABCDDNA 1: n

10 ABCDDNA 1: n

11 ABCDDNA 1: n

12 Source material / specimens Molecular analysis data GGBN Data Portal GGBN Bridging the gap between natural history collections and sequence portals by providing the whole information chain

13  DNA Bank Network  GBIF infrastructure  specimen databases (BioCASe, multimedia), metadata registry, checklist bank  Sequence portals  ABCDEFG  Data Quality Tools  E.g. OpenUp!, reBiND, BiNHum, BioVeL Using existing infrastructure

14  SYNTHESYS III started 09/13 -> 11 further partners will join  DFG project starts 01/14 -> expanding the DNA Bank Network infrastructure into the GGBN  Switch to HIT (Harvesting and Indexing Toolkit), extended version (BGBM: BiNHum project)  DNA and Tissue extension for DwC -> enable use of DarwinCore-Archive/IPT in parallel to ABCDDNA/BioCASe  Two workshops this week: Today 16.30-18.00 and Friday 9- 10.30 Next steps

15 Thank you for your attention! © Jan Broz White paper: Droege et al. (2013): The Global Genome Biodiversity Network (GGBN) Data Portal doi: 10.1093/nar/gkt928 GGBN Conference in London 30 June – 02 July 2014 Thanks to: All GGBN collaborators and partners

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